Set Attribute from Curve/Gradient
Menu Path : Attribute > Curve > [Add/Set] <Attribute> <Mode>
The Set Attribute from Curve/Gradient Block is a generic Block that allows you to write values to an attribute, based on a sample from an Animation Curve or Gradient, using composition. This Block can use various sampling modes to do this. The sampling modes are:
Over Life: Calculates the relative age (Age/Lifetime ratio) of the particle and uses it to sample the curve/gradient to fetch the value.
From Speed: Calculates the speed based on the length of the velocity attribute, and uses it to sample the curve/gradient.
Random: and RandomUniformPerParticle: Calculates random values between 0 and 1 and uses them to sample the curves/gradients. This random method enables you to create a non-linear distribution organically.
Custom: Exposes a float input port that you can use either with a property or Operators to sample the curve in a custom way.
Block compatibility
This Block is compatible with the following Contexts:
- Initialize
- Update
- Any output Context
Block settings
Setting | Type | Description |
Attribute | Attribute | (Inspector) Specifies the attribute to write to. |
Composition | Enum | (Inspector) Specifies how this Block composes the attribute. The options are: • Set: Overwrites the position attribute with the new value. • Add: Adds the new value to the position attribute value. • Multiply: Multiplies the position attribute value by the new value. • Blend: Interpolates between the position attribute value and the new value. You can specify the blend factor between 0 and 1. |
Alpha Composition | Enum | (Inspector) Specifies how this Block composes the alpha component of the color attribute. The options are: • Set: Overwrites the alpha with the new value. • Add: Adds the new value to the alpha value. • Multiply: Multiplies the alpha value by the new value. • Blend: Interpolates between the alpha value and the new value. You can specify the blend factor between 0 and 1. |
Sample Mode | Enum | Specifies how to calculate the value to sample the curve/gradient with. The options are: • OverLife: Uses an age/lifetime attribute ratio. • BySpeed: Calculates the speed of the particles and assigns the speed a value between 0 and 1 depending on a minimum and maximum speed range value. • Random: Calculates a random number between 0 and 1 every time the Block executes. • RandomConstantPerParticle: Calculate a random number between 0 and 1. This random number is unique for each particle. • Custom uses a custom value you can specify via an input port. |
Mode | Enum | (Inspector) Specifies how the Block calculates the random values to compose to the attribute. • PerComponent: Samples values for each component in a different curve, or a gradient for the color attribute. • Uniform: Samples values for each component from a single, common AnimationCurve. This setting is only visible if the Attribute you set is one with multiple components. |
Channels | Enum | Specifies which channels of the attribute this Block affects. This Block does not affect channels you do not include in this property. This setting only appears if you set the Attribute to one with channels. |
ColorMode | Enum | Specifies which components of the color attribute this Block affects. The options are: • Color: Affects just the particle's color. • Alpha: Affects just the particle's alpha. • Color And Alpha: Affects both the particle's color and its alpha. This setting is only visible if you set Attribute to color. |
Block properties
Input | Type | Description |
Depends on the attribute | Provides the AnimationCurve(s) or Gradient the Block uses to sample the value. If you set Mode to Uniform, this displays only a single curve with the name of the attribute. If you set Mode to PerComponent, for all attributes except color, this displays an AnimationCurve port for each component. If you set Mode to PerComponent, for the color attribute, this displays a gradient. |
Speed Range | Vector2 | The minimum and maximum speed this Block uses to normalize particle speeds between. This process is essentially the same as InverseLerp where the minimum (x) is a, the maximum (y) is b, and the particle's speed is value. This property only appears if you set Sample Mode to BySpeed. |
Sample Time | float | The value this Block uses to sample the curve(s)/gradient. This property only appears if you set Sample Mode to Custom. |
Blend | float | The blend percentage between the current value of the attribute and the newly calculated value. This property only appears if you set Composition or Alpha Composition to Blend. |