Integrating with the Deployment Window
Once the Deployment API assembly is referenced, a DeploymentProvider can be registered or unregistered from the Deployment class at any time.
static void Initialize()
var myServiceDeploymentProvider = new MyServiceDeploymentProvider();
The Deployments API follows a strict observer pattern. To add a deployment item to the window, simply add it to the collection, and to remove an item, simply remove it from the collection.
The same is true for commands, which are available contextually.
Obtaining registered services and commands can be done programatically the same.
Sample Code
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Services.DeploymentApi.Editor;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace SampleProvider
class MyServiceDeploymentProvider : DeploymentProvider
public override string Service => "MyService";
public override Command DeployCommand { get; }
public MyServiceDeploymentProvider()
DeployCommand = new MyDeployCommand();
//Example way of obtaining files
var serviceFiles = Directory
foreach (var filePath in serviceFiles)
DeploymentItems.Add(new DeploymentItem()
Path = filePath,
Name = Path.GetFileName(filePath)
class MyDeployCommand : Command<DeploymentItem>
public override string Name => "Deploy";
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(
IEnumerable<DeploymentItem> deploymentItems,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// User selected deployment environment
var environment = Deployments.Instance.EnvironmentProvider.Current;
var token = CloudProjectSettings.accessToken;
foreach (DeploymentItem item in deploymentItems)
item.Progress = 0;
item.Status = new DeploymentStatus("Deploying");
await Task.Delay(1000);
item.Progress = 50;
await Task.Delay(1000);
item.Progress = 100;
item.Status = DeploymentStatus.UpToDate;
Accessing Registered Implementations
The ideal usage of the registered functoinality is through the deployment API or the Deployment Window itself, however, if you'd like to access specific functionality you may do so manually.
For example, suppose we want to obtain and execute the "Upload" command from the "Multiplay" service:`