- Can delete element via Delete key.
- Can cut/copy/duplicate/paste Template instances, adding the correct Template registrations to the file.
- Can copy/paste elements to and from a text file as valid UXML.
- Can undo/redo changes to styles, hierarchy, and selection.
- Open documents, the current selection, and unsaved changes survive domain reload.
- Double-clicking a
asset in the Project opens it with UI Builder. Double-clicking a.uxml
that is already opened in UI Builder window will open the file in the default IDE. - Previously open document is re-opened after a Unity Editor restart.
- Renaming, moving, or deleting a
that is currently open in the UI Builder will give you the option to abort the operation or reset the Builder and lose any unsaved changes. - A dialog to Save/DontSave/Cancel will be shown if there are unsaved changes in the UI Builder, even if the UI Builder window is not open.
- The Builder will properly update itself if external changes are made to the currently open UXML and USS assets.
- The Builder will display a message saying unsaved changes are lost if there were unsaved changes and an external change was made to the currently open UXML and USS assets.
- If the Builder loads or reloads with a UXML or USS that has invalid or unsupported syntax, a dialog, console errors, and a warning overlay will display telling the user what happened. Saving will not be allowed in this state.
- Can select a StyleSheet via a root item that should have the name of the .uss file. This displays its dedicated Inspector.
- Can push the "+" dropdown menu in the toolbar to:
- Create New USS - this will open a Save File Dialog allowing you to create a new USS Asset in your project.
- Add Existing USS - this will open the Open File Dialog allowing you to add an existing USS Asset to the UXML document.
- Note: If there are no elements in current document, no options will display in this menu except a disabled options saying why no USS assets can be added.
- Right-clicking anywhere in the TreeView should display the standard copy/paste/duplicate/delete menu with the additional options to:
- Create New USS - this will open a Save File Dialog allowing you to create a new USS Asset in your project.
- Add Existing USS - this will open the Open File Dialog allowing you to add an existing USS Asset to the UXML document.
- Remove USS (only enabled if right-clicking on a StyleSheet) - this will remove the StyleSheet from the UXML document. This should prompt to save unsaved changes.
- Create New USS - this will open a Save File Dialog allowing you to create a new USS Asset in your project.
- Selectors get draggable style class pills for each selector part that is a style class name.
- In the StyleSheets pane, you can select selectors by clicking on the row or a style class pill.
- Can drag a style class pill from the StyleSheets pane onto an element in the Viewport to add the class.
- Can drag a style class pill from the StyleSheets pane onto an element in the Hierarchy to add the class.
- Dragging a style class onto an element inside a template instance or C# type in the Viewport adds it to the parent instance or C# element.
- Dragging a style class onto an element inside a template instance or C# type in the Hierarchy does nothing.
- Can drag one or more selectors to re-order them within the same StyleSheet.
- Can drag one or more selectors to another StyleSheet to move them to that StyleSheet.
- Can drag one or more StyleSheets between each other to re-order them.
- In the toolbar of the StyleSheets pane there's a field that lets you create new selectors. This field is disabled if there are no elements in the UXML document.
- After the field is focused, the explanation text is replaced with a default
and the cursor is set right after the.
to let you quickly add a class-based selector.Tested
- You can commit and add your selector to the active StyleSheet by pressing Enter.
- Newly created selector is automatically selected and if the StyleSheet is collapsed in the StyleSheets tree view, it gets expanded.
- If there is no USS in document, the Save Dialog Option to create a new USS file will be prompted and selector will be added to the newly created and added USS file.
- If the selector string contains invalid characters, an error message will display and the new selector will not be created - keeping the focus on the rename field.
- You can discover and append
from the : menu. - While the text field is selected, you should see a large tooltip displaying the selector cheatsheet.
- After the field is focused, the explanation text is replaced with a default
- When selecting or hovering over a style selector in the StyleSheets pane, all elements in the Canvas that match the selector are highlighted.
- With a selector selected, you can use standard short-cuts or the Edit menu to copy/paste/duplicate/delete it. You can also copy/paste the USS for the selector to/from a text file.
