All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[7.0.0] - 2019-07-17
- Make multiselection work in a way that do not assume that the same parameter will have the same index in the property sheet.
- auto recompile when changing shaderpath
- auto recompile new vfx
- better detection of default shader path
- Bitfield control.
- Initial Event Name inspector for visual effect asset and component
- Subgraphs
- Move HDRP outputs to HDRP package + expose HDRP queue selection
- Add exposure weight control for HDRP outputs
- Shader macros for XR single-pass instancing
- XR single-pass instancing support for indirect draws
- Inverse trigonometric operators (atan, atan2, asin, acos)
- Replaced Orient : Fixed rotation with new option Orient : Advanced
- Loop & Delay integrated to the spawn system
- Motion Vector support for PlanarPrimitive & Mesh outputs
- Handle a possible exception (ReflectionTypeLoadException) while using VFXParameterBinderEditor
- Renamed Parameter Binders to Property Binders. (This will cause breaking serialization for these PropertyBinders : VFXAudioSpectrumBinder, VFXInputMouseBinder, VFXInputMouseBinder, VFXInputTouchBinder, VFXInputTouchBinder, VFXRaycastBinder, VFXTerrainBinder, VFXUIDropdownBinder, VFXUISliderBinder, VFXUIToggleBinder)
- Renamed Namespace
- Fix normal bending factor computation for primitive outputs
- Automatic template path detection based on SRP in now working correctly
[6.7.0-preview] - 2019-05-16
- Distortion Outputs (Quad / Mesh)
- Color mapping mode for unlit outputs (Textured/Gradient Mapped)
- Add Triangle and Octagon primitives for particle outputs
- Set Attribute is now spaceable on a specific set of attributes (position, velocity, axis...)
- Trigger : GPUEvent Rate (Over time or Distance)
- Fix shader compilation error with debug views
- Improve AA line rendering
- Fix screen space size block
- Crash chaining two spawners each other Case 1135299
- Inspector : Exposed parameters disregard the initial value Case 1126471
- Asset name now displayed in compile errors and output context shaders
- Fix for linking spawner to spawner while first spawner is linked to initialize + test
- Fix space of spaceable slot not copy pasted + test
- Position (Circle) does not take the Center Z value into account Case 1146850
- Add Exposure Weight for emissive in lit outputs
[6.6.0-preview] - 2019-04-01
- Addressing mode for Sequential blocks
- Invert transform available on GPU
- Add automatic depth buffer reference for main camera (for position and collision blocks)
- Total Time for PreWarm in Visual Effect Asset inspector
- Support for unlit output with LWRP
- Add Terrain Parameter Binder + Terrain Type
- Add UI Parameter Binders : Slider, Toggle
- Add Input Parameter Binders : Axis, Button, Key, Mouse, Touch
- Add Other Parameter Binders : Previous Position, Hierarchy Attribute Map, Multi-Position, Enabled
- Undo Redo while changing space
- Type declaration was unmodifiable due to exception during space intialization
- Fix unexpected issue when plugging per particle data into hash of per component fixed random
- Missing asset reimport when exception has been thrown during graph compilation
- Fix exception when using a Oriented Box Volume node Case 1110419
- Add missing blend value slot in Inherit Source Attribute blocks Case 1120568
- Visual Effect Inspector Cosmetic Improvements
- Missing graph invalidation in VFXGraph.OnEnable, was causing trouble with value invalidation until next recompilation
- Issue that remove the edge when dragging an edge from slot to the same slot.
- Exception when undoing an edge deletion on a dynamic operator.
- Exception regarding undo/redo when dragging a edge linked to a dynamic operator on another slot.
- Exception while removing a sub-slot of a dynamic operator
[6.5.0-preview] - 2019-03-07
[6.4.0-preview] - 2019-02-21
[6.3.0-preview] - 2019-02-18
[6.2.0-preview] - 2019-02-15
- Code refactor: all macros with ARGS have been swapped with macros with PARAM. This is because the ARGS macros were incorrectly named
- Better Handling of Null or Missing Parameter Binders (Editor + Runtime)
- Fixes in VFX Raycast Binder
- Fixes in VFX Parameter Binder Editor
[6.1.0-preview] - 2019-02-13
[6.0.0-preview] - 2019-02-23
- Add spawnTime & spawnCount operator
- Add seed slot to constant random mode of Attribute from curve and map
- Add customizable function in VariantProvider to replace the default cartesian product
- Add Inverse Lerp node
- Expose light probes parameters in VisualEffect inspector
- Some fixes in noise library
- Some fixes in the Visual Effect inspector
- Visual Effects menu is now in the right place
- Remove some D3D11, metal and C# warnings
- Fix in sequential line to include the end point
- Fix a bug with attributes in Attribute from curve
- Fix source attributes not being taken into account for attribute storage
- Fix legacy render path shader compilation issues
- Small fixes in Parameter Binder editor
- Fix fog on decals
- Saturate alpha component in outputs
- Fixed scaleY in ConnectTarget
- Incorrect toggle rectangle in VisualEffect inspector
- Shader compilation with SimpleLit and debug display
[5.2.0-preview] - 2018-11-27
- Prewarm mechanism
- Handle data loss of overriden parameters better
- Improved iteration times by not compiling initial shader variant
[4.3.0-preview] - 2018-11-23
Initial release