Enum CommonMultiplayerBackendExceptionReason
Enumerates the known error causes when communicating with the Common Multiplayer Backend Service.
Namespace: Unity.Services.CommonMultiplayerBackend
Assembly: Unity.Services.Multiplayer.dll
public enum CommonMultiplayerBackendExceptionReason
Name | Description |
BadGateway | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Conflict | Same as the HTTP Status. |
EntityNotFound | The requested entity (allocation, join code or region) does not exist. |
ExpectationFailed | Same as the HTTP Status. |
FailedDependency | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Forbidden | The user does not have permission to access the requested resource. |
GatewayTimeout | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Gone | The requested resource has been permenantly deleted from the server. |
HttpVersionNotSupported | Same as the HTTP Status. |
InsufficientStorage | Same as the HTTP Status. |
InternalServerError | The Common Multiplayer Backend Service has encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle. |
InvalidArgument | The Common Multiplayer Backend Service could not understand the request due to an invalid value or syntax. |
LengthRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Locked | Same as the HTTP Status. |
LoopDetected | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Max | End of the range of error codes addressable by the Common Multiplayer Backend Service. |
MethodNotAllowed | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Min | Start of the range of error codes addressable by the Common Multiplayer Backend Service. |
Misdirected | Same as the HTTP Status. |
NetworkAuthenticationRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
NetworkError | NetworkError is returned when the Common Multiplayer Backend is unable to connect to the service due to a network error like when TLS Negotiation fails. |
NoError | Default value of the enum. No error detected. |
NotAcceptable | Same as the HTTP Status. |
NotExtended | Same as the HTTP Status. |
NotImplemented | Same as the HTTP Status. |
PaymentRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
PreconditionFailed | Same as the HTTP Status. |
PreconditionRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
ProxyAuthenticationRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
RangeNotSatisfiable | Same as the HTTP Status. |
RateLimited | The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time and is now rate limited. |
RequestEntityTooLarge | Same as the HTTP Status. |
RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | Same as the HTTP Status. |
RequestTimeOut | Same as the HTTP Status. |
RequestUriTooLong | Same as the HTTP Status. |
ServiceUnavailable | The Common Multiplayer Backend Service is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded. Try again later. |
Teapot | Same as the HTTP Status. |
TooEarly | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Unauthorized | The Common Multiplayer Backend Service could not determine the user identity. |
UnavailableForLegalReasons | Same as the HTTP Status. |
Unknown | Unknown is returned when a unrecognized error code is returned by the service. Check the inner exception to get more information. |
UnprocessableTransaction | Same as the HTTP Status. |
UnsupportedMediaType | Same as the HTTP Status. |
UpgradeRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
VariantAlsoNegotiates | Same as the HTTP Status. |