Interface IBackend
An interface that provides methods for operations on tensors.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Sentis
Assembly: Unity.Sentis.dll
public interface IBackend : IDisposable
Returns the BackendType
for the ops.
BackendType backendType { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Backend |
Abs(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Abs
math function: f(x) = f(x) = |x|.
void Abs(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Abs(TensorInt, TensorInt)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Abs
math function: f(x) = f(x) = |x|.
void Abs(TensorInt X, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Acos(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Acos
trigonometric function: f(x) = acos(x).
void Acos(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Acosh(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Acosh
trigonometric function: f(x) = acosh(x).
void Acosh(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Add(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Add
math operation: f(a, b) = a + b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Add(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Add(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Add
math operation: f(a, b) = a + b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Add(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
And(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise And
logical operation: f(a, b) = a & b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void And(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
ArgMax(TensorFloat, TensorInt, int, bool, bool)
Computes the indices of the maximum elements of the input tensor along a given axis.
void ArgMax(TensorFloat X, TensorInt O, int axis, bool keepdim, bool selectLastIndex)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
bool | selectLastIndex | Whether to perform the operation from the back of the axis. |
ArgMax(TensorInt, TensorInt, int, bool, bool)
Computes the indices of the maximum elements of the input tensor along a given axis.
void ArgMax(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, int axis, bool keepdim, bool selectLastIndex)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
bool | selectLastIndex | Whether to perform the operation from the back of the axis. |
ArgMin(TensorFloat, TensorInt, int, bool, bool)
Computes the indices of the minimum elements of the input tensor along a given axis.
void ArgMin(TensorFloat X, TensorInt O, int axis, bool keepdim, bool selectLastIndex)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
bool | selectLastIndex | Whether to perform the operation from the back of the axis. |
ArgMin(TensorInt, TensorInt, int, bool, bool)
Computes the indices of the minimum elements of the input tensor along a given axis.
void ArgMin(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, int axis, bool keepdim, bool selectLastIndex)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
bool | selectLastIndex | Whether to perform the operation from the back of the axis. |
Asin(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Asin
trigonometric function: f(x) = asin(x).
void Asin(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Asinh(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Asinh
trigonometric function: f(x) = asinh(x).
void Asinh(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Atan(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Atan
trigonometric function: f(x) = atan(x).
void Atan(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Atanh(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Atanh
trigonometric function: f(x) = atanh(x).
void Atanh(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
AveragePool(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int[], int[], int[])
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the mean values of the input tensor across its spatial dimensions according to the given pool and stride values.
void AveragePool(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int[] kernelShape, int[] strides, int[] pads)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int[] | kernelShape | The size of the kernel along each spatial axis. |
int[] | strides | The stride along each spatial axis. |
int[] | pads | The lower and upper padding values for each spatial dimension. For example, [pad_left, pad_right] for 1D, or [pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right] for 2D. |
BatchNormalization(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float)
Computes the mean variance on the last dimension of the input tensor and normalizes it according to scale
and bias
void BatchNormalization(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat S, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat mean, TensorFloat variance, TensorFloat O, float epsilon)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
S | The scale tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The bias tensor. |
Tensor |
mean | The mean tensor. |
Tensor |
variance | The variance tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | epsilon | The epsilon value the layer uses to avoid division by zero. |
Bernoulli(TensorFloat, Tensor, int?)
Generates an output tensor with values 0 or 1 from a Bernoulli distribution. The input tensor contains the probabilities to use for generating the output values.
void Bernoulli(TensorFloat X, Tensor O, int? seed)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The probabilities input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int? | seed | The optional seed to use for the random number generation. If this is |
Cast(TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Computes the output tensor using an element-wise Cast
function: f(x) = (int)x.
void Cast(TensorFloat X, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Cast(TensorInt, TensorFloat)
Computes the output tensor using an element-wise Cast
function: f(x) = (float)x.
void Cast(TensorInt X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Cast(TensorShort, TensorFloat)
Computes the output tensor using an element-wise Cast
function: f(x) = (float)x.
void Cast(TensorShort X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Ceil(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Ceil
math function: f(x) = ceil(x).
void Ceil(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Celu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Celu
activation function: f(x) = max(0, x) + min(0, alpha * (exp(x / alpha) - 1)).
void Celu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float alpha)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | alpha | The alpha value to use for the |
Clip(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Clip
math function: f(x) = clamp(x, min, max).
