Supported functional methods
Supported operators
Overloaded operators
Operator | Sentis equivalent |
-x | Neg |
x + y | Add |
x - y | Sub |
x * y | Mul |
x / y | Div |
x % y | Mod |
x > y | Greater |
x >= y | GreaterOrEqual |
x < y | Less |
x <= y | LessOrEqual |
x & y | And |
x | y | Or |
x ^ y | Xor |
~x | Not |
Binary operators may also be used between functional tensors and scalar float, integer, and boolean values, for example, 'x + 1', 'x % 2.5f', 'False ^ x'.
Sentis allows indexing of functional tensors using C# square bracket indexer notation. These are mapped to the Slice and SetSlice operators.
Indexes and Ranges can be used as in these examples, x and y are functional tensors, i and j are integers.
Operator | Description |
x[i] | Slice first dimension at index i and remove sliced dimension. |
x[^i] | Slice first dimension at index i from the end and remove sliced dimension. |
x[i..j] | Slice first dimension from index i inclusive to j exclusive. |
x[i..] | Slice first dimension from index i inclusive to end. |
x[..^j] | Slice first dimension from start to index j from end exclusive. |
x[i, j] | Slice first dimension at index i and second dimension at index j and remove sliced dimensions. |
x[.., i] | Slice second dimension at index i and remove sliced dimension. |
x[i] = y | Set slice i of x to be equal to y, the shape of y must be broadcastable to the slice shape of x. |
x[i..j] = y[i..j] | Set slice of x to be equal to slice of y, the slice shape of y must be broadcastable to the slice shape of x. |
Sentis does not support setting a slice of a functional tensor directly as a scalar float or integer value with this method. Use the Functional.Tensor(value) method to create a scalar functional tensor.
Functional methods
Sentis supports many functional methods modelled after the PyTorch library, with additional ones planned for future updates. Each of these methods is mapped to one or more Sentis layers.
The input parameters and outputs will not exactly match the PyTorch version; check the API reference for more information.
Operator | PyTorch equivalent | Sentis equivalent |
Zeros | zeros | ConstantOfShape |
ZerosLike | zeros_like | Shape, ConstantOfShape |
Ones | ones | ConstantOfShape |
OnesLike | ones_like | Shape, ConstantOfShape |
ARange | arange | Range |
LinSpace | linspace | Range |
LogSpace | logspace | Pow, Range |
Full | full | ConstantOfShape |
FullLike | full_like | Shape, ConstantOfShape |
Concat | concat | Concat |
Gather | gather | GatherElements |
IndexSelect | index_select | Gather |
MoveDim | movedim | MoveDim |
Narrow | narrow | Narrow |
NonZero | nonzero | NonZero |
Permute | permute | Transpose |
Reshape | reshape | Reshape |
Select | select | Select |
Scatter | scatter | ScatterElements |
SelectScatter | select_scatter | SliceSet, Unsqueeze |
SliceScatter | slice_scatter | SliceSet |
ScatterAdd | scatter_add | ScatterElements |
Split | split | Split |
Squeeze | squeeze | Squeeze |
Stack | stack | Concat, Unsqueeze |
Take | take | Reshape, Gather |
Tile | tile | Tile |
Transpose | transpose | MoveDim |
Unsqueeze | unsqueeze | Unsqueeze |
Where | where | Where |
Bernoulli | bernoulli | Bernoulli |
Multinomial | multinomial | Multinomial |
Normal | normal | RandomNormal |
NormalLike | normal_like | RandomNormalLike |
Rand | rand | RandomUniform |
RandLike | rand_like | RandomUniformLike |
RandInt | rand_int | Floor, RandomUniform |
RandIntLike | randint_like | Floor, RandomUniformLike |
RandN | randn | RandomNormal |
RandNLike | randn_like | RandomNormalLike |
