All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.0.0-preview.18] - 2021-09-29
- Backported fix for: [UI Builder] Text Shadow Color resets to clear after reopening the project
- Backported fix for: ArgumentException: Unhandled type ScalaleImage" error is thrown when Dropdown Element's VisualElement is selected
[1.0.0-preview.17] - 2021-08-30
- Fixed: The UI Builder's Attributes section was empty for editor versions 21.1 and earlier (this was an oversight and unfortunately got through 1.0.0-preview.15)
- Fixed: The package.json was not allowing latest package installs on 2019.4 from the Package Manager
- Fixed: The 'src' attribute was missing in Template UXML tag for 21.1 and earlier
- Fixed: The active theme was not applied to the document when a USS is added to the document (case 1358872)
- Fixed: Ensure that only modified files are saved to disk
- Fixed: No longer display '*' characters next to filename in the Hierarchy and StyleSheet panes (case 1355591).
[1.0.0-preview.16] - 2021-08-12
- Fixed GUID errors with UI Builder preview-15
- Fixed System.ArgumentException: A factory for the type Unity.UI.Builder.BuilderPane+UxmlFactory
[1.0.0-preview.15] - 2021-08-05
- Fixed many issues that span across various editor versions (2019.4 through latest 2021.2 beta)
- Added support for the UI Toolkit 1.0.0-preview.15 package
- The following compatibility matrix can be used to find out if/when you can use this package:
Editor version | Builder version | UI Toolkit version ----------------+------------------------+----------------------------- 2019.4/LTS | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) | built-in (editor only) 2020.3/LTS | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) | built-in (editor only) 2020.3/LTS | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) 2021.1 | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) | built-in 2021.1 | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) 2021.2 beta+ | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) | built-in (editor & runtime) 2022.1 alpha+ | pkg (1.0.0-preview.15) | built-in (editor & runtime)
Note that this UI Builder package (com.unity.ui.builder 1.0.0-preview.15) is only compatible with the UI Toolkit package of the same version number (com.unity.ui 1.0.0-preview.15). Any other combination is not supported.
[1.0.0-preview.14] - 2021-03-30
- Fixed compiler issues on 2021.1f1 with the UI Builder package when UI Toolkit package is NOT installed.
[1.0.0-preview.13] - 2021-03-17
- Fixed compiler issues on 2020LTS and other possible editor-package combinations.
- Fixed assembly build order when UI Toolkit package is present.
- (2020.2+) Fixed Rich Text controls availability when Text Core package is installed.
[1.0.0-preview.12] - 2021-01-16
- Added support for renaming USS Selectors directly inside the StyleSheets pane via double-click or the right-click menu.
- Added settings search support for UI Builder settings in the Project Settings window.
- Fixed not being able to create a single-character selector.
- Fixed exception thrown when selecting the currently open UXML asset in the Project Window.
- Fixed non-whole pixel size and position values resulting from resizing or moving elements in the Viewport with the zoom set to 75%.
- Fixed the InvalidCastException thrown when assigning a built-in image asset to a Texture2D in the UI Builder inspector.
- Fixed float and double attributes not being stored correctly in UXML as CultureInvariant.
- Fixed element highlight overlay not being reset after deleting the element.
- Fixed clicking in empty space in Hierarchy pane not deselecting a USS Selector and vice-versa for the StyleSheets pane.
- Fixed null reference exception when using the Align style properties on a USS Selector.
- Fixed handling of a deleted StyleSheet that is being used by the currently open UXML UI Document.
- Fixed being able to paste USS Selectors from the Hierarchy pane and elements from the StyleSheets pane. Paste now works based on which pane is currently active.
- Fixed document settings (like Canvas background and zoom) being reset when editing a sub-document in-place.
[1.0.0-preview.11] - 2020-12-04
- Package documentation has been fully updated to reflect the current state of the UI Builder.
- (2021.1+) Fixed Rich Text controls not properly hidden when the Text Core package was not installed.
- (2021.1+) Fixed UI Builder not automatically installing the 2D Sprite Editor package when required.
[1.0.0-preview.10] - 2020-11-26
- As of 2021.1.0a8, UI Builder is now a built-in module and no longer needs this package to be installed. We will still release new versions of the package, which is able to override the built-in version in Unity when installed, that will be slightly ahead of Unity for testing and validation.
- Canvas Style Controls:
- Selected element blue border header will now have quick toggles for flex and text alignment styles.
- Selected element with children will get toggles for
, andjustify-content
. - Selected element that is a TextElement will get toggles for
- Clicking Through to Select Parent in Canvas:
- If you pick an element in the Canvas and then click again in the same spot, you'll select its parent element.
- You can click multiple times to select parent, grand-parent, etc. until the root of the Canvas after which it cycles back to the top-most element.
- Drag and Drop In Canvas:
- Can now start a drag operation from inside the Canvas.
- Canvas-starting drags can be dropped both in the Hierarchy and back in the Canvas.
- Can now drag elements in-between existing elements (siblings of the same parent) in the Canvas.
- A yellow line will appear where the element will be created or moved to.
- Elements are no longer re-positioned during a drag operation (faded previews). They will move or be placed when the drag is finished.
- USS Variable Search:
- On a USS selector, right-clicking on a style field will show the option to "Edit Variable".
- When editing a variable, a search dialog will appear.
- The search dialog will allow search all variables in the current theme that match the USS style property data type.
- If in Editor Extensions mode, additional Editor-Only variables will be displayed with an indicator that they are Editor-Only.
- Like before, "Edit Variable" mode can be enabled on a style property by just typing "--" without having to right-click.
- Details about the currently selected variable, like where it comes from, it's current value (with a preview if it's an image), will be show at the bottom of the search dialog.
- When editing inline-styles, details about a variable will display the same but in a read-only mode. Inline styles cannot be assigned a variable in UI Toolkit.
- (2021.1+) 2D Sprites Support:
- Can switch the type of background asset in the Inspector from Texture to Sprite.
- When in Sprite mode, a button will appear to open the 2D Sprite Editor with the currently assigned Sprite, assuming the 2D Sprite package is installed.
- (2021.2+ or with com.unity.ui package installed) Rich Text Support:
- New Font Asset style property in the Inspector now allows use of the new FontAsset asset.
- If the FontAsset supports it, there are new Text Outline and Text Shadow styling options available.
- Text elements get a new attribute: "Enable Rich Text", which decides whether Rich Text tags are parsed.
- The "Text" attribute on text elements now supports Rich Text tags which will style the text in the Canvas.
- (2021.2+ or with com.unity.ui package installed) Theme StyleSheet Support:
- UI Builder now looks for and allows use of the new Theme StyleSheet assets (.tss).