void Clip(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float min, float max)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | min | The lower clip value. |
float | max | The upper clip value. |
Clip(TensorInt, TensorInt, int, int)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Clip
math function: f(x) = clamp(x, min, max).
void Clip(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, int min, int max)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | min | The lower clip value. |
int | max | The upper clip value. |
CompressWithIndices(Tensor, TensorInt, Tensor, int, int)
Computes the output tensor by selecting slices from an input tensor according to the 'indices' tensor along an 'axis'.
void CompressWithIndices(Tensor X, TensorInt indices, Tensor O, int numIndices, int axis)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | numIndices | The number of indices. |
int | axis | The axis along which to compress. |
Concat(Tensor[], Tensor, int)
Calculates an output tensor by concatenating the input tensors along a given axis.
void Concat(Tensor[] inputs, Tensor O, int axis)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor[] | inputs | The input tensors. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to concatenate the input tensors. |
Conv(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int, Span<int>, Span<int>, Span<int>, FusableActivation)
Applies a convolution filter to an input tensor.
void Conv(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat K, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O, int groups, Span<int> strides, Span<int> pads, Span<int> dilations, FusableActivation fusedActivation)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
K | The filter tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The optional bias tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | groups | The number of groups that input channels and output channels are divided into. |
Span<int> | strides | The optional stride value for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Span<int> | pads | The optional lower and upper padding values for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Span<int> | dilations | The optional dilation value of each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Fusable |
fusedActivation | The fused activation type to apply after the convolution. |
ConvTranspose(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, Span<int>, Span<int>, Span<int>, FusableActivation)
Applies a transpose convolution filter to an input tensor.
void ConvTranspose(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat W, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O, Span<int> strides, Span<int> pads, Span<int> outputPadding, FusableActivation fusedActivation)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
W | The filter tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The optional bias tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Span<int> | strides | The optional stride value for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Span<int> | pads | The optional lower and upper padding values for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Span<int> | outputPadding | The output padding value for each spatial dimension in the filter. |
Fusable |
fusedActivation | The fused activation type to apply after the convolution. |
Cos(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Cos
trigonometric function: f(x) = cos(x).
void Cos(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Cosh(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Cosh
trigonometric function: f(x) = cosh(x).
void Cosh(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
CumSum(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int, bool, bool)
Performs the cumulative sum along a given axis.
void CumSum(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int axis, bool reverse, bool exclusive)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to apply the cumulative sum. |
bool | reverse | Whether to perform the cumulative sum from the end of the axis. |
bool | exclusive | Whether to include the respective input element in the cumulative sum. |
CumSum(TensorInt, TensorInt, int, bool, bool)
Performs the cumulative sum along a given axis.
void CumSum(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, int axis, bool reverse, bool exclusive)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to apply the cumulative sum. |
bool | reverse | Whether to perform the cumulative sum from the end of the axis. |
bool | exclusive | Whether to include the respective input element in the cumulative sum. |
Dense(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, FusableActivation)
Performs a matrix multiplication operation: f(x, w, b) = X x W + B.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Dense(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat W, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O, FusableActivation fusedActivation)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
W | The weights tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The bias tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Fusable |
fusedActivation | The fused activation to apply to the output tensor after the dense operation. |
DepthToSpace(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int, DepthToSpaceMode)
Computes the output tensor by permuting data from depth into blocks of spatial data.
void DepthToSpace(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int blocksize, DepthToSpaceMode mode)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | blocksize | The size of the blocks to move the depth data into. |
Depth |
mode | The ordering of the data in the output tensor as a |
DequantizeLinear(TensorByte, TensorFloat, float, byte)
Computes the output tensor by unpacking four uint8 values from each int value and scaling to floats.
void DequantizeLinear(TensorByte X, TensorFloat O, float scale, byte zeroPoint)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | scale | The scale value to use for dequantization. |
byte | zeroPoint | The zero point value to use for dequantization. |
Div(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Div
math operation: f(a, b) = a / b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Div(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Div(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Div
math operation: f(a, b) = a / b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Div(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Einsum(TensorFloat[], TensorFloat, TensorIndex[], TensorIndex, TensorIndex, TensorShape)
Performs an Einsum
math operation.
