All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[0.22.1-preview] - 2022-07-25
- feat: add "Invert" UI in SplineMaskNode
- feat: add "Show Grid" UI in SplineMaskNode
- change: set the masked color to transparent in SplineMaskNode + optimize the invert process
- fix: always include the selected objects in SelectionGroupColorRenderNode
- fix: DrawnEdgesNode was affected by SceneView
- fix: always execute Compositor even if its default Camera is unassigned
- fix: SplineMaskNode control point UX fixes
- fix: SplineMaskNode editor errors after undo/redo/add
[0.22.0-preview] - 2022-07-14
- feat: SplineMaskNode, a node to create a mask with multiple splines
- feat: add grids in the SplineMaskNode Editor
- feat: allow ValueNodes to be connected to JunctionNode
- feat: store the collapse/expanded states of nodes
- feat: enable HDR rendering in built-in and URP
- feat: add includeChildRenderers option in SelectionGroupColorRenderNode
- feat: add minDepth and maxDepth to DepthComparisonNode
- changed the initial node positions of CompositorGraph
- opt: allocate depth RenderTexture only when necessary for DepthComparisonNode
- deps: use
- fix: enable dragging the object of exposed nodes in Mac
[0.21.1-preview] - 2022-06-22
- opt: repaint the preview images of nodes and their labels when necessary
- change: the initial node positions of CompositorGraph
- doc: update documentation for new features in 0.21.x-preview
- fix: the style of the resolution in NodeImageViewerWindow for Unity 2021.x
- fix: show scale in NodeImageViewerWindow instead of inverse scale
- fix: keep previously connected value after deleting an edge of a ValueNode
- fix: show the value of FloatValueNode in its output port again
- fix: apply stylesheet to PinnedNodesWindow
- fix: ensure that VisualCompositor doesn't have PostProcessLayer
[0.21.0-preview] - 2022-06-15
- feat: support multiple groups in SelectionGroupNode
- feat: zoom and panning for NodeImageViewerWindow, plus a scale info and a reset button
- feat: Timeline support for FloatValueNode
- feat: add invert field in BoolValueNode
- opt: remove unnecessary Clear() operation in TransformNode
- fix: node positions (especially GroupNode) weren't saved properly
- fix: the name of edges were changed after reopening graph
- fix: change the field size in NodeImageViewer into a delayed field
- fix: cleanup resources when closing NodeImageViewer
- fix: hide context menu in ExposedReference fields (Lights, SelectionGroup, etc)
- fix: use the previous value when duplicating ExposedReference fields, instead of resetting
- fix: ensure node UIs behave and look consistently after enabling/disabing "Expose as Component"
[0.20.1-preview] - 2022-05-25
- doc: add documentation about PerlinNoiseValueNode and RandomValueNode
- change: show the output of value nodes in two digits decimal
- doc: update the documentation of AddNode, DifferenceNode, MultiplyNode, and SubtractNode
- fix: the UI label for VectorXValueNodes were empty
- fix: errors when changing the seed of RandomValueNode
- fix: support FormerSerializedAs for InputPort back and make FormerSerializedAs support more robust for ports
- fix: arrange the width of value nodes
- fix: show values in the label of all ValueNodes including RandomValueNode and PerlinNoiseValueNode
- fix: reset previously connected edge output of a ValueNode when the edge is deleted
[0.20.0-preview] - 2022-05-19
- feat: URP support for ShadowRenderNode (DirectionalLight)
- feat: HDRP support for ShadowRenderNode (DirectionalLight)
- feat: PerlinNoiseValueNode and RandomValueNode
- feat: print values directly in the output ports of value nodes
- deps: use
- fix: take mask into account when exporting LayerNode output in Separate mode
- fix: build standalone players successfully by using the actual type of CompositorNode in CompositorNodeProxy
- fix: ensure to use compatible GraphicsFormat in StandAlone builds in addition to the Editor
- fix: use UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering only for Unity 2021.x or lower
- doc: some links inside were not correct
[0.19.1-preview] - 2022-04-21
- fix: show the inspector of ToonClipMaskRecorderPlayableAsset
- fix: initialize the ports of nodes and reconnect edges only when rebuilding graph
- fix: compile error on 2022.2 (HDRP)
[0.19.0-preview] - 2022-04-18
- feat: add a menu item to open PinnedNodes window
