Enum ModerationServiceExceptionReason
Represents the possible reasons for exceptions thrown by the Moderation Service.
Namespace: Unity.Services.Moderation.Exceptions
Assembly: Unity.Services.Moderation.dll
public enum ModerationServiceExceptionReason
Name | Description |
BadMethod | Error indicating that a bad, unsupported method was used in the request. |
DuplicateEntityError | Indicates that a duplicate entity was found. |
ForbiddenError | Indicates that the user does not have permission to perform the requested action within the Moderation Service. |
InvalidReason | Indicates that an invalid player report reason was provided. |
InvalidTokenError | Indicates that an authentication error has occured due to an issue with the auth token. |
JsonDecodingError | Represents an error that occurs during JSON decoding. |
NetworkError | Indicates that a network-level error has occured, preventing communication with the Moderation service backend. |
NotFoundError | Indicates that the requested resource could not be found within the Moderation Service. |
PlayerCacheMismatch | Indicates a mismatch in the player cache. |
SelfReportError | Indicates that the given player report has the same reporter, and reportee. |
UnauthorizedError | Indicates unauthorized access. |
UnknownError | Indicates that an unknown error has occurred within the Moderation Service backend. |
UnknownServerError | Represents an unknown error returned by the server. |
UnknownUser | Indicates that either the given reporting, or reported player does not exist. |
UnprocessableEntityError | Indicates that the provided request is valid and syntactically correct, but contains unsupported data. |
ValidationError | Represents a generic validation error. |
ValidationNilValue | Error indicating a nil value was encountered during validation. |