Configure an animated GameObject's movement
Control how an animation begins on a spline, its speed, and the animation method it uses.
To control the movement of an animated GameObject, do the following in the GameObject's Spline Animate component:
To start the animation when the GameObject first loads, enable Play On Awake.
To set a distance on the spline to start the GameObject's animation at, enter a value for the Start Offset property. The range is 0 through 1. A value of 0 starts the animation at the beginning of the spline and a value of 1 starts the animation at the end of the spline.
In the Method dropdown, select an animation method:
- Select Time to animate the GameObject along the spline over a period of time measured in seconds.
- Select Speed to animate the GameObject along the spline at a set speed measured in meters per second.
In the Easing dropdown, select an easing mode for the animation to use:
- Select None to add no easing to the animation. The animation speed is linear.
- Select Ease In Only to have the animation start slowly and then speed up.
- Select Ease Out Only to have the animation slow down at the end of its sequence.
- Select Ease In-Out to have the animation start slowly, speed up, and then end slowly. Ease In-Out is a combination of Ease In and Ease Out.
Easing varies the speed of the animation to make it seem more natural and organic.
In the Loop Mode dropdown, select if and how the animation repeats after its initial sequence finishes:
- Select Once to play the animation once.
- Select Loop Continuous to restart the animation from the beginning after it finishes.
- Select Ease In Then Continuous to have the animation start slowly and then restart from its beginning after it finishes. If Ease In Only looping is set, then the easing applies only to the first animation loop.
- Select Ping Pong to have the animation play in reverse after it finishes. The animation plays repeatedly.