void Einsum(TensorFloat[] inputTensors, TensorFloat O, TensorIndex[] operandIndices, TensorIndex outputIndices, TensorIndex sumIndices, TensorShape sumShape)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
inputTensors | The input tensors. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Tensor |
operandIndices | The operand indices for each input tensor. |
Tensor |
outputIndices | The output indices for each input tensor. |
Tensor |
sumIndices | The indices along which to sum. |
Tensor |
sumShape | The shape along which to sum. |
Elu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Elu
activation function: f(x) = x if x >= 0, otherwise f(x) = alpha * (e^x - 1).
void Elu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float alpha)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | alpha | The alpha value to use for the |
Equal(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Equal
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a == b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Equal(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Equal(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Equal
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a == b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Equal(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Erf(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Erf
activation function: f(x) = erf(x).
void Erf(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Exp(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Exp
math function: f(x) = exp(x).
void Exp(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Expand(Tensor, Tensor)
Calculates an output tensor by broadcasting the input tensor into a given shape.
void Expand(Tensor X, Tensor O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
FMod(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Mod
math operation: f(a, b) = a % b.
The sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the dividend, as in C#.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void FMod(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
FMod(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Mod
math operation: f(a, b) = a % b.
The sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the dividend, as in C#.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void FMod(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Floor(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Floor
math function: f(x) = floor(x).
void Floor(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Gather(Tensor, TensorInt, Tensor, int)
Takes values from the input tensor indexed by the indices tensor along a given axis and concatenates them.
void Gather(Tensor X, TensorInt indices, Tensor O, int axis)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to gather. |
GatherElements(Tensor, TensorInt, Tensor, int)
Takes values from the input tensor indexed by the indices tensor along a given axis and concatenates them.
void GatherElements(Tensor X, TensorInt indices, Tensor O, int axis)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to gather. |
GatherND(Tensor, TensorInt, Tensor, int)
Takes slices of values from the batched input tensor indexed by the indices
void GatherND(Tensor X, TensorInt indices, Tensor O, int batchDims)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | batchDims | The number of batch dimensions of the input tensor, the gather begins at the next dimension. |
Gelu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Gelu
activation function: f(x) = x / 2 * (1 + erf(x / sqrt(2))).
void Gelu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
GeluFast(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Gelu
aproximate but fast gelu function: f(x) = (x / 2) * (tanh(x + x^3 * 0.04472) * 0.7978) + 1.
void GeluFast(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
GlobalAveragePool(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the mean values of the input tensor across all of its spatial dimensions. The spatial dimensions of the output are size 1.
void GlobalAveragePool(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
GlobalMaxPool(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the maximum values of the input tensor across all of its spatial dimensions. The spatial dimensions of the output are size 1.
void GlobalMaxPool(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Greater(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Greater
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a > b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Greater(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Greater(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Greater
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a > b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Greater(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
GreaterOrEqual(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise GreaterOrEqual
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a >= b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void GreaterOrEqual(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
GreaterOrEqual(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise GreaterOrEqual
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a >= b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void GreaterOrEqual(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
HardSigmoid(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise HardSigmoid
activation function: f(x) = clamp(alpha * x + beta, 0, 1).
void HardSigmoid(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float alpha, float beta)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | alpha | The alpha value to use for the |
float | beta | The beta value to use for the |
HardSwish(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise HardSwish
activation function: f(x) = x * max(0, min(1, 1/6 * x + 0.5)).
void HardSwish(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Hardmax(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int)
Computes an output tensor by applying the Hardmax
activation function along an axis: f(x, axis) = 1 if x is the first maximum value along the specified axis, otherwise f(x) = 0.
void Hardmax(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int axis)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to apply the |
InstanceNormalization(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float)
Computes the mean variance on the spatial dimensions of the input tensor and normalizes them according to scale
and bias
void InstanceNormalization(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat S, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O, float epsilon)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
S | The scale tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The bias tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | epsilon | The epsilon value the layer uses to avoid division by zero. |
IsInf(TensorFloat, TensorInt, bool, bool)
Performs an element-wise IsInf
logical operation: f(x) = 1 elementwise if x is +Inf and detectPositive
is true
, or x is -Inf and detectNegative
is true
. Otherwise f(x) = 0.
void IsInf(TensorFloat X, TensorInt O, bool detectNegative, bool detectPositive)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
bool | detectNegative | Whether to detect negative infinities in the |
bool | detectPositive | Whether to detect positive infinities in the |
IsNaN(TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise IsNaN
logical operation: f(x) = 1 if x is NaN, otherwise f(x) = 0.