- Selecting an element or a the main document (VisualTreeAsset) should deselect any selected tree items in the StyleSheets pane.
- Right-clicking on a StyleSheet and selecting "Set as Active USS" will set the current active StyleSheet to this StyleSheet, updating the highlight (bold) of the active StyleSheet.
- When pasting a selector in the StyleSheets pane, it will be added to the active StyleSheet.
- Opening a Sub-Document will display the parent USS files (as read-only) after the sub-document's own USS files in the StyleSheets pane.
- Can rename USS Selectors directly inside the StyleSheets pane via double-click or the right-click menu.
- The root items should display the currently loaded .uxml filename.
- Can click to select an element.
- Can shift+click to select multiple elements.
- Can ctrl+click to select an additional element.
- Can drag element(s) onto other elements in the Hierarchy to re-parent.
- Can drag element(s) between other elements to reorder, with live preview in the Canvas of the new location as a yellow line.
- Can drag element(s) onto other elements in the Viewport to re-parent.
- Elements are displayed using their #name in blue. If they have no name, they are displayed using their C# type in white.
- You can always show the C# type of an element, even if it has a #name, by enabling the Type option from the
options menu in the top right of the Hierarchy pane. - You can show currently added style classes of an element by enabling the Class List option from the
options menu in the top right of the Hierarchy pane. - You can show currently added StyleSheets on an element by enabling the Attached StyleSheets option from the
options menu in the top right of the Hierarchy pane. - Elements are displayed grayed out if they are children of a template instance or C# type.
- Selecting an element inside a template instance or C# type displays the Inspector in read-only (disabled) mode.
- Dragging an element onto a template instance or C# type element in the Viewport re-parents it to the parent instance or C# element.
- Dragging an element onto a template instance or C# type element in the Hierarchy re-parents it to the parent instance or C# element.
- Dragging child elements of a template instance or C# type element within the element or outside does not work.
- With one or more elements selected, you can use the standard short-cuts and Edit menu to copy/paste/duplicate/delete it/them. The copied element(s) is/are pasted at the same level of the hierarchy as the destination element. If the source element's parent is deleted, the copied element is pasted at the root.
- Can copy/paste the UXML for the element(s) selected to/from a text file.
- Right-clicking anywhere in the Hierarchy opens the Copy/Paste/Duplicate/Delete/Rename context menu.
- Can double-click on an item to rename it.
- Can use the Rename command (optional hotkey like F2) to rename an item.
- During element rename, if clicking somewhere else (blurring the rename field), the rename will be applied and the rename field will go away.
- During element rename, if new name is not valid, an error message will display and rename will not be applied - keeping the focus on the rename field.
- When editing name of element in Hierarchy, clicking somewhere else will commit the change (if the new name is valid).
- Selecting an style selector or a the main StyleSheet in the StyleSheets pane should deselect any selected tree items in the Hierarchy.
- Elements have the correct icon to their left - same icon as in the Library pane.
- The right-click menu on a TemplateContainer will have the option "Open in UI Builder" that opens for editing the UXML document instances by inside the TemplateContainer.
- Clicking on an element that is part of a multi-selection should re-select just that element.
- Sub-Documents:
- Can open a UXML instance as a sub-document via the right-click menu on a
. - Choosing "Open as Sub-Document" will open the UXML instance in isolation but with the quick ability to return to the parent document.
- Choosing "Open as Sub-Document In-Place" will keep the parent document open while allowing changes to be made to the child UXML instance in the context of the parent.
- Elements not part of the sub-document open (part of one of its parent documents) will appear grayed out in the Hierarchy and in the Canvas.
- Can return to parent document by right-clicking on the sub-document's .uxml root item in the Hierarchy and selecting Return to Parent Document.
- These options are also available in the Viewport right-click menu.
- Can open a UXML instance as a sub-document via the right-click menu on a
- Can switch between Standard and Project tab using tabs in the Library header.
- Standard tab shows built-in elements.
- Standard tab mode can be switched to the tree view representation using Tree View option from the
options menu in the top right of the Library pane.Tested
- Project tab contains UXML assets (
) in the projectAsset/
folder under the UI Documents (UXML) header. - In the Project tab, the UXML item context menu contains an action to Add template to the current document as an instance, Open in UI Builder, and Open with IDE.
