All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[0.25.0] - 2020-04-30
What's new
- Multi-touch on Android and iOS
- Mouse wheel input support
- Particles billboard support
- Ability to change the rendering borders background-color
- Support unity.physics 0.3.2-preview
- Burst support on Android builds
- New generate Dots solution window
- Support build and run web builds in the browser
- Web player connection support for profiler & debug information
- Improve rendering performance on web builds
- Web builds will no longer play audio if the browser is in background
- Fix potential memory leak on il2cpp builds
- Spaces in the build configuration name cause build failures
- Web on iOS: Touch is not removed from Touches after minimizing the browser
- Models with a large number of vertices cause Uint16 overflow exception during conversion
- Auto-select graphics backend for Web
- Optimize texture initialization loop at startup for WebGL targets
- Remove redundant glEnable/DisableVertexAttribArray calls
- Fixed issue where input coordinates are not scaled for HDPI
- Remove the requirement for including Rendering.Hybrid assembly in filter settings
[0.24.0] - 2020-04-14
What's new
- Accelerometer/Gyro support for Android and iOS
- Screen orientation support on mobile
- Managed debugger support
- Support Unity profiler
- Pitch audio support
- Burst on iOS
- New particles system
- Support GUID assembly references in assembly definitions files
- If the Unity editor platform is changed, compilation errors show up in dots runtime code
- Memory leaks in Wasm builds
- InputSystem.GetInputDelta() always returns 0 in editor
- Re-init when default audio device changes
- Show error if sRGB sampling is not supported on Asmjs builds
- Fix lit transparent materials when fog enabled
- Game view is stretched when changing from portrait to landscape or vice versa during runtime
- New Particles sample
- Add Motion sensors control to TinyRacing
- Add 3d audio and pitch-shifting to TinyRacing
[0.23.0] - 2020-03-21
- Update package dependencies
[0.22.0] - 2020-02-21
- Update package dependencies
[0.21.0] - 2020-02-06
- This is the first release of Unity.Tiny.All package.