void IsNaN(TensorFloat X, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
LSTM(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, RnnDirection, RnnActivation[], float[], float[], bool, float, RnnLayout)
Generates an output tensor by computing a one-layer long short-term memory (LSTM) on an input tensor.
void LSTM(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat W, TensorFloat R, TensorFloat B, TensorInt sequenceLens, TensorFloat initialH, TensorFloat initialC, TensorFloat P, TensorFloat Y, TensorFloat Yh, TensorFloat Yc, RnnDirection direction, RnnActivation[] activations, float[] activationAlpha, float[] activationBeta, bool inputForget, float clip, RnnLayout layout)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input sequences tensor. |
Tensor |
W | The weights tensor for the gates of the LSTM. |
Tensor |
R | The recurrent weights tensor for the gates of the LSTM. |
Tensor |
B | The optional bias tensor for the input gate of the LSTM. |
Tensor |
sequenceLens | The optional 1D tensor specifying the lengths of the sequences in a batch. |
Tensor |
initialH | The optional initial values tensor of the hidden neurons of the LSTM. If this is |
Tensor |
initialC | The optional initial values tensor of the cells of the LSTM. If this is |
Tensor |
P | The optional weight tensor for the peepholes of the LSTM. If this is |
Tensor |
Y | The output tensor to be computed and filled with the concatenated intermediate output values of the hidden. |
Tensor |
Yh | The output tensor to be computed and filled with the last output value of the hidden. |
Tensor |
Yc | The output tensor to be computed and filled with the last output value of the cell. |
Rnn |
direction | The direction of the LSTM as an |
Rnn |
activations | The activation functions of the LSTM as an array of |
float[] | activationAlpha | The alpha values of the activation functions of the LSTM. |
float[] | activationBeta | The beta values of the activation functions of the LSTM. |
bool | inputForget | Whether to forget the input values in the LSTM. If this is |
float | clip | The cell clip threshold of the LSTM. |
Rnn |
layout | The layout of the tensors as an |
LayerNormalization(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float)
Computes the mean variance on the last dimension of the input tensor and normalizes it according to scale
and bias
void LayerNormalization(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat S, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O, float epsilon)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
S | The scale tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The bias tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | epsilon | The epsilon value the layer uses to avoid division by zero. |
LeakyRelu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise LeakyRelu
activation function: f(x) = x if x >= 0, otherwise f(x) = alpha * x.
void LeakyRelu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float alpha)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | alpha | The alpha value to use for the |
Less(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Less
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a < b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Less(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Less(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Less
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a < b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Less(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
LessOrEqual(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise LessOrEqual
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a <= b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void LessOrEqual(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
LessOrEqual(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise LessOrEqual
logical comparison operation: f(a, b) = 1 if a <= b, otherwise f(x) = 0.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void LessOrEqual(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Log(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Log
math function: f(x) = log(x).
void Log(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
LogSoftmax(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int)
Computes an output tensor by applying the LogSoftmax
activation function along an axis: f(x, axis) = log(Softmax(x, axis)).
void LogSoftmax(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int axis)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to apply the |
MatMul(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs a multi-dimensional matrix multiplication operation: f(a, b) = a x b.
void MatMul(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat Y, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
Y | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
MatMul2D(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, bool, bool)
Performs a matrix multiplication operation with optional transposes: f(a, b) = a' x b'.
void MatMul2D(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat Y, TensorFloat O, bool xTranspose, bool yTranspose)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
Y | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor. |
bool | xTranspose | Whether to transpose the first input tensor before performing the matrix multiplication. |
bool | yTranspose | Whether to transpose the second input tensor before performing the matrix multiplication. |
Max(TensorFloat[], TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Max
math operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = max(x1, x2 ... xn).
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Max(TensorFloat[] inputs, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
inputs | The input tensors. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Max(TensorInt[], TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Max
math operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = max(x1, x2 ... xn).