- You can view UXML assets (
) within thePackages/
folder under the UI Documents (UXML) heading using the Show Package Files option from the...
options menu in the top right of the Library pane. Note that only writable packages will be displayed. Installed packages that are read-only will not have any of their assets displayed. - Can enable/disable Editor Extension Authoring via the
options menu in the top right of the Library pane. - Project tab contains available project-defined custom controls with
defined under the Custom Controls (C#) heading. If there are no custom controls available, this heading will not be displayed.Tested
- Standard tab items that are only supported for Editor Extensions have an "Editor Only" tag beside them (in Tree View mode only).
- Hovering over items in the Library Project view tab shows a preview of that element in a floating preview box. The preview uses the current Theme selected for the Canvas.
- Can double click to create a new element instance at the root.
- Items that have corresponding
assets have an "Open" button (icon) visible (on hover) that opens the asset for editing in UI Builder. The currently open.uxml
asset in the Library is grayed out and is not instantiable to prevent infinite recursion.Tested
- Can click and drag onto a Viewport element to create new instance as a child. This will also focus the Viewport pane.
- Can click and drag onto a Hierarchy element to create new instance as a child, or between elements to create as a sibling.
- Can create (double-click or drag) template instances from other
- When creating template instances from other
, theTemplateContainer
name will be initialized with the name of the.uxml
asset being instanced. - When creating a new empty VisualElement, it has an artificial minimum size and border which is reset as soon as you parent a child element under it or change its styling.
- Library pane updates if new
files are added/deleted/moved/renamed to/from the project.Tested
- Sub-documents and their parents will all be grayed-out and disabled in the Library pane.
- In developer mode, an experimental option becomes available in the UI Builder's Project Settings to enable absolute position placement when dragging new elements from the Library.
- The current UI Builder package version is displayed in the Viewport title bar.
- Selecting File > New clears the selection, the Viewport canvas, the StyleSheets pane, the Hierarchy, and all undo/redo stack operations for the previous document. A prompt is displayed if there are unsaved changes.
- Selecting File > Open... displays an Open File Dialog and lets you select a
asset inside your Project. - Selecting File > Save asks for new file name the UXML if it is the first save, otherwise, it overwrites the previously saved/loaded file.
- Saving should work even if the opened assets have been moved or renamed (in which case, the UI Builder should update the USS Style paths inside the UXML document).
- Selecting File > Save As... always asks for a new file name and saves as a copy of the current document.
- Can select a zoom level from the 100% dropdown. Can also zoom via the mouse scroll wheel and Alt + RightClick + Mouse Move.
- Can reset the view and make sure the canvas fits the viewport with the Fit Canvas button.
- Can preview Light/Dark/Runtime themes inside the Canvas via the Theme popup field, independent from the current Editor Theme. Default Theme uses the current Editor Theme, while the other options force a theme to be used in the Canvas. If the runtime package is not installed, the Runtime theme will be substituted by the Light Editor theme.
- (2021.1+) Theme StyleSheet Support:
- UI Builder looks for and allows use of the Theme StyleSheet assets (.tss).
- Any discovered .tss assets in the Project are listed in the Theme dropdown in the main Viewport Toolbar.
- Allows previewing of user-made UI Toolkit themes, in addition to the default themes.
- Pressing Preview toggles Preview mode, where you can no longer select elements by clicking them in the Viewport. Instead, Viewport elements receive regular mouse and focus events.
- The
can be used to show/hide the UXML and USS Preview panes. This state is remembered across domain reloads. - A breadcrumb toolbar will appear when currently viewing a sub-document. Can click on parent documents to return to them.
Canvas Header
- Click on Canvas header displays document settings
- The currently open UXML asset name, or
<unsaved asset>
, is displayed in the Canvas header, grayed out.Tested
- If there are unsaved changes, a
is appended to the asset name.Tested
- Header tooltip contains project relative path to the open UXML asset.
- Canvas Style Controls:
- Selected element blue border header will now have quick toggles for flex and text alignment styles.
