Unity Cloud Services Apis
This package provides low-level access to Unity Cloud Services Apis.
This includes game and admin apis.
See https://services.docs.unity.com/ for more information on all apis.
CAUTION This package is experimental. Apis are generated based on the open api specifications. The specifications are subject to change which may lead to breaking changes.
Api Clients
The apis are offered through three clients:
- Game Client: To perform game operations as a player.
- Server Client: To perform game operations from a server using a server token or service account exchange token.
- Trusted Client: To perform game operations as a trusted user using service account exchange token.
- Admin Client: To perform administration operations.
Use Cases
These apis can be used for various use cases:
- Editor Tooling
- Game Server Logic
- Game Client Logic
Game Api Client
The game api client can be used to build your own custom runtime solutions.
The game apis are always available.
- This creates an account and returns a session token for future logins.
- This uses a session token to authenticate.
- This uses a token from an external identity provider to authenticate.
Api List
List of apis available:
- Analytics Api
- Cloud Code Api
- Cloud Content Delivery Api
- Cloud Save Data Api
- Cloud Save Files Api
- Economy Configuration Api
- Economy Currencies Api
- Economy Inventory Api
- Economy Purchases Api
- Friends Messaging Api
- Friends Notifications Api
- Friends Presence Api
- Friends Relationships Api
- Leaderboards Api
- Lobby Api
- Matchmaker Tickets Api
- Player Authentication Api
- Player Names Api
- Qos Discovery Api
- Relay Allocations Api
- Remote Config Api
- UGC Api
Server Api Client
The server api client can be used to perform game operations using an access token obtained with service account or obtained from a server.
Api List
List of apis available:
- Cloud Code Api
- Cloud Save Data Api
- Cloud Save Files Api
- Economy Configuration Api
- Economy Currencies Api
- Economy Inventory Api
- Economy Purchases Api
- Leaderboards Api
- Lobby Api
- Matchmaker Backfill Api
- Matchmaker Tickets Api
The following preprocessor directives determine the availability of the trusted api client (any of):
CAUTION Never publish game clients with
- This exchanges service account credentials for an access token which will be used by the trusted apis.
- This uses a local proxy running on the server host to retrieve an access token. Only usable when hosted on Multiplay or when using a local proxy during development.
Trusted Api Client
The admin game api client can be used to perform game operations using an access token obtained with service account.
Api List
List of apis available:
- Cloud Code Api
- Cloud Content Delivery Api
- Cloud Save Data Api
- Cloud Save Files Api
- Economy Configuration Api
- Economy Currencies Api
- Economy Inventory Api
- Economy Purchases Api
- Leaderboards Api
- Player Authentication Api
The following preprocessor directives determine the availability of the admin game api client (any of):
CAUTION Never publish game clients with
- This exchanges service account credentials for an access token which will be used by the trusted apis.
Admin Api Client
The admin api client can be used to build custom tooling in management context like in the Unity Editor.
The following preprocessor directives determine the availability of the admin api client (any of):
CAUTION Never publish game clients with
Api List
List of apis available:
- Cloud Code Modules Admin Api
- Cloud Code Scripts Admin Api
- Cloud Content Delivery Admin Api
- Cloud Save Data Admin Api
- Economy Admin Api
- Environment Admin Api
- Game Overrides Admin Api
- Leaderboards Admin Api
- Logs Admin Api
- Multiplay Admin Api
- Player Authentication Admin Api
- Player Policy Admin Api
- Project Policy Admin Api
- RemoteConfig Admin Api
- Scheduler Admin Api
- Service Authentication Admin Api
- Triggers Admin Api
- UGC Admin Api
Admin apis use service account credentials to authorize operations.
SetServiceAccount(string apiKey, string apiSecret)
Service Accounts and Security
Precautions must be taken when using service accounts to avoid leaking service account information.
CAUTION Service account information should never appear in the published versions of your games.
For more control, you can pass a custom api client when creating the clients. The provided api client implementation can also be created with a custom retry policy.
Operation Handling
Api operations can be handled in many ways.
Operations can be handled using async/await.
public async Task AnonymousSignupAsync()
var response = await PlayerAuthentication.AnonymousSignup(ProjectId, new PlayerAuthAnonymousSignupRequestBody
Operations can be handled by registering callback methods.
public void OnSignUpCallbackClick()
var operation = PlayerAuthentication.AnonymousSignup(ProjectId, new PlayerAuthAnonymousSignupRequestBody());
Operations can be handled in coroutines.
public void OnSignUpCoroutineClick()
public IEnumerator StartSignUp()
var operation = PlayerAuthentication.AnonymousSignup(ProjectId, new PlayerAuthAnonymousSignupRequestBody());
yield return new WaitUntil(() => operation.IsCompleted);
Error Handling
By default, operations do not throw exceptions when they fail. You must look at the
public async Task AnonymousSignupAsync()
var response = await PlayerAuthentication.AnonymousSignup(ProjectId, new PlayerAuthAnonymousSignupRequestBody());
if (response.IsSuccessful)
// Success Logic
// Error Logic
By using EnsureSuccessful
, you can trigger an exception in cases of error.
public async Task AnonymousSignupAsync()
var response = await PlayerAuthentication.AnonymousSignup(ProjectId, new PlayerAuthAnonymousSignupRequestBody());
// Success Logic
catch (ApiException exception)
// Error Logic
Usage Examples
Game Apis
- Use game apis in editor context
- Support multiple concurrent players
- Integration tests with multiple players
- Extend the cloud service SDK's base functionality
Server Apis
- Update Player CloudSave Data
- Update Player Economy Data
- Submit Player Leaderboard Scores
- Manage Player & Game CloudSave Data
- Manage Player Leaderboard Scores
Admin Apis
- Player Management
- Environment Management
- Leaderboards Management
- Access Control Management
- Configuration Replication