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Max(TensorInt[] inputs, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
inputs | The input tensors. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
MaxPool(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int[], int[], int[])
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the maximum values of the input tensor across its spatial dimensions according to the given pool and stride values.
void MaxPool(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int[] kernelShape, int[] strides, int[] pads)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int[] | kernelShape | The size of the kernel along each spatial axis. |
int[] | strides | The stride along each spatial axis. |
int[] | pads | The lower and upper padding values for each spatial dimension. For example, [pad_left, pad_right] for 1D, or [pad_top, pad_bottom, pad_left, pad_right] for 2D. |
Mean(TensorFloat[], TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Mean
math operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = (x1 + x2 ... xn) / n.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Mean(TensorFloat[] inputs, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
inputs | The input tensors. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sets the entries of a tensor to 0.
void MemClear(Tensor O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
MemCopy(Tensor, Tensor)
Creates a copy of a given input tensor with the same shape and values.
void MemCopy(Tensor X, Tensor O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
MemCopyStride(Tensor, Tensor, int, int, int, int, int, int)
Copy blocks of values from X to O, we copy 'count' blocks each of length 'length' values with initial offsets given by 'offsetX', 'offsetO' and with strides given by 'strideX', 'strideO'
void MemCopyStride(Tensor X, Tensor O, int strideX, int strideO, int length, int count, int offsetX, int offsetO)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | strideX | The stride of the blocks in the input tensor. |
int | strideO | The stride of the blocks in the output tensor. |
int | length | The number of elements in each block. |
int | count | The number of blocks to copy. |
int | offsetX | The first index to copy from in the input tensor. |
int | offsetO | The first index to copy to in the output tensor. |
MemSet(TensorFloat, float)
Sets the entries of a tensor to a given fill value.
void MemSet(TensorFloat O, float value)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | value | The fill value. |
MemSet(TensorInt, int)
Sets the entries of a tensor to a given fill value.
void MemSet(TensorInt O, int value)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | value | The fill value. |
Min(TensorFloat[], TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Min
math operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = min(x1, x2 ... xn).
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Min(TensorFloat[] inputs, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
inputs | The input tensors. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Min(TensorInt[], TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Min
math operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = min(x1, x2 ... xn).
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Min(TensorInt[] inputs, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
inputs | The input tensors. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Mod(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Mod
math operation: f(a, b) = a % b.
The sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the divisor, as in Python.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Mod(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Mod(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Mod
math operation: f(a, b) = a % b.
The sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the divisor, as in Python.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Mod(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Mul(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Mul
math operation: f(a, b) = a * b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Mul(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Mul(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Mul
math operation: f(a, b) = a * b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Mul(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Neg(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Neg
math function: f(x) = -x.
void Neg(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Neg(TensorInt, TensorInt)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Neg
math function: f(x) = -x.
void Neg(TensorInt X, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Not(TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Not
logical operation: f(x) = ~x.
void Not(TensorInt X, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
OneHot(TensorInt, TensorFloat, int, int, float, float)
Generates a one-hot tensor with a given depth
, indices
and on and off values.
void OneHot(TensorInt indices, TensorFloat O, int axis, int depth, float offValue, float onValue)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
indices | The indices input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which the operation adds the one-hot representation. |
int | depth | The depth of the one-hot tensor. |
float | offValue | The value to use for an off element. |
float | onValue | The value to use for an on element. |
OneHot(TensorInt, TensorInt, int, int, int, int)
Generates a one-hot tensor with a given depth
, indices
and on and off values.
void OneHot(TensorInt indices, TensorInt O, int axis, int depth, int offValue, int onValue)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
indices | The indices input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which the operation adds the one-hot representation. |
int | depth | The depth of the one-hot tensor. |
int | offValue | The value to use for an off element. |
int | onValue | The value to use for an on element. |
Or(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Or
logical operation: f(a, b) = a | b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Or(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
PRelu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise PRelu
activation function: f(x) = x if x >= 0, otherwise f(x) = slope * x.
void PRelu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat slope, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
slope | The slope tensor, must be unidirectional broadcastable to x. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Pad(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, PadMode, float)
Calculates the output tensor by adding padding to the input tensor according to the given padding values, mode and constant value.
void Pad(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> pad, PadMode padMode, float constant)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
pad | The lower and upper padding values for each dimension. |
Pad |
padMode | The |
float | constant | The constant value to fill with. |
Pad(TensorInt, TensorInt, ReadOnlySpan<int>, PadMode, int)
Calculates the output tensor by adding padding to the input tensor according to the given padding values, mode and constant value.
void Pad(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, ReadOnlySpan<int> pad, PadMode padMode, int constant)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
pad | The lower and upper padding values for each dimension. |
Pad |
padMode | The |
int | constant | The constant value to fill with. |
PinToDevice(Tensor, bool)
Pins and returns a tensor using this backend.