RandomChoice | numpy.random.choice | RandomChoice |
Abs | abs | Abs |
Acos | acos | Acos |
Acosh | acosh | Acosh |
Add | add | Add |
Asin | asin | Asin |
Asinh | asinh | Asinh |
Atan | atan | Atan |
Atanh | atanh | Atanh |
Ceil | ceil | Ceil |
Clamp | clamp | Clamp |
Cos | cos | Cos |
Cosh | cosh | Cosh |
Deg2Rad | deg2rad | ScalarMad |
Div | div | Div |
Erf | erf | Erf |
Exp | exp | Exp |
FloatPower | float_power | Pow |
Floor | floor | Floor |
FloorDivide | floor_divide | Floor, Div |
FMod | fmod | Mod |
Frac | frac | Sub, Floor, Abs, Mul, Sign |
Lerp | lerp | Add, ScalarMad, Sub |
Log | log | Log |
Log10 | log10 | Log, ScalarMad |
Log1P | log1p | Log, ScalarMad |
Log2 | log2 | Log, ScalarMad |
LogAddExp | logaddexp | Log, Add, Exp |
LogicalAnd | logical_and | And |
LogicalNot | logical_not | Not |
LogicalOr | logical_or | Or |
LogicalXor | logical_xor | Xor |
Mul | mul | Mul |
Neg | neg | Neg |
Positive | positive | - |
Pow | pow | Pow |
Rad2Deg | rad2deg | ScalarMad |
Reciprocal | reciprocal | Reciprocal |
Remainder | remainder | Mod |
Round | round | Round |
RSqrt | rsqrt | Reciprocal, Sqrt |
Sign | sign | Sign |
Sin | sin | Sin |
Sinh | sinh | Sinh |
Sqrt | sqrt | Sqrt |
Square | square | Square |
Sub | sub | Sub |
Tan | tan | Tan |
Tanh | tanh | Tanh |
Trunc | trunc | Floor, Abs, Mul, Sign |
ArgMax | argmax | ArgMax |
ArgMin | argmin | ArgMin |
ReduceMax | amax | ReduceMax |
ReduceMin | amin | ReduceMin |
ReduceLogSumExp | logsumexp | ReduceLogSumExp |
ReduceMean | mean | ReduceMean |
ReduceProd | prod | ReduceProd |
ReduceSum | sum | ReduceSum |
Equal | eq | Equal |
GreaterEqual | greater_equal | GreaterOrEqual |
Greater | greater | Greater |
IsFinite | isfinite | Not, Or, IsInf, IsNaN |
IsInf | isinf | IsInf |
IsNaN | isnan | IsNaN |
LessEqual | less_equal | LessOrEqual |
Less | less | Less |
Max | maximum | Max |
Min | minimum | Min |
NotEqual | not_equal | Not, Equal |
TopK | topk | TopK |
AtLeast1D | atleast_1d | Expand |
AtLeast2D | atleast_2d | Expand |
AtLeast3D | atleast_3d | Expand |
BroadcastTo | broadcast_to | Expand |
Clone | clone | Identity |
CumSum | cumsum | CumSum |
Einsum | einsum | Einsum |
Flip | flip | Slice |
FlipLR | fliplr | Slice |
FlipUD | flipud | Slice |
Ravel | ravel | Reshape |
TriL | tril | Trilu |
TriU | triu | Trilu |
MatMul | matmul | MatMul |
Conv1D | conv1d | Conv |
Conv2D | conv2d | Conv |
Conv3D | conv3d | Conv |
Conv1Transpose1D | conv_transpose1d | ConvTranspose |
Conv1Transpose2D | conv_transpose2d | ConvTranspose |
Conv1Transpose3D | conv_transpose3d | ConvTranspose |
AvgPool1D | avg_pool1d | AveragePool |
AvgPool2D | avg_pool2d | AveragePool |
AvgPool3D | avg_pool3d | AveragePool |
MaxPool1D | max_pool1d | MaxPool |
MaxPool2D | max_pool2d | MaxPool |
MaxPool3D | max_pool3d | MaxPool |
Relu | relu | Relu |
HardSwish | hardswish | HardSwish |
Relu6 | relu6 | Relu6 |
Elu | elu | Elu |
Selu | selu | Selu |
Celu | celu | Celu |
LeakyRelu | leaky_relu | LeakyRelu |
PRelu | prelu | PRelu |
Gelu | gelu | Gelu |
Softsign | softsign | Softsign |
Softplus | softplus | Softplus |
Softmax | softmax | Softmax |
LogSoftmax | log_softmax | LogSoftmax |
Sigmoid | sigmoid | Sigmoid |
HardSigmoid | hardsigmoid | HardSigmoid |
BatchNorm | batch_norm | BatchNormalization |
InstanceNorm | instance_norm | InstanceNormalization |
LocalResponseNorm | local_response_norm | LRN |
OneHot | one_hot | OneHot |
PixelShuffle | pixel_shuffle | DepthToSpace |
PixelUnshuffle | pixel_unshuffle | SpaceToDepth |
Interpolate | interpolate | Resize |
GridSample | grid_sample | GridSample |
NMS | nms | NonMaxSuppression |