- feat: add ExposedFieldAttribute types: Float, Vector3, Vector4
- feat: add Enabled field in FinalOutputNode
- doc: add FinalOutputNode section
- doc: add "Include Children" parameter in the documentation of GameObjectNode
- doc: add documentation on PinnedNodesWindow and node context menu
- doc: add gap extrapolation in the timeline documentation
- opt: skip applying post processing in FinalOutputNode and PostProcessNode whenever possible
- change: make the width of value nodes and value operation nodes shorter
- change: only enable FinalOutputNode when Post Processing package is installed
- change: remove unused size field from ProcAmpNode
- change: remove size field from FinalOutputNode
- deps: use com.unity.selection-groups@0.7.4-preview
- deps: use
- doc: update the picture of ProcAmpNode
- doc: update Timeline documentation (BandPassFilter, curves in demo step)
- doc: clarify that the background color of VisualCompositor is set in linear space
- doc: reorganize VisualCompositorWindow documentation
- doc: reorganize the nodes documentation by adding value nodes, gameobject nodes, and organize nodes category
- fix: the output color of ProcAmpNode was not correct in linear space Projects
- fix: allow transformation of Vector/float/int values to each other
- fix: make port names look nicer
- fix: prevent incompatible fields from being added as input ports
- fix: focus on all pinned nodes after pinning a node via menu (#891)
- fix: closing and reopening PinnedNodeWindow made all pinned nodes lost
- fix: close PinnedNodesWindow if VisualCompositor window is empty
- fix: PinnedNodesWindow was not synced after deleting the original node
- fix: ensure to clear exposed references of CompositorGraph during duplication
- fix: the exposed references in FinalOutputNode were linked after duplicating a graph
- fix: set the default value of HSVNode to show unchanged result initially
- fix: wrong color space of FinalOutputNode when the camera HDR setting is disabled
- fix: prevent FinalOutputNode from being added by user
- fix: leave a value set by a value node as it is after deleting an edge
- fix: do null checks in the destroy event of CompositorNodes
- fix: do null checks when destroying materials
- fix: show Vector3 port color correctly
- fix: remove missing Final Output Node warning.
- remove: random NoiseValueNode, RandomValueNode, and SmoothRandomValueNode
- remove: AnimationCurveValueNode
- remove: the preview of FinalOutputNode
[0.18.0-preview] - 2022-04-06
- feat: allow value assignment directly to ports
- feat: can pin nodes in a different window
- feat: copy paste functionality for nodes.
- feat: support extrapolation modes for VisualCompositor nodes
- feat: add a button to open HDRP asset if the color buffer format is not set correctly in HDRP projects
- feat: Timeline support for BandPassFilterNode
- feat: add "Include Children" field in GameObjectNode
- feat: FinalOutputNode in the Layer Stack (built-in render pipeline only)
- change: remove the end frame key when creating a Timeline clip
- deps: use com.unity.streaming-image-sequence@0.15.0-preview
- deps: use
- fix: warnings when using Timeline 1.6.x
[0.17.4-preview] - 2022-04-01
- fix: initialize ExposedReferences variables after duplicating a graph
- fix: handle unsupported graphics formats when creating RenderTexture
- fix: set the render output format to R16G16B16A16_SFloat in HDRP projects
- fix: keep curves when duplicating Timeline clips
[0.17.3-preview] - 2022-03-01
- fix: exposed references were linked when duplicating CompositorGraph in Project Browser
[0.17.2-preview] - 2022-02-18
- change: change the behaviour of resizing PlayableAsset for nodes to maintain scale by default
[0.17.1-preview] - 2022-02-17
- doc: add documentations on VertexColorRenderingNode and ProcAmpNode
- change: the hint text of ProcAmpNode and VertexColorRenderingNode
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.7.2-preview
- doc: update the picture of the inspector of VisualCompositor
- doc: update Timeline documentation (Visual Compositor Track)
- fix: error when deleting any track after clicking a TimelineAsset (not scene object)
- fix: remove pinging VisualCompositor GameObject when creating a new node
- fix: handle multiple calls of OnPostProcessAllAssets() when creating a new CompositorGraph
[0.17.0-preview] - 2022-02-10
- feat: VertexColorNode to render objects using vertex colors.
