Namespace UnityEngine.Sequences
The MasterSequence ScriptableObject serializes a hierarchy of Sequences and allows their creation and deletion.
Scene wrapper to allow proper serialization of SceneAsset references. SceneAsset only exist in Editor so the path is stored as well any time the object is serialized. The Scene path is used at runtime, assuming the Scene has been added to the Build Settings.
Sequence is a base object to define a time unit in a MasterSequence (in a cinematic).
The Sequence package uses the SequenceAsset Component on Regular Prefab and Prefab Variant to distinguish them from other Prefabs. Once a Prefab has this Component, it appears in the Sequences window, in the Asset Collections section. You can then use this Prefab in the Sequence Assembly window, and add it to any Sequences of the Project.
Component used to attach a MasterSequence's Sequence to its representation in GameObject. A GameObject with a SequenceFilter component should also have a PlayableDirector component that drives the Sequence's Timeline.
A TimelineSequence is a Sequence object associated with a TimelineAsset. This is the main object used
in the Master