Working with elements
The basic workflow in UI Builder starts with you creating some elements by dragging elements from the Library pane onto the Hierarchy. UI in UI Toolkit is built and layed out as a hierarchy of elements. The hierarchy dictates which elements are on top of other elements and the order in which elements appear visually in the UI. It is similar to a transform hierarchy in a Unity Scene, except width and height are also influenced by an element's parent or children. Another difference is that depending on which style properties are assigned, some children will drive the size of their parents, while some parents will impact the size of their children.
The basic construction block and base class for all elements in UI Toolkit, is the VisualElement
class. It serves as the main container element used to create complex layouts. For example, to have a Button
anchored to the bottom right of the screen, you would need this hierarchy of VisualElements
VisualElement #screen { flex-grow: 1; justify-content: flex-end; }
VisualElement #bottom-container { flex-direction: row; justify-content: flex-end; }
Selecting elements
You can select elements by clicking on them, both in the Hierarchy and in the Canvas. In the Hierarchy, holding down Ctrl / Cmd will let you select additional elements. In the Canvas, if you click again in the same spot on top of an element you will select its parent element, which can be repeated more to selected parents of parents until looping back to the original element.
Creation, reordering, and re-parenting
When you create elements from the Library pane, UI Builder will try to preserve their defaults with some exceptions. By default, elements will not get a name so they will appear in the Hierarchy using their type name. You can name them by double-clicking on the item in the Hierarchy or by selecting an element and finding the Name attribute in the Inspector. Worth noting that names in UI Toolkit are not enforced to be unique so they can only be used for identification within your own UI. UI Builder will not use element names for any internal identification or functionality.
To build a hierarchy, you can drag one or more elements in the Hierarchy to reorder them or move them between parents:
You can also drag elements into and from the Viewport Canvas, where a yellow line will appear to show you where the element will be placed:
You can cut/copy/paste/duplicate/delete one or more elements simply by selecting them, right-clicking on one, and selecting the option in the right-click menu - or by using the standard short-cut keys.
When you copy an element in the Hierarchy pane, what actually gets copied to the copy/paste buffer is the UXML text representation of the element and its children. This means you can paste it in a text editor directly or, the opposite, copy some UXML text and paste it in the UI Builder.
All actions you do to an element are actually applied to all its children as well. For example, deleting an element deletes all its children and duplicating an element will replicated the entire sub-tree of elements under it.
Read-only elements
You might see additional elements being created in the Hierarchy as children of an element that was just dragged from the Library folder. These child elements will appear grayed out in the Hierarchy. This happens because some custom elements, like most elements in the Standard tab of the Library, create their internal hierarchy upon creation. This internal hierarchy cannot be edited in the UI Builder because the UI Builder can only edit what it can represent in the UI Document (UXML) it is editing. If you look at the UXML, these internal hierarchies don't exist. UXML is more like an instruction set and not an 1-to-1 copy of the live UI hierarchy.