- feat: ProcAmpNode to do chroma keying with color adjustments.
- feat: VisualCompositorTrack to change CompositorGraph property in Timeline
- feat: add a button to open CompositorGraphWindow in the inspector
- change: make antiAliasingMode into a parameter override in PostProcess controls
- deps: update dependencies to
- deps: update dependencies to com.unity.selection-groups@0.7.1-preview
- fix: make sure to rebuild execution list after setting a graph to a VisualCompositor component
[0.16.2-preview] - 2022-02-09
- fix: LayerNode error on Unity 2021.x and 2022.x
[0.16.1-preview] - 2022-01-20
- deps: update dependencies to com.unity.selection-groups@0.6.3-preview and com.unity.barracuda@2.4.0-preview
- change: the tooltip text of DepthComparisonNode
- change: rename BuiltInPostProcessRenderNode to PostProcessNode
- doc: add a node output viewer section (#784)
- doc: add documentations for new nodes in 0.16.x
- DepthComparisonNode
- DepthConversionNode
- GoQLNode
- PostProcessNode
- Waifu2xNode
- doc: update LayerNode and PreviewNode sections
- doc: update the RenderNode section
- doc: update VisualCompositor component documentation
- doc: update VisualCompositor window documentation
- fix: add a UI label for the selected Waifu2x model in Waifu2xNode
- fix: renaming a node using Wacom devices would sometimes move the node unintentionally
- fix: ensure all normal nodes can be folded
- fix: internally remove deleted UI fields when the nodes have been deleted
[0.16.0-preview] - 2022-01-14
- feat: GoQL node to select GameObjects based on GoQL
- feat: DepthComparisonNode to output color that passes depth test
- feat: DepthConversionNode to convert depth to linear/non-linear space
- feat: Waifu2xNode to upscale images
- feat: BuiltInPostProcessRenderNode to execute post-process on built-in projects
- feat: add LayerMask parameter in RenderingNode
- feat: add MaterialOverride parameter in RenderingNode
- feat: make shadows setting overridable in RenderingNode
- feat: add crop functionality in VisualCompositor
- feat: add execute button in VisualCompositor
- feat: add RenderTexture info under output previews
- feat: "New" button to quickly create CompositorGraph asset
- feat: add checkboxes to enable/disable export in LayerNode/PreviewNode
- feat: NodeImageViewer window to view node outputs
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.6.2-preview
- change: "New" button to quickly create RenderTexture assets in LayerNode / PreviewNode
- change: the label info of textures in nodes
- fix: null checks when destroying invalid node proxies
- fix: null check before updating the compositor graph's execution
- fix: ExposedReference fields were linked when copying existing nodes
- fix: properly clear previous UI elements when rebuilding compositor graph view
- fix: frame all nodes after changing the active VisualCompositor
[0.15.5-preview] - 2022-01-05
- change: remove unusable error log in StreamingImageSequenceNode
- fix: disabling one LayerNode was hiding the output of LayerNodes above it
- fix: null error when logging RenderTexture usage
[0.15.4-preview] - 2021-12-23
- fix: ensure StreamingImageSequenceNode to use a compatible graphics format
[0.15.3-preview] - 2021-12-22
- feat: add a debug menu to output RenderTexture memory usage
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.timeline@1.4.8
- fix: make StreamingImageSequenceNode use the same RenderTexture format as the source
- fix: save the selected track in StreamingImageSequenceNode
- fix: make RenderingNode work on built-in projects with deferred rendering
- fix: make Texture2DNode's output use graphics format that is compatible with the source
- fix: reduce the amount of memory to render matte
- fix: ensure that each allocated RenderTexture has a name associated with it
- fix: deallocate RenderTexture when a node that requested it is deleted
- fix: CommandBuffers (built-in) were not initialized properly after reloading a scene
- fix: remove mipmap from intermediary output and do downsampling for preview if necessary
- fix: remove depth buffer allocation for screen shader nodes
[0.15.2-preview] - 2021-11-18
- doc: add a section about folding nodes
- change the order of background and input in BlendNode
- doc: update RenderNode documentation
- fix: output background when a BlendNode is disabled
- fix: renders depth when matte output is requested
- fix: HDRP shader warnings in non-HDRP projects
[0.15.1-preview] - 2021-11-17
- doc: add a node search section, and a search-box picture
- doc: add rename-nodes pic
- doc: add a node renaming section, and its picture