- Any discovered .tss assets in the Project are listed in the Theme dropdown in the main Viewport Toolbar.
- Allows previewing of user-made UI Toolkit themes, in addition to the default themes.
- Other:
- (2021.1+) Added support for the new ScrollView Scroller Visibility attributes, replacing the boolean Show/Hide Scroller attributes.
- Fixes:
- Fixed re-importing of a child UXML asset that is instanced by a parent UXML asset causing the parent to be unusable via the Library pane.
- Fixed possible instability inside in-place sub-document editing mode after selecting elements belonging to a parent document.
- Fixed regression where the blue line between Hierarchy elements would no longer appear while dragging an element to re-parent.
- Fixed closing of no UI Toolkit installed warning disabling Viewport zoom.
- Fixed being able to drag elements onto existing elements outside the currently active sub-document.
- Fixed being able to drag or create elements onto empty space in the Canvas while editing a child sub-document in-place, leading to elements being added to the wrong document.
- Fixed unsaved changes * indicator not being reset when going inside a child sub-document while discarding changes in the parent.
- Fixed potentially losing assigned StyleSheets in parent document when discarding changes before going inside a sub-document.
- Fixed dragging on the label of the Canvas width/height fields not updating the Canvas size live.
- (2020.2+) Fixed ListView Horizontal Scrolling attribute value not being reflected properly in the Inspector.
- (2021.1+) Fixed element renaming field in the Hierarchy not responding to Enter or Esc.
[1.0.0-preview.9] - 2020-10-15
- (2020.1+) UI Builder will now add all "document level" StyleSheets as root
tags in the UXML document, instead of adding them as<Style>
tags under each root VisualElement. - (2020.1+) It is now possible to have no elements in the document but still attach a StyleSheet to the document (was not before). Deleting the last element in the document will no longer remove all document StyleSheets as well.
- Added project setting to disable viewport zooming via mouse/trackpad to alleviate accidental zooming on Mac.
- (2020.1+) Fixed styles being removed from root elements if those elements were adding their own local StyleSheet as part of their constructor or custom logic - such as Toolbar elements.
- Fixed inline styles not working in built Player after saving asset in Builder.
- Fixed being able to drag elements from Library to inside a black box C# element, like ListView, causing other problems.
- Fixed Tab Index attribute field label in the Attributes Inspector.
- Fixed Font Style field not appearing bold when overridden.
- Fixed no right-click menu appearing on Font property in styles Inspector.
- Fixed custom Canvas background image being partly under the Canvas header.
- Fixed lack of contrast in disabled class pills in Inspector.
- Fixed blue row highlight in Hierarchy for selected element not staying blue unless mouse was on top.
- Fixed selected Hierarchy item not having text color inverted in Light theme.
- Fixed being able to open read-only assets inside installed packages, leading to errors on save or dirtying the package cache.
- Fixed the grid background of the Canvas (when using Runtime Theme) not working when using the UI Toolkit package.
- Fixed errors around text mesh generation due to previews of really large UXML/USS documents.
[1.0.0-preview.7] - 2020-09-18
Unity 2019.3 is no longer supported. Please use 2019.4 LTS.
Fixed null ref exception when going into playmode while having StyleSheets open in the UI Builder.
- Fixed exception when selecting built-in image asset using the Asset Picker window on the Background Image style field.
- Fixed dragging inside the Hierarchy being unstable if the Canvas was zoomed/panned behind the Hierarchy pane.
[1.0.0-preview.6] - 2020-09-03
- Fixed potential crash when dragging selectors between StyleSheets.
[1.0.0-preview.5] - 2020-08-28
- Fixed potential Unity Editor freeze needing restart while dragging an element to re-parent in the Hierarchy.
- Fixed changes made to document before using "Save As" to create a new document still (wrongly) appearing in the original document.
- Fixed incorrect ability to drag a new element from the Library just above the root UXML item in the Hierarchy, leading to a corrupt UI Builder state.
[1.0.0-preview.4] - 2020-08-27
- Sub-Documents:
- Opening a sub-document will now display the parent USS files (as read-only) after the sub-document's own USS files in the StyleSheets pane.
- Can now also open a sub-document directly from the Viewport right-click menu.
- Can now open sub-documents "in-place" by right-clicking on a TemplateContainer (UXML Instance), either in the Hierarchy or the Viewport.
- Opening sub-documents "in-place" allows editing of child UXML instances in the context of their parent UXML document.
- Opening sub-documents "in-place" will show all elements not part of the sub-document (belonging to a parent document) faded in the Hierarchy and Canvas.
- Other:
- Added dismissible notification in the Viewport for when no UI Toolkit package (
) is installed in the current project. - Added option to see attached StyleSheets on each element in the Hierarchy via the Hierarchy's ... menu.
- Added support for live-reloading of UI in the Game view, assuming the version of the UI Toolkit package (
) with live-reloading support is installed. - Renamed Library/Project tab's "Assets" section to "UI Documents (UXML)" for clarity. This is different than the actual "Assets" folder entry in this tree view.
- Renamed Library/Project tab's "Custom Controls" section to "Custom Controls (C#)" for clarity.
- Added dismissible notification in the Viewport for when no UI Toolkit package (
- Fixes:
- Fixed dragging of unselected USS Selector in StyleSheets pane not working, requiring the user to select it first before dragging.
- Fixed Viewport panning hot keys on macOS to match the same keys used for the Scene view: command+option.
- Fixed exceptions related to
now requiringcontentContainer
to not be null in newer versions of Unity 2020.2. - Fixed compilation errors when using newer versions of
package due to changes tocomputedStyles
API. - Fixed possible corruption of parent document UXML (all Template src attributes removed) when saving child sub-document.
- Fixed not being able to create the
selector from the StyleSheets pane "Add New Selector..." field. - Fixed double-clicking on class pills in the StyleSheet section of the Inspector to create a new selector not working when no StyleSheets have been added to document.
- Fixed extracting inline styles to new selector that contain keywords such as Auto creating invalid USS (properties with missing values).
- Fixed Library/Project tab's "Assets" section's expanded state conflicting with the actual "Assets" folder item's expanded tree state.
[1.0.0-preview.3] - 2020-07-17
- Fixed errors when instantiating a UXML template via drag-and-drop.
[1.0.0-preview.2] - 2020-07-16
- Added ability to lock the Canvas to the size of the Game view via the Canvas settings inspector.
- Hierarchy and StyleSheets panes no longer expand all tree items by default.
- Added back value click-and-drag dragger on style fields.
- Activating Variable Mode on a Style Field and showing variable info are both now accessible via the right-click context menu on a field.
