Enum RelayExceptionReason
Enumerates the known error causes when communicating with the Relay Service.
Namespace: Unity.Services.Relay
public enum RelayExceptionReason
Name | Description | Value |
NoError | Default value of the enum. No error detected. |
15000 |
Min | Start of the range of error codes addressable by the Relay Allocations Service. |
15000 |
InvalidRequest | InvalidRequest is returned when the request is not in a valid format. |
15001 |
InactiveProject | InactiveProject is returned when the Unity project is inactive or not found. Make sure it is active and assigned to your project and you enabled the Relay Service using the Unity Dashboard for that project. |
15006 |
RegionNotFound | RegionNotFound is returned when the region is not found in the current catalog. |
15007 |
AllocationNotFound | AllocationNotFound is returned when the allocation is not found possibly due to a timeout. To prevent such an unintended timeout, the game client should send periodic ping messages to the Relay server over UDP to keep the connection alive. |
15008 |
JoinCodeNotFound | JoinCodeNotFound is returned when the join code is not found. Try getting a new join code. |
15009 |
NoSuitableRelay | RelaySelectionFailed is returned when no suitable relay could be selected during allocation. Try again later. |
15010 |
InvalidArgument | The Relay Service could not understand the request due to an invalid value or syntax. |
15400 |
Unauthorized | The Relay Service could not determine the user identity. |
15401 |
PaymentRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15402 |
Forbidden | The user does not have permission to access the requested resource. |
15403 |
EntityNotFound | The requested entity (allocation, join code or region) does not exist. |
15404 |
MethodNotAllowed | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15405 |
NotAcceptable | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15406 |
ProxyAuthenticationRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15407 |
RequestTimeOut | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15408 |
Conflict | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15409 |
Gone | The requested resource has been permenantly deleted from the server. |
15410 |
LengthRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15411 |
PreconditionFailed | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15412 |
RequestEntityTooLarge | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15413 |
RequestUriTooLong | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15414 |
UnsupportedMediaType | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15415 |
RangeNotSatisfiable | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15416 |
ExpectationFailed | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15417 |
Teapot | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15418 |
Misdirected | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15421 |
UnprocessableTransaction | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15422 |
Locked | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15423 |
FailedDependency | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15424 |
TooEarly | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15425 |
UpgradeRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15426 |
PreconditionRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15428 |
RateLimited | The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time and is now rate limited. |
15429 |
RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15431 |
UnavailableForLegalReasons | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15451 |
InternalServerError | The Relay Service has encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle. |
15500 |
NotImplemented | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15501 |
BadGateway | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15502 |
ServiceUnavailable | The Relay Service is not ready to handle the request. Common causes are a server that is down for maintenance or that is overloaded. Try again later. |
15503 |
GatewayTimeout | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15504 |
HttpVersionNotSupported | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15505 |
VariantAlsoNegotiates | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15506 |
InsufficientStorage | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15507 |
LoopDetected | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15508 |
NotExtended | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15510 |
NetworkAuthenticationRequired | Same as the HTTP Status. |
15511 |
NetworkError | NetworkError is returned when the Allocation is unable to connect to the service due to a network error like when TLS Negotiation fails. |
15998 |
Max | End of the range of error codes addressable by the Relay Allocations Service. |
15999 |
Unknown | Unknown is returned when a unrecognized error code is returned by the service. Check the inner exception to get more information. |
15999 |