Menu Path : Operator > Color > RGB to HSV
This operator converts RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color values to HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color values.
This Operator is useful if you want to construct new colors or if you want to selectively change some aspect of an input color. To do that latter for example, you would use this Operator to change an RGB color to HSV, change the hue (the pure spectrum color), saturation (the intensity), or value (the brightness of the color), then use the HSV to RGB Operator to convert it back to RBG color.
Note: Color Operators work on a per-particle level. To recolor the particle's texture on a per-pixel level, use Color Mapping in the system's output Context or create your own shader via Shader Graph.
Operator properties
Input | Type | Description |
Color | Color | The RGB values to convert to an HSV color. |
Output | Type | Description |
HSV | Color | The converted HSV color from the input RGB values. |