- Creating a new selector via the New Selector Field in the StyleSheets pane will now select it right after. This will also expand its StyleSheet if it is collapsed.
- Added ability to enable/disable Editor Extensions Authoring via the Library top-right 3-dots menu.
- Improved performance of the Inspector and selection changing.
- Added checks for circular dependency injection for UXML templates.
- Fixed Invalid Asset Type message dialog not displaying the path to the asset being added.
- Fixed ReadOnly attribute value not being read by the Builder Inspector correctly.
- Fixed removing class via Inspector class pill creating a new empty selector.
- Fixed double-clicking on a class pill in Inspector throwing errors and duplicating existing selector.
- Fixed extra newline added to USS if a selector is selected when saving.
- Fixed active USS being forgotten when saving or domain reloading.
- Fixed dragging from folder/section in Library throwing null references exception.
- Fixed setting Border Width (combined) to 0px only setting Border Width Left to 0px, but the not Right/Top/Bottom.
- Fixed extra context menu separators being added to Hierarchy right-click menu on elements inside template.
- Fixed generated UXML with inline styles being written with newlines on Windows.
- Fixed adding a new selector expanding all USS files in the StyleSheets pane.
- Fixed saving resetting the expanded states of USS files in the StyleSheets pane.
[1.0.0-preview.1] - 2020-06-18
Unity 2019.2 is no longer supported.
(2020.1+) Multi-Selection Support:
- Can now select more than one element or USS selector at the same time via Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click in the Hierarchy.
- When multiple elements or USS selectors are selected, the Inspector will not display any controls. Editing of a multi-selection is not yet supported.
- Can copy/paste/duplicate/delete a multi-selection as long as all items in the selection are of the same type. This includes copy/pasting from UI Builder into a text file.
- Can drag-reparent or drag-reorder a multi-selection in the Hierarchy and the StyleSheets pane as long as all items in the selection are of the same type.
- New Editor Extension Authoring:
- UI Builder is now configured by default to be used for runtime UI. As such, many Editor-Only controls will not be available in the Library.
- To see Editor-Only controls and controls meant for use within the Editor, you can enable Editor Extension Authoring from the new Document settings Inspector by selecting the Canvas header or .uxml document in the Hierarchy.
- The Editor Extension Authoring setting is saved inside the UXML asset and therefore version controlled. This is unlike the Canvas settings which are temporary preferences.
- You can enable Editor Extension Authoring for all new documents or documents not opened by UI Builder before in the Project Settings > UI Builder settings.
- Variables Support:
- If a style is getting its value from a USS variable, its style field label in the Inspector will appear highlighted.
- Can now click on the label of a style field using a USS variable to see where the variable value is coming from (via a tooltip popup).
- Selectors can now use USS variables for their style values via a new per-field variable mode. This is not supported on elements via inline styles.
- Style field variable mode can be activated by double-clicking on its label or via a button in the tooltip popup.
- Sub-Documents:
- Added option in Hierarchy to open a UXML instance as a sub-document via the right-click menu on a
. - Can return to parent document by right-clicking on the sub-document's .uxml root item in the Hierarchy and selecting Return to Parent Document.
- Sub-documents and their parents will all be grayed-out and disabled in the Library pane.
- A breadcrumb toolbar will appear when currently viewing a sub-document. Can click on parent documents to return to them.
- Added option in Hierarchy to open a UXML instance as a sub-document via the right-click menu on a
- Other:
- Improved clarity of Library pane by moving Editor-Only tags to category headers instead of per-item.
- Re-designed Canvas Background settings. Custom background is not enabled/disabled via checkbox on Foldout header and Opacity is now remembered per type of custom background.
- The StyleSheets pane "States" menu has been moved inside the new selector field with the new label: ":".
- The StyleSheets pane "Add" menu has been removed. New selectors can now only be added by pressing Enter in the new selector field.
- Can now drag-and-drop selectors in the StyleSheets pane to reorder them or move them to another StyleSheet.
- Active StyleSheet will no have to be manually switched via right-click menu on the StyleSheet. It is no longer driven by current selection.
- Canvas now has a header displaying the open UXML file name (which is no longer listed in the Viewport's header).
- Canvas and document settings in the Inspector can now be accessed also by clicking on the new Canvas header.
- List-based attributes, like the Mask field's
attribute, now show and edit properly in the Inspector's Attributes section as comma-separated strings. - Instanced UXML templates inside main UXML document from the Library will now have their name initialized to be their .uxml asset name.
- Added right-click option to open a TemplateContainer's UXML asset directly from the Hierarchy.
- Fixes:
- Fixed right-click Unset on an Inspector category (ie. Margin & Padding) not properly un-setting all style properties within the category.
- Fixed initial size of the UI Builder window being too small the first time it's installed.
- Fixed removing of a USS from the document sometimes reloading the UXML immediately after and re-adding the removed USS.
- Fixed USS files not being added or removed properly to/from the document if all root elements were TemplateContainers.
[0.11.2] - 2020-05-14
- Fixed stack overflow error when deleting USS selector via right-click > Delete in the StyleSheets pane.
- Fixed name and icon of UI Builder window being reset to just "Builder" (and no icon) after a domain reload.
- (2020.1+) Fixed UXML Instance elements (TemplateContainers) not showing any attribute fields in the Inspector (like Name).
[0.11.1] - 2020-05-12
- Added a "+" menu to the StyleSheets pane toolbar to make adding USS assets to the current document more discoverable.
- Fixed UI Builder not being able to display if loaded UXML or USS have invalid or unsupported syntax, even after a Unity restart.
- Fixed regression where changes made to USS or UXML in external editor would be undone when the UI Builder refreshed.
- Fixed hover preview overlay in the Library not disappearing when opening a UXML document via the Library open icon.
- Fixed reloading the scene causing Canvas camera background to go blank.
- Fixed extracting of inline styles from the Inspector when there are no USS files attached to the UXML document. A dialog with options will now be shown.
[0.11.0] - 2020-05-05
- Multi-USS Support:
- Added support for attaching zero and more than one USS file to your UXML document.
- By default, new UXML documents will now start with zero USS files attached.
- From the StyleSheets pane, you can right-click to:
- add an existing USS file to your UXML document,
- create a new empty USS file,
- or remove a USS from the UXML document.
- In order to add a USS file to the document, there has to be at least one element in the UXML document to contain the
tag. - There is now the concept of an "active" USS file (marked with bold text). This will be the file new selectors are added via:
- the toolbar field,
- copy/paste,
- or the Inspector's Extract Inline Styles feature.
- Re-designed Library Pane:
- Library items now have icons! These icons also appear in the Hierarchy.