- Selected element with children will get toggles for
, andjustify-content
. - Selected element that is a TextElement will get toggles for
- Selected element has a blue border around it.
- If there are multiple elements selected, no blue selection border or header should be displayed.
- Selected element has a title header displaying the type of the element if it has no name, otherwise the name.
- Can be resized via handles on all 4 sides.
- Canvas has a minimum size.
- Right-clicking an element in the Canvas opens the Copy/Paste/Duplicate/Delete/Rename context menu.
- With an element selected, you can use the standard short-cuts and Edit menu to copy/paste/duplicate/delete it. The copied element and its children are pasted as children of the parent of the currently selected element. If nothing is selected, they are pasted at the root.
- Can click to select element.
- Selecting an element inside a template instance or C# type selects the parent instance or C# element.
- Relative position elements have bottom, right, and bottom-right handles that change inline
- Absolute position elements have all four side handles and all four corner handles visible.
- Absolute position elements have four anchor handles visible to set or unset the
inline styles.Tested
- Absolute position elements can be moved by clicking and dragging, changing
inline styles depending on anchor state.Tested
- Resize and position handles change different styles depending on anchor state (ie. if
styles are set, changing the width changes theright
style - otherwise, changing the width changes thewidth
- Canvas size is restored after Domain Reload or Window reload. It is reset when opening/creating a new document.
- Canvas size is remembered per-document.
- When changing Width or Height in the Inspector, the corresponding resize handles in the canvas are highlighted.
- When hovering over elements in the Canvas, the corresponding entry in the Hierarchy is highlighted.
- When hovering over elements in the Canvas, all StyleSheets pane entries of style selectors that match this element are highlighted.
- Canvas size is remembered for each asset and restored when loading the asset. It also means it survives Editor restarts.
- Clicking the root item (with the .uxml filename) in the Hierarchy displays the Canvas options in the Inspector:
- Can see and change the Canvas height and width.
- Can set to "Match Game View" to lock the Canvas size to the size of the Game view. Resizing manually in the Viewport will turn this lock off.
- Can enable/disable custom Canvas background via checkbox on Foldout header.
- Can set the custom Canvas background color/image Opacity per Background mode.
- Can set the Canvas background to be a solid color via the Color Background mode.
- Can set the Canvas background to be an image, can set the ScaleMode of the image, and can have the Canvas resize to match the image via the Fit Canvas to Image button.
- Can set the Canvas background to be a render texture for a chosen Camera.
- All of these settings are remembered next time you open the same UXML document.
- If custom Canvas background is disabled, or if fully transparent, and the Runtime Theme is selected, the Canvas will use the checkerboard-style transparent background.
- Can double click on an element that has a text attribute, or has sponsored a child element to serve as the text element, to edit its text in-place, directly in the Canvas.
- Once the in-place text field appears, it should have the same alignment, font style, and font size in order to perfectly overlap the existing text.
- Typing in the text field should increase its size and if appropriate, increase the size of its target element just as if the text attribute was being edited.
- Pressing ESC should undo any changes and restore the text value to what it was before editing.
- If the existing text value includes new-lines, the in-place text field will be set to multi-line mode and will need Shift+Enter to commit the new value.
- Clicking on the root item (with the .uxml filename) in the Hierarchy displays the Document Settings in the Inspector:
- UI Builder is now configured by default to be used for runtime UI. As such, many Editor-Only controls will not be available in the Library.
- To see Editor-Only controls and controls meant for use within the Editor, you can enable Editor Extension Authoring from the new Document settings Inspector by selecting the Canvas header or .uxml document in the Hierarchy.
- The Editor Extension Authoring setting is saved inside the UXML asset and therefore version controlled. This is unlike the Canvas settings which are temporary preferences.
- You can enable Editor Extension Authoring for all new documents or documents not opened by UI Builder before in the Project Settings > UI Builder settings.
- Clicking Through to Select Parent in Canvas:
- If you pick an element in the Canvas and then click again in the same spot, you'll select its parent element.
- You can click multiple times to select parent, grand-parent, etc. until the root of the Canvas after which it cycles back to the top-most element.
