Executes the provided method, sampling performance using the following additional properties/methods to control how the measurements are taken:
- WarmupCount(int n) - number of times to execute before measurements are collected. If unspecified, a default warmup is executed for 100 ms or until at least 3 method executions have completed, whichever is longer.
- MeasurementCount(int n) - number of measurements to capture, defaults to 9 if not specified.
- IterationsPerMeasurement(int n) - number of method executions per measurement to use. If this value is not specified, the method is executed as many times as possible until approximately 100 ms has elapsed.
- SampleGroup(string name) - name of the measurement, defaults to "Time" if unspecified.
- SampleGroup(SampleGroup sampleGroup) - a sample group with a custom name and measurement unit. This will override the otherwise default value of "Time".
- GC() - if specified, measures the total number of Garbage Collection allocation calls.
- SetUp(Action action) - is called every iteration before method execution. Setup time is not measured.
- CleanUp(Action action) - is called every iteration after method execution. Cleanup time is not measured.
Example 1: Simple method measurement using default values
[Test, Performance]
public void Test()
Measure.Method(() => { ... }).Run();
Example 2: Customize Measure.Method properties
[Test, Performance]
public void Test()
Measure.Method(() => { ... })
.SetUp(()=> {/*setup code*/})
.CleanUp(()=> {/*cleanup code*/})
Example 3: Measure.Method, SampleGroup and ProfilerMarkers
[Test, Performance]
public void Test()
var sg = new SampleGroup("Name", SampleUnit.Microsecond);
var sgMarker = new SampleGroup("MarkerName", SampleUnit.Seconds);
Measure.Method(() => { ... }).SampleGroup(sg).ProfilerMarkers(sgMarker).Run();