- New Library pane view with large icons in a grid.
- Elements that are only supported for writing Editor Extensions are now marked "Editor Only" in the Library.
- UXML files in the Library "Open" button replaced with icon that only appears on hover.
- Library is split into two tabs:
- "Standard" tab is where all standard Unity controls are located.
- "Project" tab is where all project UXML and custom C# controls can be found.
- Re-designed Selection Overlays:
- Improved the look of the selection overlay to not obscure the element. It's just a blue border now.
- The size/border/padding/margin overlays will appear only when editing size/border/padding/margin style properties in the Inspector.
- Added header on selected element with type or name being displayed.
- Other:
- Added support for editing of text in-place directly in the Canvas by double clicking on a text element.
- Added ability to hide the UXML and USS Preview panes.
- Added checkerboard-style background for the Runtime Theme to better visualize transparent elements.
- Added support for the system Rename command in the Hierarchy (which can optionally be given a hotkey, like F2, via the Shortcut Manager).
- Added right-click menu on Inspector Styles section category foldouts with option to Unset all style properties in a category at once.
- Added an icon to the UI Builder window tab.
- Added support for the vector image type (enabled if the optional Vector Graphics package is installed).
- (2020.2+) Added horizontal scrollbar to Hierarchy and StyleSheets panes.
- (2020.2+) Added support for the MissingReference style property type to allow users to fix broken paths in USS inside the UI Builder.
- Fixed
- Fixed invalid type conversion error when placing down a LayerMaskField.
- Fixed Wrap style "nowrap" generating incorrect USS with the wrong keyword, "no-wrap".
- Fixed ESC key not cancelling the Rename of an element in the Hierarchy.
- Fixed clicking somewhere else while renaming an element in the Hierarchy (de-focusing the Rename field) not committing the rename.
- Fixed background image and cursor style properties generating invalid USS if set to "none".
- Fixed extra fields being visible behind numeric StyleFields when the Inspector pane was really wide.
- Fixed extra escape characters being added to the style attribute in the generated UXML.
- Fixed having the ability to remove an un-removable style class that was not added in UXML in the Inspector.
- Fixed line endings used in saved UXML and USS to use Unity's project setting and/or OS-defaults.
- Fixed undo/redo history being cleared when entering playmode.
- (2019.3+) Fixed exceptions when opening a USS file with use of color keywords.
[0.10.2] - 2020-03-11
- Moved Hierarchy "hamburger/3-dots" options menu from a dedicated toolbar to the Hierarchy pane header.
- Newly created empty VisualElements will now auto-size themselves when given a background image, provided no other styles have already been overridden.
- The Inspector will now be blank when nothing is selected to match the Unity Inspector Window.
- Fixed handling of built-in resources assets when set via the Inspector. USS does not support such paths and this is now properly indicated with an message.
- Fixed background color style alpha value being reset to 255 if all other components were set to 0.
- Fixed ghosting of some inspector controls when the inspector was disabled.
- Fixed text overlapping controls in Library hover and drag tooltips.
- Fixed null-ref exception when deselecting an element after having made a change to style but not committed the change.
- Fixed Overflow style not being visually applied in the canvas when changed as an inline style.
- Fixed Canvas not being centered the first time the UI Builder window is opened with no UXML document loaded.
- Fixed escaping of
in image file paths inside inlined styles in UXML. - Fixed canvas background settings like Camera view being reset when saving file for the first time.
- Fixed the unsaved changes marker
not appearing beside file names in the StyleSheet, Hierarchy, UXML Preview, and USS Preview panes. - (mac) Fixed macOS playing the "bad key-press" sound when the Delete key is used to delete an item from the inspector.
- (2020.1+) Fixed showing a blank 3rd button in the Overflow style options in the Inspector.
[0.10.1] - 2020-02-06
- Improved handling of external changes made to the currently open UXML or USS asset. Unsaved changes will still be lost for now but the UI Builder will at least refresh itself properly after an external change.
- Added character validation for new style selector in the StyleSheets pane.
- Improved character validation when adding a style class to an element in the Inspector pane.
- Added character validation to the Name, Binding Path, and View Data Key attributes of an element in the Inspector pane as you type.
- Added type validation to the Type attribute, like on the ObjectField, with a bit of auto-completion.
- Added multi-line support to the Text attribute in the Inspector.
- Added the style fields' right-click menu option to Set a style (inline in UXML or in StyleSheet) at whatever default or inherited value it is at without having to modify it explicitly.
- Style fields' right-click menu options Set and Unset will be grayed out if the respective action is not applicable (can't Set something that is already Set).
- Added IMGUIContainer and all Toolbar controls to the Library.
- Added better (looking) default values for Gradient Field and Curve Field when hovering them in the Library and when adding them to the document.
- Copy/Paste and Duplicate will now focus the newly created element.
- Dragging an element from the Library into the Canvas will now focus the Viewport, letting you immediately delete it.
- When the Save Dialog appears, the UXML path field will automatically get focus.
- Pressing Enter in the UXML or USS fields of the Save Dialog will be equivalent to pressing the Save button.
- When editing name of element in Hierarchy, clicking somewhere else will now commit the change (if the new name is valid).
- Removed Reset button from Toolbar.
- Removed UI Builder's own assets and types from showing up in the Library.
- Element highlight while hovering the StyleSheets and Hierarchy pane will now be clipped by the Viewport and will no longer show on top of other panes.
- Fixed a bug where the UXML or USS Preview pane header would appear duplicated.
- Fixed special symbols in attribute values, like
\t \n & < > ' "
, not being escaped properly when generating the UXML. - Fixed extracting local style overrides to new USS selector not properly extracting
-type paths. - Fixed console errors when turning on Camera render texture background mode for the Canvas on new documents.
- Fixed SliderInt console errors when added to document and having the Step Size attribute not working.
- Fixed Opacity style percent field incorrectly casting the integer input values to float, causing a 5 to turn into a 4.
- Fixed ProgressBar Low Value and High Value attributes not being read properly from the element when displaying the Attributes inspector.
- Fixed
display: none
in a StyleSheet rule not being properly read by the Builder, causing console errors when showing the Inspector of the rule. - Fixed the Type attribute on the ObjectField immediately invalidating the UXML on first input character, causing import errors, and making it unusable.
- Fixed Slider default label saying SliderInt.
- Fixed tooltip and drag preview for Bounds and Bounds (Int) to not appear squished.
- Fixed zoom and pan not being remembered per document.
- Fixed being able to delete and move elements inside a C# element or UXML template instance.
- Fixed canvas theme not being re-applied when loading a document.
- Fixed Toolbar document name not getting the * for unsaved changes right after a save and a modification to inline styles.