- Drag and Drop In Canvas:
- Can now start a drag operation from inside the Canvas.
- Canvas-starting drags can be dropped both in the Hierarchy and back in the Canvas.
- Can now drag elements in-between existing elements (siblings of the same parent) in the Canvas.
- A yellow line will appear where the element will be created or moved to.
Viewport Surface
- Can pan by holding down middle mouse button in the Viewport and moving the mouse.
- Can pan by holding down Ctrl + Alt + LeftClick (Command + Option + LeftClick on macOS) and moving the mouse.
- Can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, unless this is explicitly disabled via the "Disable Viewport Zooming via Mouse Wheel/Trackpad" option.
- Can zoom in and out by holding down Alt + RightClick and moving the mouse right and left.
- Zoom and pan are remembered per-document.
- Zoom and pan are restored after Domain Reload or Window reload. They are reset when opening/creating a new document.
- A notification will be displayed if no
is found. This can be dismissed via thex
.- Notifications don't come back after they are dismissed even after domain reload or Editor restarts.
- Can re-display all pending active notifications via the Toolbar
menu, clicking on "Show Notifications".
UXML Preview
- Updates text on any changes to hierarchy, attributes, or inline styles.
- Shows unsaved StyleSheet as path="*unsaved in-memory StyleSheet with...".
- Upon saving, all unsaved StyleSheet paths are fixed.
- (2019.4) Shows
tags for all root elements. - (2020.1+) Shows
tags at the top of the document, with any previous root element<Style>
tags removed. - The
namespace is aliased toui:
namespace is aliased touie:
. - Custom C# elements not in the
namespaces have no namespace alias and appear as their full type. - A relative path to a
asset is used in thesrc
attribute of the<Style>
tag if the asset is in the same folder as the main asset, or a subfolder of that folder. Otherwise, an absolute path is used. - A relative path to a
asset is used in thesrc
attribute of the<Template>
tag if the asset is in the same folder as the main asset, or a subfolder of that folder. Otherwise, an absolute path is used. - Pane header displays the name of the
asset being previewed. - If asset is saved on disk, a button to open the
asset in the default IDE will appear in the top-right corner of the pane header. - Special symbols in attribute values, like
\t \n & < > ' "
, are escaped properly when generating the UXML.
USS Preview
- Displays the contents of the currently selected StyleSheet (or the StyleSheet of the last selected USS selector).
- Updates on all StyleSheet/Selector changes.
- Dimension (Length) styles have the unit added to the USS (
). - Pane header displays the name of the
asset being previewed. - If asset is saved on disk, a button to open the
asset in the default IDE will appear in the top-right corner of the pane header.
- If multiple items are selected, the inspector should just show a message saying multi-selection editing is not supported and otherwise be blank.
StyleSheet Inspector
- Only visible if the selection is a StyleSheet (by selecting the root item in the StyleSheets pane).
- Can create new Selectors by entering text in the Selector field and pressing Enter (or the Create button).
- Shows quick help on selectors.
Style Selector Inspector
- Only visible if the selection is a selector in the current StyleSheet.
- Can change the selector text by changing the Selector field and pressing Enter.
Attributes Section
- Only visible if the selection is an element in the current document.
- Shows all valid attributes for the selected element, given its C# type.
- Attributes already set to a non-default value are highlighted with the same styling as Prefab overrides.
- Changing attributes updates the Hierarchy (or the StyleSheets pane), the Viewport, and the UXML Preview and changes are immediate.
- Right-clicking Unset on an attribute removes it from the UXML tag, resets the value to the element-defined default, and resets the override styling.
- Right-clicking Unset All on an attribute is the same as Unset except it unsets all set attributes.
- For the
attribute, the TextField is set to multi-line and accepts multi-line values. - For the
, andview-data-path
attributes, if invalid characters will not be accepted - showing an error message when the user types and invalid character. - For the
attribute, like on theObjectField
, validation and attempted auto-completion will be done - showing an error message if the type is invalid. - If a validated field already has invalid characters, no changes should be allowed except deleting the value completely or pasting a valid value.
StyleSheet Section
- Only visible if the selection is an element in the current document.
