[0.5.1-preview] - 2020-10-13
- chore: update dependency to com.unity.anime-toolbox@0.2.1-preview
[0.5.0-preview] - 2020-10-12
- feat: set background color in the Game View when updating RenderCache
- feat: set the background color of RenderCachePlayableAsset clips in Timeline
- feat: add a texture blitter for URP and use it when updating RenderCache in URP projects
- feat: show the updating of RenderCache in Game View for HDRP projects
- fix: add blending in LinearToGamma shader
- fix: apply linear to gamma conversion for drawing preview textures if the project is using linear color space
- fix: RenderCachePlayable path errors when reloading, and show the path as a normalized path if possible
- fix: try to create the saved path of RenderCachePlayableAsset if it is invalid
- fix: set StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset's texture properly for MeshRenderer in HDRP
- fix: play sequential images in runtime builds
- doc: fix broken anchor links in the doc to import images, and add missing BaseRenderCapturer API docs
[0.4.0-preview] - 2020-10-06
- feat: add RenderCache and RenderCapturer, which work together to cache render results to image files. Currently provides: ** CameraRenderCapturer: to cache the render results of a Camera component. ** BaseRenderCapturer: an extensible class that a user can use to customize the capturing process.
- feat: lock frames via FrameMarkers when capturing RenderCache to prevent them from being overwritten
- feat: skipping frames when caching render results if specified by the FrameMarkers
- feat: add a shortcut for locking and edit a frame of RenderCachePlayableAsset using the assigned image application.
- feat: auto hide/show FrameMarkers when the TimelineWindow is zoomed out/in
- feat: add user notes in FrameMarkers
- feat: check if we should reload the folder of StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset or RenderCachePlayableAsset when the Editor Application is back in focus
- fix: check if an image file exists before queuing to load it
- fix: import images directly for StramingImageSequencePlayableAsset when the source folder is already under StreamingAssets
- fix: prevent the internal texture from being destroyed when TimelineEditor is refreshed
- fix: time rounding errors when calculating the image index of StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset
- fix: compile error in Unity 2020.2
- fix: open internals to com.unity.visual-compositor package
- refactor: rename UseImageMarkers to FrameMarkers
- chore: change the plugin library name from Loader to StreamingImageSequence
- chore: use com.unity.anime-toolbox@0.2.0-preview
- chore: change namespace to be exactly the same with the assembly name
- doc: update about package installation in the Readme files on Github.
- doc: add package badge
- doc: add RenderCache and FrameMarker documentations
- doc: update StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset's doc
[0.3.3-preview] - 2020-09-08
- fix: disable renderer component when showing/hiding gameObject instead of enabling/disabling
- fix: fix errors when displaying small number of images in the import window
[0.3.2-preview] - 2020-08-13
- fix: fix memory allocation blocking on Mac
[0.3.1-preview] - 2020-07-14
- feat: add support for SkinnedMeshRenderer and copy StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset output to a target RenderTexture, if set
feat: add user settings to set maximum memory allocation for images
fix: fix errors when building app build
- fix: fix errors on FaderTrack when there is no Image bound to the track
- fix: fix rounding errors when calculating imageIndex in StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset
fix: fix UseImageMarker when the timeScale of the clip is not one
chore: remove unused/unsupported sub-menu (#133)
- chore: add Third Party Notices
[0.3.0-preview] - 2020-07-14
feat: reuse previously allocated memory for loading images when there is less than 10% free physical memory on the system.
opt: performance improvement when resizing the length of TimelineClip containing StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset in TimelineWindow
- opt: optimize the performance of loading images on the plugin side (locking, using full images for loading preview images, etc)
- opt: optimize the performance of loading images on the C# side (preventing duplicate tasks, limiting the number of pending tasks, etc)
- opt: optimize the ScrollView in ImageSequenceImportWindow
- opt: optimize string-related operations in StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset
opt: reduce StreamingImageSequence properties which are inspected by AnimatedParameterUtility.HasAnyAnimatableParameters
fix: hide buttons to reset Timeline-related properties of StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset in non-timeline context
- fix: render preview images correctly when clipIn is not 0
- fix: prevent jittering preview images at the end of a long clip
- fix: prevent saving temporary StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset texture in scenes
- fix: make sure the image dimension ratio in StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset is calculated correctly
- fix: fix errors that occurred when interacting with StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset GUI
- fix: fix StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset texture leak when closing or opening a new scene
- fix: fix the memory leak of preview textures when closing or opening a new scene
- fix: fix thread-related crashes when loading images
- fix: handle image loading process correctly when switching to playmode/editmode, or opening a new scene
fix: reset image loading processes when opening a scene in single mode
chore: delete unused StreamingImageSequenceWindow
doc: Add Table of Contents and a link to the plugin building doc in the top Readme
[0.2.0-preview] - 2020-06-12
- feat: deallocate unused images when there is not enough memory, and stop allocating memory if there is not enough memory for the current frame
- fix: preload images starting from the active frame as the center instead of always from frame 0
- chore: cleanup the code to preload images
- chore: delete DrawOverWindow project and DLL
- chore: convert the plugin building process to cmake and add unit tests for the plugin
[0.1.5-preview] - 2020-06-01
- chore: depend on com.unity.ext.nunit
- chore: make it explicit that StreamingImageSequence depends on ugui
[0.1.4-preview] - 2020-05-14
- fix: inaccuracies in placing preview icon positions
- fix: bug when stretching PlayableAsset
- fix: crash bug when entering play mode on Windows
- fix: remove invalid alerts in StreamingImageSequenceTrack and FaderTrack
- fix: Override ToString() in StreamingImageSequenceTrack
- chore: update yamato npm registry (#62)
[0.1.3-preview] - 2020-04-15
- fix: crash caused by performing graphics operation when g_ThreadedGfxDevice is not ready after deserialization
[0.1.2-preview] - 2020-04-14
- fix: errors caused by StreamingImageSequenceTrack::GetActivePlayableAsset() when TimelineWindow is not in focus
- fix: keep processing StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset even if there is no bound GameObject in the track, as the output texture is still required
[0.1.1-preview] - 2020-04-10
- api: open StreamingImageSequenceTrack to public
- api: open StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset::GetTexture() to public
- docs: Update Japanese docs.
[0.1.0-preview] - 2020-04-06
- feat: markers to indicate the use/skipping of image in StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset
[0.0.4-preview] - 2020-04-03
- fix: runtime build errors
- fix: avoid tests from modifying the project assets
[0.0.3-preview] - 2020-03-27
- fix: update DLLs to avoid the requirement of installing VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL
- docs: Add Japanese docs
[0.0.2-preview.3] - 2020-03-16
- docs: Updating img tag to MD
[0.0.2-preview.2] - 2020-03-05
- feat: Fader imporvements. Reverse FadeOut and FadeIn, and a color to highlight FaderPlayableAsset
- fix: reverse the parameter to copy images to StreamingAssets
- fix: Hide UseImageMarker and use Timeline 1.4.0's ClipCaps.AutoScale
- fix: StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset stability issues.
- fix: Support folder D&D for StreamingImageSequencePlayableAsset from folders which are not under "StreamingAssets"
- fix: Test assembly definitions.
[0.0.2-preview.1] - 2020-03-02
- Renaming to Streaming Image Sequence <com.unity.streaming-image-sequence>.
- feat: folder drag and drop support.
- feat: preview icons
[0.0.1-preview] - 2019-10-10
The first release of Movie Proxy <>.