- doc: add highlight a node picture
- doc: update supported outputs for different render pipelines in RenderingNode
- doc: update the desc of ShadowRenderingNode and its picture
- doc: update the initial-view image (with a search box)
- doc: reorder the sections in the visual compositor window documentations
- doc: update timeline doc
- fix: use PackageRequirements to avoid compiling HDRP shaders on incompatible projects
- fix: errors when showing antialiasing menu in RenderingNode for Unity 2021.2.x
- fix: set the background to clear solid color for ShadowRenderingNode
[0.15.0-preview] - 2021-11-12
- feat: add a search box in the VisualCompositor window
- feat: output normal/uv in RenderingNode for URP
- feat: output UV in RenderingNode for HDRP
- feat: add a menuitem in Timeline to highlight the bound node in VisualCompositor window
- rework ShadowRenderingNode, so that we only use one light in the node, and the result is reliable
- optimize RenderingNode (builtin) to render depth only when required
- optimize RenderingNode (HDRP) to render depth/normal only when required
- deps: update to use
- fix: hide HDRPFullScreenCustomPass from appearing in the menu (HDRP 12.x and up only)
[0.14.3-preview] - 2021-10-25
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.5.4-preview
[0.14.2-preview] - 2021-10-21
- deps: update dependency to
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.5.2-preview
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.streaming-image-sequence@0.13.2-preview
- fix: HDRPCustomPass was broken during the auto-upgrade of VisualCompositor
[0.14.1-preview] - 2021-10-18
- doc: add JunctionNode section
- doc: add Project Settings documentation
- doc: add disabling non-VC cameras button section
- doc: update timeline integration documentation with the new workflow
- doc: update ToonClipMaskRenderNode section
- fix: inconsistencies between a CompositorNode and its proxy Object
- fix: set JunctionNode to be small
[0.14.0-preview] - 2021-10-13
- new nodes: JunctionNode
- feat: new workflow for recording node properties as keys in Timeline
- feat: share the same CompositorGraph for multiple VisualCompositor
- feat: add ProjectSettings to set the default mask channel
- feat: add a button in the inspector of PlayableAsset to reset the curve
- feat: add a button to disable non-VisualCompositor cameras to optimize Editor performance
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.5.2-preview
- only enable ToonClipMaskRenderNode when ToonShader package is added in the project
- stop controlling camera depth
- fix: VisualCompositorWindow was not refreshed after showing a VisualCompositor with null CompositorGraph
- fix: nodes were not working after undoing their deletion
- fix: links between nodes and their gameobject proxies were sometimes broken
[0.13.2-preview] - 2021-09-22
- deps: update dependencies to com.unity.streaming-image-sequence@0.13.2-preview
- deps: update dependency to com.unity-selection-groups@0.5.1-preview
[0.13.1-preview] - 2021-09-21
- doc: add AlphaClipNode section
- doc: add a page about VisualCompositor component
- doc: add a section about the relationship with camera component
- doc: update the quick-start picture to create CompositorGraph
- doc: update the SelectionGroupColorRenderNode section
- fix: animation using timeline was not updated if all curves were deleted
- fix: make the menu item to create CompositorGraph asset at the bottom
- fix: change the preview title of VisualCompositor
- doc: minor fixes for documents related to creating custom nodes
[0.13.0-preview] - 2021-09-15
- feat: new AlphaClipNode to clip texels under a certain alpha value
- feat: VisualCompositor preview in the inspector
- feat: add CullMode parameter to SelectionGroupColorRenderNode
- deps: update to use
- deps: update dependencies to use com.unity.selection-groups@0.5.0-preview
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.13.0-preview
- change: set the depth of the Camera of VisualCompositor to 100 by default
- fix: null check for minimap to avoid errors
- removed None mode in BlendNode
[0.12.2-preview] - 2021-08-26
- doc: document the minimap in more detail
- doc: add a section about disabling/enabling nodes
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.4.3-preview
- doc: update ColorMaskRenderNode picture
- doc: move up the creating/deletion of nodes section in the VisualCompositorWindow document
- fix: compile errors on HDRP and URP projects
- fix: use red mean color distance in sRGB space for ColorMaskRenderNode
- fix: exposing a node as a component created an additional enabled checkbox in the node.