- Fixed no preview showing up while dragging a ListView, ScrollView, or IMGUIContainer.
- Fixed double-clicking the .uxml document entry in the Hierarchy causing an error in the Console.
- Fixed asset rename/move warning dialogs to show the type of action being done (was always showing as a move).
- Fixed dragging from Hierarchy using right-click causing the preview tooltip to stay on screen when mouse button is released.
[0.10.0] - 2019-12-13
- Added zoom and pan support in the Viewport. There are view reset buttons and a zoom levels menu in the Viewport toolbar.
- Added support for changing the Length style unit.
- Added support for
unit (in 2019.3+). - Added support for keywords on numeric style fields in the Inspector.
- Added element context menu on the Canvas elements - same one as the Hierarchy context menu.
- Added Unset All option to the Attributes and Local Styles fields of the Inspector.
- Added name of uxml/uss file to the header of the UXML/USS Preview panes.
- Added button to the top-right of the UXML and USS Preview panes to open the source file (if saved) in the default IDE.
- A dialog to Save/DontSave/Cancel will now be shown if there are unsaved changes in the UI Builder, even if the UI Builder window is not open.
- (2019.3+) Fixed not being able to clear selection by clicking in empty space in the Hierarchy or StyleSheets panes.
[0.9.0] - 2019-11-25
- Explorer:
- Split up the Hierarchy and StyleSheets sections into their own separate panes.
- Moved the new selector controls that were previously at the bottom of all the selectors in the StyleSheet section to a new toolbar in the newly separate StyleSheets pane.
- Removed the "Class/Complex" modes in the new selector controls. The field now always allows for any type of selector, it just starts off with a "." already typed for you - defaulting to the style class selector.
- The new selector States dropdown is no longer a mode. It is now menu of pseudo states which are appended to the current selector string.
- The new selector field will now properly reset and refocus after adding a selector to allow for easy chaining of new selector creation.
- The new selector toolbar now has an explicit Add button to not just rely on Enter being pressed to create the new selector.
- When the new selector field has focus, the selector writing cheatsheet, previously available in the Inspector when selecting the StyleSheet, will now appear as a tooltip.
- The StyleSheets explorer now fully colorizes all parts of each selector using the same color scheme as the Hierarchy.
- What previously where the main tree view items for "the StyleSheet" and "the Hierarchy" still exist in the corresponding new pane as the sole root items, but now they display the filename they correspond to.
- Other:
- All style class pills in the StyleSheets pane and in the Inspector will now have yellow text to match the class names in the Hierarchy.
- Renaming, moving, or deleting a
that is currently open in the UI Builder will now give you the option to abort the operation or reset the Builder and lose any unsaved changes.
- Fixes:
- The UI Builder no longer explodes if a UXML or USS file currently open is deleted or renamed.
- Changing the value of compound fields like margin or padding will properly reset the "fake" new VisualElement size and border.
- Fixed not being able to drag elements into the empty part of the Hierarchy pane.
[0.8.4] - 2019-11-05
- (2020.1) Fixed UXML Template Instances created in the UI Builder not properly being saved to the UXML asset.
- (2020.1) Fixed VisualElements created from the Library not getting added to the generated UXML.
[0.8.3] - 2019-10-10
- Fixed inability to type a Canvas size in the Canvas Inspector because the min-value validation would kick in on every key press.
- (2019.3+) Fixed Viewport toolbar visual glitches with recent 2019.3.0b6+ and 2020.1.0a7+ versions.
- (2019.3+) Fixed Explorer toolbar settings menu (3 dots) visual glitch with recent 2019.3.0b6+ and 2020.1.0a7+ versions.
- (2020.1) Fixed compilation errors and various bugs when using recent trunk: 2020.1.0a7+
[0.8.2] - 2019-09-20
- Updated documentation after pass by docs team.
- Added support for the Runtime theme.
- Added back OptionsPanel sample and fixed it to work in the Assets folder after being imported.
- Added four new Samples derived from the Unite CPH 2019 Tanks demo.
- Added support for
function in USS which will be used if the asset being referenced is inside a Resources folder. - Renamed Inspector "Inherited Styles" section to just "StyleSheet".
- Renamed Inspector "Local Styles" section to "Styles" if inspecting a selector, or "Inlined Styles" if inspecting an element.
- Removed exposed UI Builder test windows from the Tests menu.
- Fixed the way the Builder's own package version was being retrieved for display in the Viewport header.
- Fixed Project section of the Library to properly handle elements at the root Project path (
) or root namespace. - Fixed the Library not updating when deleting or renaming an entire folder from the Unity Project window containing
assets. - (2020.1) Fixed compilation errors with latest trunk.
[0.8.1] - 2019-09-16
- Removed broken sample.
- Fixed fatal null reference exception at startup if package info is not available.
[0.8.0] - 2019-09-15
- Added full documentation.
- Toolbar:
- Moved New, Save, and Save As buttons in the Toolbar to a new File menu in the Toolbar.
- Added Open... option to the new File menu that opens a file selection dialog.
- Removed the UXML Asset Object Field from the Toolbar.
- Added name of currently open UXML Asset in the Viewport title bar, faded, and with a
when there are unsaved changes. - Added UI Builder package version to the Viewport title bar.
- Inspector:
- Updated Inspector icons.
- Inspector style class pills in the Inherited Styles section will now show faded if there is no single-class selector in the main StyleSheet.
- Double-clicking on a style class pill in the Inherited Styles section it will now select the corresponding single-class selector in the main StyleSheet, if one exists, otherwise it will create it.
- The label of the header field of a group of number fields (ie. border width) now has a dragger manipulator so you can drag-change all grouped fields (border sides) at once.
- (2019.3+) Border color style fields are now grouped under a Foldout with a header field that changes all 4 sides at once.
- Canvas:
- Added Canvas inspector. Access by selecting the Hierarchy item in the Explorer.
- Can add a custom Canvas background color, image, or camera view (with an Opacity setting).
- Removed Game button from Toolbar.
- Added and now enforcing a minimum Canvas size.
- Canvas size will now be remembered for each asset and restored when loading the asset. It also means it will survive Editor restarts.
- Other:
- UXML and USS Preview section now starts off minimized.
- Previously open document will be re-opened after a Unity Editor restart. Unsaved changes will still be discarded on Editor quit.
- Added PropertyField, ProgressBar, ScrollView, and ListView to the Library.
- Removed the default namespace from UXML generation, aliased the
namespace toui:
, and addedui:
to the main<ui:UXML>
- Fixes:
- Fixed
tag staying on root elements that are reparented to no longer be at the root, leading to multiple assignments of the same StyleSheet. - Fixed custom C# elements inside different namespaces not working because the default namespace in UXML was
. - Fixed UXML generation when a custom element had "UnityEngine.UIElements" in its full type but did not start with it.
