Enum MultiplayExceptionReason
Enumerates the known error causes when communicating with the Multiplay Service. N.B. Error code range for this service: 25000-25999
Namespace: Unity.Services.Multiplay
Assembly: Unity.Services.Multiplay.dll
public enum MultiplayExceptionReason
Name | Description |
AlreadySubscribedToLobby | Error code representing a ServerEvent error for the Multiplay Service. You are already subscribed to this lobby and have attempted to subscribe to it again. |
AlreadyUnsubscribedFromLobby | Error code representing a ServerEvent error for the Multiplay Service. You are already unsubscribed from this lobby and have attempted to unsubscribe from it again. |
BadGateway | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 502 for the Multiplay Service. The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server. |
BadRequest | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 400 for the Multiplay Service. The request made was invalid and will not be processed by the service. |
Conflict | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 409 for the Multiplay Service. The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state on the server. |
EntityNotFound | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 404 for the Multiplay Service. The server has not found the specified resource. |
ExpectationFailed | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 417 for the Multiplay Service. An expectation in the request cannot be met by the server. |
FailedDependency | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 424 for the Multiplay Service. The method could not be performed on the resource because a dependency for the action failed. |
Forbidden | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 403 for the Multiplay Service. The server understood the request, and refuses to fulfill it. |
GatewayTimeout | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 504 for the Multiplay Service. The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not get a response in time from the upstream server that it needed in order to complete the request. |
Gone | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 410 for the Multiplay Service. The requested resource is no longer available and there is no known forwarding address. |
HttpVersionNotSupported | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 505 for the Multiplay Service. The server does not support the HTTP protocol that was used in the request. |
InsufficientStorage | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 507 for the Multiplay Service. The server has insufficient storage space to complete the request. |
InternalServerError | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 500 for the Multiplay Service. The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. |
LengthRequired | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 411 for the Multiplay Service. The server refuses to accept the request without a defined content-length. |
LobbyEventServiceConnectionError | Error code representing a ServerEvent error for the Multiplay Service. Something went wrong when trying to connect to the lobby service. Ensure a valid Lobby ID was sent. |
Locked | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 423 for the Multiplay Service. The source or destination resource is locked. |
LoopDetected | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 508 for the Multiplay Service. The server terminated the request because it encountered an infinite loop. |
MethodNotAllowed | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 405 for the Multiplay Service. The method specified is not allowed for the specified resource. |
Misdirected | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 421 for the Multiplay Service. The request was directed to a server that is not able to produce a response. |
NetworkAuthenticationRequired | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 511 for the Multiplay Service. The request requires authentication for network access. |
NetworkError | NetworkError is returned when the UnityWebRequest failed with this flag set. See the exception stack trace when this reason is provided for context. |
NotAcceptable | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 406 for the Multiplay Service. The server cannot provide a response that matches the acceptable values for the request. |
NotExtended | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 510 for the Multiplay Service. The policy for accessing the resource has not been met in the request. |
NotImplemented | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 501 for the Multiplay Service. The server does not support the functionality required to fulfil the request. |
PaymentRequired | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 402 for the Multiplay Service. This error code is reserved for future use. |
PreconditionFailed | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 412 for the Multiplay Service. A precondition given in the request was not met when tested on the server. |
PreconditionRequired | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 428 for the Multiplay Service. The server requires the request to be conditional. |
ProxyAuthenticationRequired | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 407 for the Multiplay Service. The request requires authentication with the proxy. |
RangeNotSatisfiable | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 416 for the Multiplay Service. The requested ranges cannot be served. |
RateLimited | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 429 for the Multiplay Service. Too many requests have been sent in a given amount of time. |
RequestEntityTooLarge | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 413 for the Multiplay Service. The request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process. |
RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 431 for the Multiplay Service. The request has been refused because its HTTP headers are too long. |
RequestTimeOut | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 408 for the Multiplay Service. The request was not made within the time the server was prepared to wait. |
RequestUriTooLong | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 414 for the Multiplay Service. The request URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. |
ServiceUnavailable | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 503 for the Multiplay Service. The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary reason. |
SubscriptionToLobbyLostWhileBusy | Error code representing a ServerEvent error for the Multiplay Service. The connection was lost or dropped while attempting to do something with the connection such as subscribe or unsubscribe. |
Teapot | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 418 for the Multiplay Service. The server refuses to brew coffee because it is, permanently, a teapot. Defined by the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol defined in April Fools' jokes in 1998 and 2014. |
TooEarly | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 425 for the Multiplay Service. The server is unwilling to risk processing a request that may be replayed. |
Unauthorized | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 401 for the Multiplay Service. The request requires authentication. |
UnavailableForLegalReasons | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 451 for the Multiplay Service. The requested resource is not available for legal reasons. |
Unknown | Unknown is returned when a unrecognized error code is returned by the service. Check the inner exception to get more information. |
UnknownErrorCode | The returned value could not be parsed, such as an error code was not included in the response. |
UnprocessableTransaction | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 422 for the Multiplay Service. The request is understood, but the server was unable to process its instructions. |
UnsupportedMediaType | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 415 for the Multiplay Service. The request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method. |
UpgradeRequired | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 426 for the Multiplay Service. The server refuses to perform the request using the current protocol. |
VariantAlsoNegotiates | Error code representing HTTP Status Code of 506 for the Multiplay Service. The server has an internal configuration error: the chosen variant resource is configured to engage in transparent content negotiation itself, and is therefore not a proper end point in the negotiation process. |