[0.12.1-preview] - 2021-08-26
- doc: add documentation about linear workflow
- doc: add documentation about ColorMaskNode and SolidColorNode
- doc: add steps for adding/removing a node to/from a group
- doc: add installation page
- doc: add requirement to use R16G16B16A16 color buffer format on HDRP
- doc: update PreviewNode section
- doc: update BlendNode and LayerNode sections
- doc: update SelectionGroupColorRender section
- fix: set the size of the external RT of LayerNode based on the output size
- fix: border mode didn't work when premultiplied alpha is on for BlendNode and LayerNode
- fix: null mesh renderers when loading another scene
- fix: use black texture as the default texture in shaders by default
- fix: maintain edge consistency thru undo and redo
- fix: prevent layer nodes from being added to group nodes
- fix: crashes when deleting Group nodes
- fix: use FormerlySerializedAsAttribute to find renamed input and output ports
- remove: unused mask shader
[0.12.0-preview] - 2021-08-18
- new nodes: SolidColorNode, ColorMaskNode
- add a "preview in sRGB" for PreviewNode
- add RenderTexture information in PreviewNode
- add input port to SelectionGroupColorRenderNode and allow it to render trimmed selected objects
- add a popup field in VisualCompositor to show the final result in linear/sRGB color space (applies for projects with linear color space)
- support undo/redo in VisualCompositorWindow for creating/deleting nodes/edges
- support undo/redo in VisualCompositorWindow for adding/removing a node to group, with limitations
- support undo for "expose as component" operation
- add context menu to remove item from group.
- automatically adjust/stretch the input in BlendNode based on background
- automatically scale mask input in BlendNode based on the input size
- add "Premultiplied Alpha" field in BlendNode
- allow renaming node titles
- can enable/disable certain nodes to allow direct bypass using a checkbox in the node header
- add versioning to CompositorGraph
- rework BlendNode to output the same result as LayerNode
- make BlendNode output a result when the input or the background port is connected
- show node preview textures in linear for projects with linear color space
- set input colors of nodes to be in linear for all nodes in projects with linear color space
- hide all public fields of CompositorGraph in the inspector
- make public fields in VisualCompositor class to private
- change: change the alpha results of several blend modes
- deps: update dependency to com.unity.selection-groups@0.4.2-preview
- doc: update the supported Unity versions in the documentation
- doc: update on the initial creation of the default nodes of CompositorGraph
- doc: update pictures
- fix: bug in caching objects when there are multiple active VisualCompositors
- fix: y-scale value was always set to the x-scale value in TransformNode
- fix: update the output preview immediately after creating a node
- doc: fix typos
- remove unused dependency port from ShadowRenderingNode
- remove: CreateEdgeClassMethods menu item and unused code
- doc: remove Japanese docs from the repository
[0.11.0-preview] - 2021-07-14
- add a new DifferenceNode (for blending)
- doc: add a doc for creating custom nodes
- better user experience for AddNode, SubtractNode, MultiplyNode
- rename SubNode to SubtractNode
- rename inputRotationCenter to rotationCenter parameter in TransformNode
- change the order of fields of TransformNode
- rename previous DifferenceNode to SelectionGroupDifferenceNode
- rename IntersectionNode to SelectionGroupIntersectionNode
- rename UnionNode to SelectionGroupUnionNode
- change the tooltips of AddNode and SubtractNode
- convert changelog format to semantics versioning
- doc: update nodes documentation on some nodes (TransformNode, ShadowRenderingNode, etc)
- doc: update Japanese documentation for release in 2021-07
- fix: Subtract mode in BlendNode (and SubtractNode) to match the behaviour in well-known image applications
- fix bugs when using SelectionGroupColorRenderNode for meshes with multiple materials
- resize inputs/masks of LayerNode automatically
- force shadows to be enabled for ShadowRenderingNode
[0.10.0-preview] - 2021-07-08
- enable overriding global volume for SelectionGroupColorRenderNode in HDRP/URP
- enable overriding global volume for RenderNode in HDRP/URP
- enable overriding background color and camera clear flags for SelectionGroupColorRenderNode
- enable overriding background color and camera clear flags for RenderNode
- opening up API to support external nodes.