Tensor PinToDevice(Tensor X, bool clearOnInit = false)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
bool | clearOnInit | Whether to initialize the backend data. The default value is |
Type | Description |
Tensor | The pinned input tensor. |
Pow(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Pow
math operation: f(a, b) = pow(a, b).
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Pow(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Pow(TensorFloat, TensorInt, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Pow
math operation: f(a, b) = pow(a, b).
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Pow(TensorFloat A, TensorInt B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
RandomNormal(TensorFloat, float, float, int?)
Generates an output tensor of a given shape with random values in a normal distribution with given mean
and scale
, and an optional seed
void RandomNormal(TensorFloat O, float mean, float scale, int? seed)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | mean | The mean of the normal distribution to use to generate the output. |
float | scale | The standard deviation of the normal distribution to use to generate the output. |
int? | seed | The optional seed to use for the random number generation. If this is |
RandomUniform(TensorFloat, float, float, int?)
Generates an output tensor of a given shape with random values in a uniform distribution between a given low
and high
, and an optional seed
void RandomUniform(TensorFloat O, float low, float high, int? seed)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | low | The lower end of the interval of the uniform distribution to use to generate the output. |
float | high | The upper end of the interval of the uniform distribution to use to generate the output. |
int? | seed | The optional seed to use for the random number generation. If this is |
Range(TensorFloat, float, float)
Generates a 1D output tensor where the values form an arithmetic progression defined by the start
and delta
void Range(TensorFloat O, float start, float delta)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | start | The first value in the range. |
float | delta | The delta between subsequent values in the range. |
Range(TensorInt, int, int)
Generates a 1D output tensor where the values form an arithmetic progression defined by the start
and delta
void Range(TensorInt O, int start, int delta)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | start | The first value in the range. |
int | delta | The delta between subsequent values in the range. |
Reciprocal(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Reciprocal
math function: f(x) = 1 / x.
void Reciprocal(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
ReduceL1(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceL1
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = |x1| + |x2| + ... + |xn|.
void ReduceL1(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceL1(TensorInt, TensorInt, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceL1
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = |x1| + |x2| + ... + |xn|.
void ReduceL1(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceL2(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceL2
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = sqrt(x1² + x2² + ... + xn²).
void ReduceL2(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceLogSum(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceLogSum
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = log(x1 + x2 + ... + xn).
void ReduceLogSum(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceLogSumExp(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceLogSumExp
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = log(e^x1 + e^x2 + ... + e^xn).
void ReduceLogSumExp(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceMax(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceMax
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = max(x1, x2, ... , xn).
void ReduceMax(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceMax(TensorInt, TensorInt, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceMean
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = max(x1, x2, ... , xn).
void ReduceMax(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceMean(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceMean
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = (x1 + x2 + ... + xn) / n.
void ReduceMean(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceMin(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceMin
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = min(x1, x2, ... , xn).
void ReduceMin(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceMin(TensorInt, TensorInt, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceMin
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = min(x1, x2, ... , xn).
void ReduceMin(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceProd(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceProd
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = x1 * x2 * ... * xn.
void ReduceProd(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceProd(TensorInt, TensorInt, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceProd
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = x1 * x2 * ... * xn.
void ReduceProd(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceSum(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceSum
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = x1 + x2 + ... + xn.
void ReduceSum(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceSum(TensorInt, TensorInt, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceSum
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = x1 + x2 + ... + xn.
void ReduceSum(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceSumSquare(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceSumSquare
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = x1² + x2² + ... + xn².
void ReduceSumSquare(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
ReduceSumSquare(TensorInt, TensorInt, ReadOnlySpan<int>, bool)
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the ReduceSumSquare
operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = x1² + x2² + ... + xn².
void ReduceSumSquare(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, bool keepdim)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to reduce. |
bool | keepdim | Whether to keep the reduced axes in the output tensor. |
Relu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Relu
activation function: f(x) = max(0, x).
void Relu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Relu6(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Relu6
activation function: f(x) = clamp(x, 0, 6).
void Relu6(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Reshape(Tensor, Tensor)
Calculates an output tensor by copying the data from the input tensor and using a given shape. The data from the input tensor is unchanged.
void Reshape(Tensor X, Tensor O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Resize(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ReadOnlySpan<float>, InterpolationMode, NearestMode, CoordTransformMode)
Calculates an output tensor by resampling the input tensor along the spatial dimensions with given scales.