- Fixed copy/paste/duplicate of elements with inlined style background images or relative stylesheet paths.
- Fixed pasting not always putting at the end of the selected element's parent's children list.
- Fixed first creation VisualElement helper visualizer and sizer not keeping the shape of its VisualElement if the parent element was set to flex-direction: row.
- Fixed Canvas manipulators not properly staying on top of the target element sometimes when the Canvas itself was being resized.
- Fixed Canvas manipulators not accounting for the target element's parent's border widths, causing jitters.
- Fixed uxml assets with the same names all being disabled in the Library when one of them was open.
- Fixed the asset name in the Toolbar ObjectField not updating after a new file Save or a Save As.
- Fixed Save As no properly rename the StyleSheet references in the new asset.
- Fixed Save As default folder path not being properly set to current document's folder in some cases.
- Fixed adding a new selector via the Explorer not updating the currently selected element's Inspector.
- (2019.3+) Fixed duplicate
tags appearing in the UXML after a Save As, one referencing the old StyleSheet.
- Fixed
[0.7.0] - 2019-09-06
- Major rework of the document managment to allow live updates where the assets are being used (Editor and Runtime). The UI Builder now operates directly on the imported assets, instead of copies.
- Added copy/paste/cut/duplicate support for USS Selectors, including pasting to/from a text file.
- (2019.3+) Added support for the
attribute in UXML for the<Style>
tags. A relative path to a .uss or .uxml asset will be used if the asset is in the same folder (directly or in a subfolder) as the main asset. Otherwise, an absolute path will be used. - Style category headers will now have an override bar and bold font if any child styles are overridden.
- Added the ability to select elements inside a Template instance or a C# element. When selecting such an element, all fields in the Inspector will be disabled. Also, such selections are only allowed in the Explorer, not the Canvas.
- Added "Fit Canvas" button in the Viewport that appears when the Canvas is bigger than the Viewport (an previously unrecoverable state), and that will resize the Canvas to fit the Viewport.
- Changed the options for the unsaved changes dialog on exit/new from "Yes" and "Cancel" to "Discard" and "Go Back", respectively.
- Fixed infinite recursion when instancing a UXML template within itself by disabling the currently open UXML file entry in the Library.
- Fixed being able to select the In-Explorer New Selector field/buttons row.
- Fixed Inspector scroll position resetting after undo/redo, selection change, and window reloads.
- Fixed Inspector foldouts sometimes not preserving expanded states properly.
- Fixed being able to resize panes until they are no longer visible. All panes now have enforced minimum dimensions.
- Fixed the Inspector binding to the wrong USS Selector when inspecting duplicate selectors (same selector string).
- Fixed error when saving new files to a folder that does not exit. Folders will now be created if missing.
- Fixed length styles with 0 as their value no longer getting "px" added.
- Fixed getting stuck navigating with the arrow keys in the Hieararchy when encountering an expanded Template instance of C# element.
- Fixed immediate de-selection of selected item in Explorer if clicking to the left of the tree item arrow.
- Fixed some items in the Explorer incorrectly appearing grayed out sometimes.
- Fixed folders directly inside the Assets folder appearing at the root of the Library Project tree.
- Fixed aggregate dimension fields (FoldoutWithField) not setting values properly if values were not previously set.
- (2019.3+) Fixed handling of user-made USS loaded with length properties that are missing units (and being loaded as floats).
- (2019.3+) Fixed aggregate dimension fields (FoldoutWithField) throwing null exceptions if values were not previously set.
[0.6.2] - 2019-08-29
- Fixed long style class name appearance in the Builder Pills. Long names will now be capped and an ellipsis (...) added.
- Fixed warnings and malformed USS/UXML generation when selecting None for the Font style. Will now disallow setting None and give a Log message saying None is disallowed.
- Fixed pressing backspace or delete in the new-selector field in the Explorer deleting the selected element.
- Fixed Align Items style being wrongly bound to Align Content.
- Fixed styles on new selector created via Extract Local Styles to New Class not affecting the original element.
- Fixed UIElements EditorWindow Creation Dialog not working and throwing errors with the UI Builder package installed.
- (macOS) Fixed copy/paste/duplicate creating double the amount of elements.
- (2019.3+) Fixed Opacity style in the Inspector not live updating the opacity in the canvas.
- (2019.3+) Fixed domain reloads breaking unsaved UXML documents with StyleSheet not found errors.
- (2019.3+) Fixed style groups (using FoldoutWithField, ie. margin-left, -right, ...) not working for Dimension styles in the Inspector.
- (2020.1+) Fixed Button Strip styling to account for new Button borders.
[0.6.1] - 2019-08-21
- Fixed USS Preview not updating when creating new selector directly inside the Explorer.
- (2019.3+) Fixed main StyleSheet path not properly being added to root elements.
[0.6.0] - 2019-08-21
- Redesigned UI/UX:
- Redesigned UX in Margin & Padding section in the Inspector.
- Redesigned UX in Background section in the Inspector.
- Redesigned UX in Text section in the Inspector.
- Redesigned UX in Display section in the Inspector.
- Redesigned UX in Flex section in the Inspector.
- Redesigned UX in Align section in the Inspector. Align section toggle button strips will change icons depending on the value of the flex-direction style.
- Shared Styles Improvements:
- Renamed "Shared Styles" header item in the Explorer to "StyleSheet".
- Renamed "Shared Styles" section in Inspector to "Inherited Styles".
- Renamed "Local Style Overrides" section in Inspector to "Local Styles".
- Added new Extract Local Styles to New Class button for extract all set Local (inline) Styles of an element to a new style class in the main StyleSheet.
- When hovering or selecting a style selector in the Explorer, all elements in the Canvas that match this selector will highlight.
- Added ability to add new StyleSheet selectors from inside the Explorer pane without going to the Inspector.
- When hovering over elements in the Canvas, all Explorer entries of style selectors that match this element will highlight.
- Other Improvements:
- Added ability to double-click on elements in the Hierarchy (or right-click > Rename) to rename elements in-place.
- When hovering over elements in the Canvas, the corresponding entry in the Hierarchy will highlight.
- When changing Width or Height in the Inspector, the corresponding resize handles in the Canvas will highlight.
- Will now expose all Unity, UnityEngine, and UnityEditor, namespaced custom VisualElements in the Library if Developer Mode is enabled.
- Save Dialog initial path will no longer be based on currently selected path in the Project Browser. It will now default to "Assets/" or the location of the previously saved document.
