Port converters are used to convert PortTypes
that are incompatible. When you create a PortConverter
, it's possible to connect incompatible ports together. An implicit converter is created between the two ports, which is in charge of converting the values and propagating them to the next port. The converter adds some overhead, so it's best to avoid them when you can.
For example, if you have a PortType<int>
on one node, and a PortType<uint>
on the other, they wouldn't be able to connect without a PortConverter
Definition of the converter
Define your converter so that SystemGraph core can find it when attaching ports. Note that the converter is considered unidirectional, it will propagate both sides, however, it will always attach firstVar to the driver of the port. You must create 2 converters:
int -> uint
uint -> int
[PortConverter(typeof(int), typeof(uint))]
public class PortConverterIntUint : PortConverter<int, uint>
public override void ConvertFirstToSecond()
secondVar.Write = (uint)firstVar.ReadRaw;
public override void ConvertSecondToFirst()
firstVar.Write = (int)secondVar.ReadRaw;
[PortConverter(typeof(uint), typeof(int))]
public class PortConverterUintInt : PortConverter<uint, int>
public override void ConvertFirstToSecond()
secondVar.Write = (int)firstVar.ReadRaw;
public override void ConvertSecondToFirst()
firstVar.Write = (uint)secondVar.ReadRaw;
When you create this converter, you can now connect PortType<int>
to PortType<uint>
in the Editor window. A yellow circle on the edge of the connection indicates there's additional overhead created by the converter.
At runtime, the port converter is instantiated when SystemGraph attempts to connect ports of different types. It then receives change events when the value changes on either side of the converter and synchronizes the converted value.