Custom HLSL Nodes (block and operator)
These Custom HLSL nodes enable you to execute custom HLSL code during particle simulation. You can use an operator for horizontal flow or a block for vertical flow (in contexts).
Node settings
Setting name | UI | Location | Action |
Name | Text field | Inspector | Choose the name of the block |
HLSL Code | Button | Graph node | Opens a code editor window |
Available Function | Drop down | Graph node | Pick which function to execute |
The HLSL code can be either embedded in the node or an HLSL file can be used. Multiple functions can be contained within the same HLSL source (embedded or file); in such cases, you must select the desired function from a dropdown list within the node. To ensure validity and correct interpretation by the VFX Graph, adhere to the following conventions.
Function declaration
To be properly recognized by VFX Graph the function must fulfill the following requirements:
- Return a supported type Supported types
- Each function parameter must be of a Supported types
- If you declare multiple functions, they must have unique names.
Inline documentation
You can specify a tooltip for each function parameter using the three slash comment notation as shown below:
/// <parameter-name>: the tooltip's text
These comments must be right above the function declaration.
/// a: the tooltip for parameter a
/// b: the tooltip for parameter b
float Distance(in float3 a, in float3 b)
return distance(a, b);
If you wish to write a helper function that should not appear in the node's selection list, use the special comment above the function declaration:
/// Hidden
float SomeFunction(in float a)
When implementing helper functions, you must use an HLSL file, not the embedded HLSL code.
Supported types
Basic types
HLSL Type | Port Type | Description |
bool | bool | A scalar value represented as a boolean. |
uint | uint | A scalar value represented as an unsigned integer. |
int | int | A scalar value represented as a integer. |
float | float | A scalar value represented as a float. |
float2 | Vector2 | A structure containing two float. |
float3 | Vector3 | A structure containing three float. |
float4 | Vector4 | A structure containing four float. |
float4x4 | Matrix4x4 | A structure representing a matrix. |
VFXGradient | Gradient | A structure that describes a gradient that can be sampled. |
VFXCurve | AnimationCurve | A structure that describes a curve that can be sampled. |
Texture types
HLSL Type | Port Type | Description |
VFXSampler2D | Texture2D | A structure containing a sampler state and a two-dimensional texture. |
VFXSampler3D | Texture3D | A structure containing a sampler state and a three-dimensional texture. |
VFXSampler2DArray | Texture2DArray | A structure containing a sampler state and an array of two-dimensional textures. |
VFXSamplerCube | TextureCube | A structure containing a sampler state and a cube texture. |
Texture1D | Texture2D | A one-dimensional texture. |
Texture2D | Texture2D | A two-dimensional texture. |
Texture3D | Texture3D | A three-dimensional texture. |
TextureCube | Cubemap | A cube texture. |
Texture1DArray | Texture2DArray | An array of one-dimensional textures. |
Texture2DArray | Texture2DArray | An array of two-dimensional textures. |
TextureCubeArray | CubemapArray | An array of cube textures. |
RWTexture1D | Texture2D | A read-write one-dimensional texture. |
RWTexture2D | Texture2D | A read-write two-dimensional texture. |
RWTexture3D | Texture3D | A read-write three-dimensional texture. |
RWTextureCube | Cubemap | A read-write cube texture. |
RWTexture1DArray | Texture2DArray | A read-write array of one-dimensional textures. |
RWTexture2DArray | Texture2DArray | A read-write array of two-dimensional textures. |
RWTextureCubeArray | CubemapArray | A read-write array of cube textures. |
HLSL Type | Port Type | Description |
StructuredBuffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-only buffer for storing an array of structures or basic HLSL data types. |
ByteAddressBuffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-only raw buffer. |
Buffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-only raw buffer for basic HLSL types. |
AppendStructuredBuffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-only buffer where you can append new entries. |
ConsumeStructuredBuffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-only buffer where you can remove entries. |
RWBuffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-write raw buffer for basic HLSL types. |
RWStructuredBuffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-write buffer for storing an array of structures or basic HLSL data types. |
RWByteAddressBuffer | GraphicsBuffer | A read-write raw buffer. |
The CustomHLSL functions are exclusively used within a Compute or Vertex Shader context. This means that derivative functions, such as ddx
and ddy
, are unavailable. Consequently, when sampling a texture, you must explicitly specify the mipmap level.
The simplest way to sample a texture is to use the VFX Graph structure called VFXSampler2D (or VFXSampler3D), which is defined as follows:
struct VFXSampler2D
Texture2D t;
SamplerState s;
VFX Graph provides the function: float4 SampleTexture(VFXSampler2D texure, float2 coordinates, float level)
float4 CustomSampleTexture(VFXSampler2D inputTexture, float2 uv)
return SampleTexture(inputTexture, uv, 0 /*first level*/);
But you can also use HLSL built-in functions to sample a texture using the VFXSampler2D fields.
If a sampler is unnecessary, you can also directly fetch from the texture using coordinates specified in pixel space.
float4 CustomLoadTexture(Texture2D<float4> inputTexture, int x, int y)
return inputTexture.Load(int3(x, y, 0 /*first level*/));
You can use two types of buffers: ByteAddressBuffer
and StructuredBuffer<>
The usage for both is consistent with any HLSL code:
: use theLoad
uint CustomLoadByteAddressBuffer(ByteAddressBuffer buffer, uint address, uint count)
return buffer.Load(address % count);
: use classic index accessor
float3 CustomLoadStructuredBuffer(StructuredBuffer<float3> buffer, uint address, uint count)
return buffer[address % count];
Gradients are specifically handled in VFX Graph (packed into a single texture) requiring a dedicated sampling function.
Here is the function definition: SampleGradient(VFXGradient gradient, float t)
float3 CustomSampleGradient(VFXGradient gradient, float time)
return SampleGradient(gradient, time);
Sampling a curve is similar to sampling a gradient.
Here is the function definition: SampleCurve(VFXCurve curve, float t)
float CustomSampleCurve(VFXCurve curve, float time)
return SampleCurve(curve, time);
HLSL Code Editor
You can edit your HLSL code directly within the Unity Editor by clicking the Edit
button on the node in the graph (see screenshot above).
The HLSL Code Editor supports the following shortcuts:
Ctrl + Z
andCtrl + Y
for Undo/Redo (independent from the Unity Editor undo stack)Ctrl + S
to save the current HLSL codeCtrl + Mouse Wheel
to change the font size
If you need to write down the name of a particle attribute, you can drag&drop drop the attribute from the blackboard to the code editor. This helps avoid any typo.