- Fixes:
- Fixed Save Dialog path fields pushing the "..." buttons out of the dialog when the path string was long.
- Fixed a null reference exception being thrown when double clicking on a section of controls or project folder in the Library.
- Fixed regression where Canvas resize handles would not stay highlighted (white) while being dragged.
- Fixed Font Style style not working at all because it was setting the -unity-font-style-and-weight property instead of -unity-font-style.
- (2019.3) Updated code and styling for 2019.3.0a12.
[0.5.8] - 2019-08-06
- Restructured the Border section of the Local Style Overrides inspector to more easily set all values at once.
- Added "Open" button to Library items that have equivalent .uxml assets for opening them in the UI Builder.
- Made it easier to navigate the Local Overrides Section of the Inspector by visually breaking up the categories.
- Added toolbar to Explorer section with menu for always hiding/showing the element type, name, and/or style classes.
- Added "..." buttons to path fields in the Save Dialog for prompting the system Save File Dialog for easier path selection.
- Added right-click context menu for Copy/Paste/Duplicate/Delete to the Hierarchy.
- Allowed split sections to get smaller so the UXML/USS preview section can be almost entirely hidden now.
- Fixed UXML assets inside Packages not showing up in the Library.
- Fixed StyleSheets in the Resources folder referenced in UXML not working in the Builder.
- Fixed the Save Dialog error box icon sometimes showing in the top left corder of the Builder.
- Fixed url() in USS when the object reference is null to write "none".
[0.5.7] - 2019-07-24
- Added Foldout to the Library.
- Major refactor of domain reload, window reload (F5), and window maximizing survival logic. There should be no more flickering when any serialization events happen and the builder state will now always survive, even when the Layout is changed or the Builder window is closed and reopened.
- Added check for unsaved changes when quitting the Unity Editor.
- Added first sample UI in Samples.
- Added back Game preview button that replaces canvas background with main camera view.
- Added back preview on hover in the Library for built-in controls.
- Library preview on hover will now display elements using the currently selected Theme for the canvas.
- Fixed inability to save UXML/USS docs to the "Packages/" folder by remove auto prepending of "Assets/" to the path and adding path validation checks in the Save Dialog.
- Fixed dashes wrongly being disallowed in style class names in the Inspector.
- Fixed Editor theme overrides not properly overriding the text color (ie. Light theme used in Dark themed Editor would still use white text color).
- Fixed the Font style field not properly filtering for the Font asset type or allowing you to set it.
- Fixed children not being hidden/unhidden when change the parent's Overflow style property.
- Fixed Size section of Inspector to properly show the bold override field style in all cases.
- Fixed Viewport toolbar theme selection dropdown to be properly styled for the toolbar.
- Fixed url() in USS not getting the starting "/" for absolute paths when using paths inside the Packages folder.
- Fixed USS Preview not updating when Builder window was Maximized.
- (2019.3) Added support for border-(left/right/top/bottom)-color styles.
- (2019.3) Fixed for and bumped trunk version to 2019.3.0a10.
[0.5.6] - 2019-07-04
- (2019.3) Fixed for and bumped trunk version to 2019.3.0a9.
[0.5.5] - 2019-06-25
- Fixed url() paths being added to UXML style attributes with unescaped double quotes.
- Fixed url() in USS not getting the starting "/" for absolute paths.
[0.5.4] - 2019-06-20
- (2019.3) Fixed copy/paste of elements with Length-type inline styles improperly importing and causing errors.
[0.5.3] - 2019-06-20
- Added support for saving with Ctrl+S (or Command+S).
- Changed left-hand blue bar on fields for value overrides to white/black.
- Changed "Empty Element" to "VisualElement" in Library.
- Fixed "Assets/" being added to new file save path when the Assets root folder was currently selected in the Project Browser.
- Fixed saving of an empty document creating an invalid UXML asset.
- Fixed Save As dialog matching uss file name to uxml file name even if the loaded uss file name was different from the uxml name.
- Fixed dummy child element of an empty VisualElement appearing in the Hierarchy after initial creation.
- Fixed elements having opacity set to 0.5 right after initial creation via drag from the Library.
- Fixed validation errors in saved USS asset due to border-width styles not having units added.
- (2019.3) Fixed duplicate style and class attributes in generated UXML.
- (2019.3) Fixed glitchy overlapping text on top of Explorer header.
[0.5.2] - 2019-06-19
- Removed use of the element preview window on Library mouse hover for the built-in Unity controls.
- The .uxml and .uss extensions will now be automatically applied if missing from the user supplied paths when saving.
- In the save dialog, changing the UXML path will now also update the USS path to match - until you manually change the USS path.
- The Builder will now properly save to the correct assets, even if they have been moved or renamed (in which case it will also update the USS Style paths inside the UXML document).
- Canvas size will now be restored after Domain Reload or Window reload. It will be reset when opening a new document.
- Fixed extra '>' appearing in the Explorer between selector parts.
- Fixed null ref exception when deleting an element while the mouse was over the element in the viewport.
- Fixed being able to save uxml/uss files outside the Assets folder.
- Fixed code previews overlapping the Inspector when the Viewport was too small.
- (2019.3) Fixed toolbar buttons shrinking when toolbar width got too small.
[0.5.1] - 2019-06-18
- Improved UX for size style fields in the Inspector.
- Fixed Save dialog displaying .uxml file extensions as initial value for .uss path.
- (2019.3) Fixed saving and loading of embedded USS paths in the UXML document.
- (2019.3) Fixed Save As dialog missing Cancel button printing rendering errors in console.
- (2019.3) Fixed glitchy overlapping text artifacts in the Inspector pane.
[0.5.0] - 2019-06-14
- Added support for reordering of elements in the Hierarchy, with live preview in the canvas.
- Added support for dragging from the Library to the Hierarchy in between elements to place elements at a specific index, with preview.
- New empty VisualElements will now have an artificial minimum size that will be reset if a child is added or its styling is changed in any way.
- Added Light/Dark Theme preview mode to the Toolbar, independent from the current Editor Theme.
- Hovering over items in the Library will show a preview of that element in a floating preview box.
- Added style class name validation when adding it to an element in the Inspector.
- Can now press enter to add a style class to an element in the Inspector.
- Library pane will now update if new uxml files are added/deleted/move/renamed to/from the project.
- Removed PopupField from the Library as it has no UXML support right now.
- Fixed Save/SaveAs dialog to look correctly when using the Editor Light skin.
- Fixed error and stuck preview when dragging over an EnumField from the Library to the Viewport.
- Added support for 2019.3.0a6.
- Added installation instructions to README.
