Color Gradients
You can apply gradients of up to four colors to TextMesh Pro GameObjects. When you add a gradient, TextMesh Pro applies it to each character in the text individually. It stores gradient colors as in each character sprite's vertex colors.
TextMesh Pro text with a four-color gradient
Because each character sprite consists of two triangles, gradients tend to have a dominant direction. This is most obvious in diagonal gradients.
For example, the dominant direction in gradient below favors the red and black colors in the bottom-left and top-right corners
When you reverse the gradient colors, so both the top-right and bottom-left corners are yellow, the dominant color changes.
TextMesh Pro multiplies gradient colors with the text's main vertex color (Main Settings > Vertex Color in the TextMesh Pro Inspector). If the main vertex color is white you see only the gradient colors. If it’s black you don’t see the gradient colors at all.
Applying a Gradient
To apply a gradient to a TextMesh Pro GameObject, edit the Gradient properties in the Inspector.
- To apply a gradient to only a portion of the text, use the gradient rich text tag.
- To apply a gradient to multiple text objects, use a gradient preset.
To apply a color gradient to a TextMesh Pro GameObject:
Enable the Main Settings > Color Gradient property.
Set Main Settings > Color Gradient > Color Mode to the type of gradient you want to apply.
Use the Main Settings > Color Gradient > Colors settings to choose colors for the gradient. For each color you can:
- Click the color swatch to open a Color Picker.
- Use the eyedropper to pick a color from anywhere on your screen.
- Enter the color’s hexadecimal value directly in the text field.