Enable submodule stripping with scripting
To configure submodule stripping, use the SubmoduleStrippingSettings
Enable submodule stripping code example
This script displays how to use the C# Scripting API to enable or disable submodule stripping at the end of the build process.
Create a script in Assets\Editor
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using Unity.Web.Stripping.Editor;
public class SubmoduleStrippingMenu
[MenuItem("Window/Submodule Stripping/Enable Submodule Stripping")]
public static void EnableSubmoduleStripping()
// Automatically run submodule stripping after the build
ProjectStrippingSettings.StripAutomaticallyAfterBuild = true;
// Get the currently active stripping settings
var settings = ProjectStrippingSettings.ActiveSettings;
// Set the list of submodules that should be stripped
settings.SubmodulesToStrip = new List<string>() {
"WebGPU Support"
// Run additional compiler optimizations pass after stripping
settings.OptimizeCodeAfterStripping = true;
// Remove embedded debug symbols (PlayerSettings.WebGL.debugSymbolMode == WebGLDebugSymbolMode.Embedded)
// from build to save space
settings.RemoveEmbeddedDebugSymbols = true;
[MenuItem("Window/Submodule Stripping/Disable Submodule Stripping")]
public static void DisableSubmoduleStripping()
// Disable automatic submodule stripping after the build
ProjectStrippingSettings.StripAutomaticallyAfterBuild = false;