[0.4.2] - 2019-06-08
- Cut/copy/duplicate/paste of elements now only work while the Viewport or the Explorer are focused.
- Save As dialog now uses the name of the current document as the initial new file name.
- Fixed Backspace attempting to delete the selected element while a field in the Inspector was focused.
- Fixed regression with the anchors resizing the element slightly when activated.
- Fixed delete, backspace, and pasting working in the code previews.
[0.4.1] - 2019-06-06
- Added blue highlight at the top of the currently focused pane.
- Selection overlay will hide when going into Preview mode and re-appear if selecting something else or going out of Preview mode.
- Added support for copy/pasting elements to and from a text file as valid UXML.
- Expanded cut/copy/duplicate/paste to work recursively on all children of the selected element.
- Added support for cut/copy/duplicate/paste of Template instances.
- Moved Local Style Overrides and Attributes fields tooltips to be centered on just their Labels.
- Added border highlight hover effect when moving mouse over canvas elements.
- Fixed Cut deleting the element before the Paste.
- Fixed pasted elements not being added at the end of the list of siblings.
- Fixed duplicate elements being sometimes created after a paste.
- Fixed resize handles being offset if element selected during Preview mode.
- Fixed expanded states in the Explorer not properly persisting or breaking when reparenting.
- Fixed Delete (Backspace) key not working on Mac unless the Fn or Shift key is also pressed.
- Fixed Preview orange border disappearing if the canvas is bigger than the viewport.
[0.4.0] - 2019-06-04
- Added cut/copy/duplicate/paste support for VisualElements.
- Inspector local style overrides sections has been rewritten, with each section getting a dedicated uxml layout instead of being generated from reflection. A new custom binding system is used to bind fields to style values, meaning multiple fields can bind to the same style value.
- Inspector local style override fields now have nice looking names, instead of USS property names.
- Tooltips added to each style field displaying the USS style property name.
- Added Save As button/option to the toolbar.
- Added blue bars next to overridden styles and removed blue text to match prefab overrides UI.
- Added support for editing element type-specific attributes, like name, text, and tooltip. This change also fixes the previously limited support for changing the text attribute. Includes support for undo/redo and reverting to default.
- Can now drag style class pill onto elements in hierarchy.
- Can now drag items from the Library to the hierarchy.
- Added initial documentation draft, listing all features.
- Renamed Selector text field to "Selector" from "Name" in the Selector and StyleSheet Inspectors for clarity.
- Fixed inspector flickering when using undo/redo or sometimes when using the canvas handles.
- Fixed the root stylesheet path being added to all elements in UXML, instead of just the root elements.
- Fixed being able to reparent elements inside template instances or C# elements.
- Fixed look when using Unity Light theme.
- Fixed occasional drag-and-drop instabilities.
- Fixed being able to parent an element under one of its children.
- (2019.3) Fixed mis-handling of Dimension styles value types as Floats.
- (2019.3) Fixed compilation issues and bugs specific to 2019.3.0a4. Any newer trunk versions will not work. Attributes, apart for Name will do not work at all in this version.
[0.3.1] - 2019-05-28
- You can now create new USS Selectors by pressing Enter (instead of using the button).
- Clicking (and not dragging) on a style class pill in the Shared Styles explorer will now select the selector.
- Added VERY brief help section in the Shared Styles Inspector to help with selector creation.
- Added .uxml to Library entries representing UXML assets in the project.
- Fixed template instance uxml file name appearing before element name in Hierarchy.
- Fixed inspector style fields not updating after adding/removing a style class on an element.
- Fixed enum styles not displaying accurate state after reselecting the shared style/element.
- Fixed shared styles not re-applying after changing the selector name.
- (2019.3) Fixed unable to parse file error when builder is opened with a new file.
- (2019.3) Fixed elements getting a content-container attribute set in UXML, leading to corrupt UXML generation.
- (2019.3) Fixed unhandled type Dimension error when resizing the canvas.
- (2019.3) Fixed various styling issues in the N* theme.
[0.3.0] - 2019-05-27
- Switched from using the live canvas VisualElement hiearchy as the source of truth to using the actual VisualTreeAsset (UXML asset). Nothing major should be noticed as a result of this refactor. It just makes certain future improvements possible.
- No longer generating element names and adding name-based selectors in the global StyleSheet for Local Style Overrides. Instead, Local Style Overrides will be written as inline-styles on the element in UXML. The global StyleSheet will only be used for shared styles.
- The main StyleSheet path will now be added to all root elements in the UXML document. This allows the Builder to now work with any externally created UXML file by removing the reliance on a special root element.
- Finished and fixed support for creating Template Instances (using UXML documents inside other UXML documents).
- Elements inside a Template Instance will appear grayed out in the Hierarchy.
- Selecting elements inside a Template Instance will now select the TemplateContainer.
- TemplateContainers now have their .uxml file names listed in the Hierarchy.
- Added Undo/Redo support.
- Added right-click menu on style override fields to Unset an overridden style.
- Added support for opening a UXML document via double-click in the Project Browser.
- Added "px" units on Length styles in generated USS.
- Added support for Background, Font, and Cursor style property types in the Inspector.
- Removed top-level menus for SplitView and Builder. The UI Builder window is now under: Window > UI > UI Builder.
- Removed the "New (Test)" toolbar button in non-development mode.
- Hierarchy no longer shows elements with their first style class. Name if it is set; type otherwise.
- Fixed name/tab of Builder Window becoming corrupt.
- Fixed flickering while dragging elements from the Library.
- Fixed being able to drag-and-drop a Style class onto the main document element.
- Fixed -unity* custom style properties being written to USS without the starting "-".
[0.2.1] - 2019-05-10
- Added confirmation dialog when discarding unsaved changes.
- Added tracking of unsaved changes via * in EditorWindow title.
- Added ability to change an existing style selector in its Inspector.
- Fixed shared styles selectors only showing first word in Explorer.
- Fixed style selector selections in the Explorer not surviving domain reload.
- Fixed Shared Styles sections sometimes showing a duplicated list of selectors.
[0.2.0] - 2019-05-10
- Early iteration of shared styles.
- Draggable style classes onto elements.
- Style class list managemenent in the Inspector.
- Re-parenting of elements via drag-and-drop in the Hierarchy.
- Library now containes user defined templates from UXML and source factories.
[0.1.0] - 2019-04-15
This is the first release of Unity Package UI Builder.
- Basic element creation, manipulation, and editing.
- Loading and saving of UXML documents.
- Preview mode.
- Drag and drop of elements from Library.
- Resize, move, and anchoring manipulators.
- Basic hierarchy view with selection preview.
- Basic styles Inspector.