- Can add existing style class to element by typing the name of the class in the field inside the StyleSheet section and pressing the Add Style Class to List button (or pressing Enter).
- Can extract all overwritten Inlined Styles to a new style class selector, added to the active StyleSheet, by typing the name of the class in the field inside StyleSheet and pressing the Extract Inlined Styles to New Class button. If there are no USS files attached to the UXML document, a dialog will open allowing the option to add to new USS or to an existing USS.
- If the style class being added to an element is not valid, an error message appears.
- All style classes on the current element are displayed as pills.
- Style class pills have an X button that lets you remove them from the element, but only if the class was added in the current UXML document (and not via C# in a custom control's constructor).
- Under Matching Selectors, all matching selectors on the current element are displayed with read-only fields for their properties.
- Style class pills in the StyleSheet section show faded if there is no single-class selector in the main StyleSheet.
- Double-clicking on a style class pill in the StyleSheet section selects the corresponding single-class selector in the main StyleSheet, if one exists, otherwise it creates it.
(Inlined) Styles Section
- Only visible if the selection is an element in the current document, or a selector in the current StyleSheet (in this case, the tile will change to just Styles).
- Changing any value sets it in the StyleSheet or inline UXML style attribute and highlights it with a solid bar on the left side and bold font.
- Style category headers have an override bar and bold font if any child styles are overridden.
- All style value types are supported.
- Sub-section foldout expanded states are preserved between selection changes and domain reload.
- Right-clicking Set on a style field adds it to the UXML inline style or StyleSheet at whatever default or inherited value it was at when clicked.
- Right-clicking Unset on an style field removes it from the UXML inline style or StyleSheet, resets the value to default, and resets the override styling.
- The Set option in the right click menu on a style field should be grayed out if style is already set.
- The Unset option in the right click menu on a style field should be grayed out if style is not set.
- Right-clicking Unset on an styles category foldout is the same as Unset except it unsets all overridden style fields within that category foldout.
- Right-clicking Unset All on a style field or styles category foldout is the same as Unset except it unsets all overridden style fields.
- Align section toggle button strips change icons depending on the value of the flex-direction style.
- Length style fields have a dropdown to select Keyword or Unit.
- Some Length style fields support the
Unit. - Foldout style fields (like Margin and Padding) properly add the unit or keyword for each child style property.
- If the optional Vector Graphics package is installed, the background image style will allow assigning a vector image (scalable image) asset type.
- When focusing a size, margin, padding, or border style field, the selected element will have a color overlay showing its size/margin/padding/border.
- (2021.1+) Exposed UI Toolkit support for 2D Sprites for element background style.
- Can switch the type of background asset in the Inspector from Texture to Sprite.
- When in Sprite mode, a button will appear to open the 2D Sprite Editor with the currently assigned Sprite, assuming the 2D Sprite package is installed.
- (2021.1+) Rich Text Support:
- Font Asset style property in the Inspector allows use of the new FontAsset asset.
- If the FontAsset supports it, there are Text Outline and Text Shadow styling options available.
- Text elements get "Enable Rich Text" attribute which decides whether Rich Text tags are parsed.
- The "Text" attribute on text elements supports Rich Text tags which will style the text in the Canvas.
- If a style is getting its value from a USS variable, its style field label in the Inspector will appear highlighted.
- Selectors can now use USS variables for their style values via a new per-field variable mode. This is not supported on elements via inline styles.
- Right-clicking on a style field in a selector's inspector and selecting "Edit Variable" will:
- When editing a variable, a search dialog will appear.
- The search dialog will allow search all variables in the current theme that match the USS style property data type.
- If in Editor Extensions mode, additional Editor-Only variables will be displayed with an indicator that they are Editor-Only.
- Like before, "Edit Variable" mode can be enabled on a style property by just typing "--" without having to right-click.
- Details about the currently selected variable, like where it comes from, it's current value (with a preview if it's an image), will be show at the bottom of the search dialog.
- When editing inline-styles, details about a variable will display the same but in a read-only mode. Inline styles cannot be assigned a variable in UI Toolkit.
- The right-click option will be called "View Variable".