Use output data
After you get the output from a model as a tensor, you can post-process the data to use it in your project.
Download to a CPU tensor
Use ReadbackAndClone
or ReadbackAndCloneAsync
to move a tensor on the graphics processing unit (GPU) to the central processing unit (CPU) to read it.
Refer to read the tensor data asynchronously for best practices on how to do this efficiently.
For example:
var outputTensor = worker.Schedule(inputTensor).PeekOutput() as Tensor<float>;
var cpuTensor = outputTensor.ReadbackAndClone();
The returned tensor will be a cpu read-writable copy of the output tensor.
Refer to tensor fundamentals and access tensor data directly for details on how to properly index and access the tensor.
Convert to a render texture
To convert a tensor to a render texture, use one of the following methods:
to output tensor data to a render texture. Sentis creates a new render texture to do this.TextureConverter.RenderToTexture
to write tensor data to an existing render texture you provide.
When you use TextureConverter.ToTexture
, Sentis uses the tensor shape to determine the size and channels of the render texture. If the tensor doesn't match the render texture, Sentis makes the following adjustments:
- Samples the tensor linearly if the dimensions don't match.
- Removes channels from the end if the render texture has fewer channels than the tensor.
- Sets values in RGB channels to
and values in the alpha channel to1
if the render texture has more channels than the tensor.
For working examples, refer to the Convert tensors to textures
example in the sample scripts.
ToTexture example
// Define an empty render texture
public RenderTexture rt;
void Start()
// Get the output of the model as a tensor
Tensor<float> outputTensor = worker.Schedule(inputTensor).PeekOutput() as Tensor<float>;
// Convert the tensor to a texture and store it in the uninstantiated render texture
rt = TextureConverter.ToTexture(outputTensor);
You can use the parameters in TextureConverter.ToTexture
to override the width, height, and number of channels of a texture.
For example:
// Set a property to -1 to use the default value
rt = TextureConverter.ToTexture(outputTensor, width: 4, height: 12, channels: -1);
RenderToTexture example
// Instantiate the render texture
public RenderTexture rt = new RenderTexture(24, 32, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
Worker worker;
Tensor inputTensor;
void Start()
// Get the output of the model as a tensor
Tensor<float> outputTensor = worker.PeekOutput() as Tensor<float>;
// Convert the tensor to a texture and store it in the render texture
TextureConverter.RenderToTexture(outputTensor, rt);
Avoid unnecessary resource allocation, and don't re-allocate Tensors or Textures every frame. The TextureConverter provides versions of all methods that to do in-place copies between pre-allocated Textures and Tensors.
Copy to the screen
To copy an output tensor to the screen, follow these steps:
- Set the
property ofCamera.main
to null. - Create a script and attach it to the Camera.
- In the script, use
in an event function such asOnRenderImage
If the image is too bright, the output tensor might be using values from 0
to 255
instead of 0
to 1
. You can use Edit a model to remap the values in the output tensor before calling RenderToScreen
The following script uses a model to change a texture, then copies the result to the screen. Set modelAsset
to one of the style transfer models from ONNX and inputImage
to a texture. Check the Texture import settings to make sure the texture matches the shape and layout the model needs.
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Sentis;
public class StyleTransfer : MonoBehaviour
public ModelAsset modelAsset;
public Model runtimeModel;
public Texture2D inputImage;
public RenderTexture outputTexture;
Worker worker;
Tensor<float> inputTensor;
void Start()
var sourceModel = ModelLoader.Load(modelAsset);
var graph = new FunctionalGraph();
var input = graph.AddInput(sourceModel, 0);
var output = Functional.Forward(sourceModel, input)[0];
// rescale output of source model
output /= 255f;
var runtimeModel = graph.Compile(output);
worker = new Worker(runtimeModel, BackendType.GPUCompute);
inputTensor = new Tensor<float>(new TensorShape(1, 3, 256, 256));
void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
// Create the input tensor from the texture
TextureConverter.ToTensor(inputImage, inputTensor, new TextureTransform());
// Run the model and get the output as a tensor
Tensor<float> outputTensor = worker.PeekOutput() as Tensor<float>;
// Copy the rescaled tensor to the screen as a texture
void OnDisable()
When using Universal Render Pipeline (URP) or the High-Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), call RenderToScreen
in the RenderPipelineManager.endFrameRendering
or RenderPipelineManager.endContextRendering
callbacks. For more information, refer to Rendering.
For an example, refer to the Copy a texture tensor to the screen
example in the sample scripts.