- add alpha to drawn edges output
- add color parameter to drawn edges node
- add minimap toggle behaviour. accessed from the window title bar context menu.
- add forceAlphaToOne parameter in InvertNode
- new nodes: AddNode, SubNode
- generic parameter overrides
- changed the transform order of TransformNode to
Scale * Rotation * Translation
- optimization to avoid updating reflected textures everytime
- deps: depends on com.unity.selection-groups@0.4.1-preview
- Timeline animation didn't play correctly in Playmode
- correctly allocate depth buffer when processing SelectionGroupColorRenderNode
- the UI allowed node creation when there is no CompositorGraphAsset assigned
- fix package warnings
- fix shader warnings
- fix errore when adding VisualCompositor component in HDRP project
- maintain aspect ratio of mask texture in the layer node.
- prevent repositioning of layer nodes.
- removed invert parameter from drawn edges node.
[0.9.1-preview] - 2021-06-08
- fix permanent material change of an object if it is assigned to more than one SelectionGroups
- fix duplicate layer stacks.
- check for deleted graph assets
- render the normals in camera space for HDRP
- opt: fix performance issues in finding scene components every frame, with major speed improvement in the editor
[0.9.0-preview] - 2021-06-02
- add ToonClipMaskRecorderTrack to easily record Toon matte and clipping masks through Timeline window
- restored implicit editor window lock
- show a warning if the color buffer format of an HDRP project is not R16G16B16A16
- rename ShadowNode to ShadowRenderingNode
- rename MaskNode to MultiplyNode
- rename StructureNode to EasyColorAdjustmentNode
- deps: update to use com.unity.selection-groups@0.4.0-preview
- connecting UV port of RenderNode caused the depth result to be incorrect
- fix the aliasing of normal output of RenderingNode
- maintain RenderTexture data precision (float/half) when creating RenderTextures as node outputs
- clear the background of the UV output of RenderingNode
[0.8.0-preview] - 2021-05-20
- generate normal buffer in HDRP
- generate depth buffer in HDRP
- a menuitem to lock VisualCompositor window
- add texture export for PreviewNode
- automatically create default graph when asset is empty.
- blit the alpha of Toon masks to RGB channels for ToonClipMaskRenderNode
- store used shaders inside VisualCompositor component
- wrong matte output of RenderingNode for HDRP when the background type of the camera is set to Sky
- fix BandPassFilterNode result when lowest range is set to 0
- fix a bug that was causing empty output when the first LayerNode didn't have any input (cycle on empty layers)
[0.7.2-preview] - 2021-04-28
- material initialization on ColorChannelNode, RenderNode, and TransformNode
[0.7.1-preview] - 2021-04-28
- make the matte of RenderNode appear on HDRP for non-sky camera clear flag
- the width of GroupNode was always constant
[0.7.0-preview] - 2021-04-27
- add ColorChannelNode
- add PreviewNode to preview RenderTextures
- properly set camera initially in applicable CompositorNodes
- set the default resizeMode to NoStretch for TransformNode
- change the execution order of VisualCompositor to 1000
- use downsampling before executing blur in BlurNode
- change the blur kernel for BlurNode
- merge CompositorCamera to CompositorComponent
- rename ObjectIDRenderingNode to SelectionGroupColorRenderNode and QoL improvements
- rename CompositorComponent to VisualCompositor
- deps: update to use selection-groups@0.3.3-preview
- fix matte output when using skybox
- initialize DrawnEdges curve properly in Timeline
- fix incorrect ambient light when "Ambient Mode" is set to "Dynamic" in "Visual Environment" property
- TextureWrapMode in TransformNode was not working for textures with depth
- the same VisualCompositor output was being shared among multiple VisualCompositors
- objects were always rendered using group color after using SelectionGroupColorRenderer
- fix flickering UI
