![Image](images/FlipbookNodeThumb.png) |
![Image](images/PolarCoordinatesNodeThumb.png) |
Creates a flipbook, or texture sheet animation, of the UVs supplied to input In. |
Converts the value of input UV to polar coordinates. |
Radial Shear |
Rotate |
![Image](images/RadialShearNodeThumb.png) |
![Image](images/RotateNodeThumb.png) |
Applies a radial shear warping effect similar to a wave to the value of input UV. |
Rotates the value of input UV around a reference point defined by input Center by the amount of input Rotation. |
Spherize |
Tiling and Offset |
![Image](images/SpherizeNodeThumb.png) |
![Image](images/TilingAndOffsetNodeThumb.png) |
Applies a spherical warping effect similar to a fisheye camera lens to the value of input UV. |
Tiles and offsets the value of input UV by the inputs Tiling and Offset respectively. |
Triplanar |
Twirl |
![Image](images/TriplanarNodeThumb.png) |
![Image](images/TwirlNodeThumb.png) |
A method of generating UVs and sampling a texture by projecting in world space. |
Applies a twirl warping effect similar to a black hole to the value of input UV. |