Interface IPaintContextRenderPreview
An interface that represents the method for rendering the terrain-brush preview.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor.TerrainTools
public interface IPaintContextRenderPreview : IPaintContextRender, IDisposable
RenderBrushPreview(PaintContext, TerrainBrushPreviewMode, BrushTransform, Material, Int32)
Renders a preview of the terrain-brush using the specified material/pass and paint-context provided.
void RenderBrushPreview(PaintContext paintContext, TerrainBrushPreviewMode previewTexture, BrushTransform brushTransform, Material material, int pass)
Type | Name | Description |
UnityEngine.TerrainTools.PaintContext | paintContext | The paint-context to preview the changes against. |
UnityEditor.TerrainTools.TerrainBrushPreviewMode | previewTexture | The type of texture to preview. |
UnityEngine.TerrainTools.BrushTransform | brushTransform | The brush-transform to be rendered. |
UnityEngine.Material | material | The material to use when rendering to the terrain. |
Int32 | pass | The pass on the material to use. |