- fix blur, which was affected by the size of Scene view
- ensure BlurNode to blit the last blurred result to the output
[0.6.0-preview] - 2021-04-09
- add contraction passes parameters in DrawnEdgesNode
- add timeline integration for DrawnEdgesNode
- add uvs output in RenderNode
- specify the output resolution of VisualCompositor directly
- add LevelAdjustmentNode to adjust black/white levels
- add Timeline integration to LevelAdjustmentNode
- add notes to VisualCompositorNodeTracks
- add useSrcAlpha parameter in BlendNode
- more intuitive parameters for LinearGradientNode
- more intuitive parameters for SphericalGradient Node
- only allow connection between compatible ports
- rename CompositorGraph and CompositorWindow menu
- correctly use specified size in TransformNode
- fix rendering for URP
- make ShadowRenderingNode properly work
- make the Y scale of TransformNode UI sync-ed if uniformScale is set to true
[0.5.0-preview] - 2021-03-30
- can assign unique name to ConfigurableCompositorNode
- support TransformNode in Timeline
- support LayerNode in Timeline
- support BlurNode in Timeline
- support BlendNode in Timeline
- support SphericalGradientNode in Timeline
- support LinearGradientNode in Timeline
- can choose mask channel in BlendMode and LayerNode
- hide exposed gameobjects
- simplify gradient shaders
- delete previously exposed gameObjects when unexposing a ConfigurableCompositorNode
- fix DrawnEdgesNode (edge detection node)
- added mipmaps so we can work with texture larger than screen output.
- disable blending for TransformNode
[0.4.0-preview] - 2021-03-25
- add crop to Transform node, set translation & rotation in pixels
- add wrapMode and resizeMode to TransformNode
- add depth + normals render output
- set output size in StreamingImageSequenceNode
- disable Y Scale in TransformNode based on uniformScale property
- hide internal compositor fields in the inspector
- hide "Expose property" popup for ExposedReference in CompositorNodes
- merged Texture2DNode and MaskNode2D
- deps: update to use
- clear the output RenderTexture before processing any LayerNode
- refresh Compositor when deleting an edge
- properly save duplicated nodes
[0.3.0-preview] - 2021-03-18
- integration with Timeline
- add rotationCenter to TransformNode
- add resolution controls for Render-related nodes
- add matte output port to RenderingNode
- add option to include child renderers in RenderingNode.
- new nodes: Texture2DNode, InvertNode, GameObjectNode
- use CompositorGraphAsset to save the Compositor data
- remove redundant layerNode options
- change the default blur settings for BlurNode
- set camera by default for RenderNode and ToonClipMaskRenderNode
- deps: update to use com.unity.selection-groups@0.3.2-preview
- always force the matrix calculation of SkinnedMeshRenderer in compositor
- fix shear when rotating in TransformNode
- clear output in BlendNode every frame
[0.2.0-preview] - 2021-03-11
- add BlendNode
- make ToonClipMaskRenderNode output matte and mask render outputs for materials with ToonShader
- output warning log when the main camera is not set
- keep scene camera's clear flags and background settings instead of overwriting with hardcoded values
- set correct default parameters for TransformNode
- change the default layer blend mode to Normal
- deps: update to use com.unity.selection-groups@0.3.1-preview
- fix crashes when creating RenderTexture nodes
- fix compile error when using URP
- only enable/disable renderer/light components when it is necessary. To show visual effects properly.
- show the camera output directly if the input port of a RenderNode is not set
[0.1.0-preview] - 2021-02-16
- add TransformNode
- add LinearGradient and SphericalGradient nodes
- support for multiple VisualCompositor components in the same scene
- deps: update to use com.unity.selection-groups@0.2.3-preview
[0.0.2-preview] - 2021-02-06
- deps: add dependency to use com.unity.selection-groups@0.2.2-preview
[0.0.1-preview] - 2021-02-05
- The first release.