void Resize(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, ReadOnlySpan<float> scale, InterpolationMode interpolationMode, NearestMode nearestMode, CoordTransformMode coordTransformMode)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
scale | The factor to scale each dimension by. |
Interpolation |
interpolationMode | The |
Nearest |
nearestMode | The |
Coord |
coordTransformMode | The |
RoiAlign(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt, TensorFloat, RoiPoolingMode, int, int, int, float)
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the input tensor across each region of interest given by the rois
void RoiAlign(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat rois, TensorInt indices, TensorFloat O, RoiPoolingMode mode, int outputHeight, int outputWidth, int samplingRatio, float spatialScale)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
rois | The region of interest input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Roi |
mode | The pooling mode of the operation as an |
int | outputHeight | The height of the output tensor. |
int | outputWidth | The width of the output tensor. |
int | samplingRatio | The number of sampling points in the interpolation grid used to compute the output value of each pooled output bin. |
float | spatialScale | The multiplicative spatial scale factor used to translate coordinates from their input spatial scale to the scale used when pooling. |
Round(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Round
math function: f(x) = round(x).
If the fractional part is equal to 0.5, rounds to the nearest even integer.
void Round(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
ScalarMad(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float, float)
Performs an element-wise Mad
math operation: multiplies and adds bias to a tensor: f(T, s, b) = s * T + b.
void ScalarMad(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float s, float b)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | s | Input scalar for multiplication. |
float | b | Input bias for addition. |
ScalarMad(TensorInt, TensorInt, int, int)
Performs an element-wise Mad
math operation: multiplies and adds bias to a tensor: f(T, s, b) = s * T + b.
void ScalarMad(TensorInt X, TensorInt O, int s, int b)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | s | Input scalar for multiplication. |
int | b | Input bias for addition. |
ScaleBias(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes the output tensor with an element-wise ScaleBias
function: f(x, s, b) = x * s + b.
void ScaleBias(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat S, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
S | The scale tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The bias tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
ScatterElements(Tensor, TensorInt, Tensor, Tensor, int, ScatterReductionMode)
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the indices
tensor with values specified by the updates
tensor along a given axis.
updates the values depending on the reduction mode used.
void ScatterElements(Tensor X, TensorInt indices, Tensor updates, Tensor O, int axis, ScatterReductionMode reduction)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor | updates | The updates tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis on which to perform the scatter. |
Scatter |
reduction | The reduction mode used to update the values as a |
ScatterND(TensorFloat, TensorInt, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ScatterReductionMode)
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the indices
tensor with values specified by the updates
updates the values depending on the reduction mode used.
void ScatterND(TensorFloat X, TensorInt indices, TensorFloat updates, TensorFloat O, ScatterReductionMode reduction)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor |
updates | The updates tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Scatter |
reduction | The reduction mode used to update the values as a |
ScatterND(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt, ScatterReductionMode)
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the indices
tensor with values specified by the updates
updates the values depending on the reduction mode used.
void ScatterND(TensorInt X, TensorInt indices, TensorInt updates, TensorInt O, ScatterReductionMode reduction)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor |
updates | The updates tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Scatter |
reduction | The reduction mode used to update the values as a |
Selu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Selu
activation function: f(x) = gamma * x if x >= 0, otherwise f(x) = (alpha * e^x - alpha).
void Selu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float alpha, float gamma)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | alpha | The alpha value to use for the |
float | gamma | The alpha value to use for the |
Shrink(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Shrink
activation function: f(x) = x + bias if x < lambd. f(x) = x - bias if x > lambd. Otherwise f(x) = 0.
void Shrink(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float bias, float lambd)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | bias | The bias value to use for the |
float | lambd | The lambda value to use for the |
Sigmoid(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Sigmoid
activation function: f(x) = 1/(1 + e^(-x)).
void Sigmoid(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sign(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Sign
math operation: f(x) = 1 if x > 0. f(x) = -1 if x < 0. Otherwise f(x) = 0.
void Sign(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sign(TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Sign
math operation: f(x) = 1 if x > 0. f(x) = -1 if x < 0. Otherwise f(x) = 0.
void Sign(TensorInt X, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sin(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Sin
trigonometric function: f(x) = sin(x).
void Sin(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sinh(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Sinh
trigonometric function: f(x) = sinh(x).
void Sinh(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Slice(Tensor, Tensor, ReadOnlySpan<int>, ReadOnlySpan<int>, ReadOnlySpan<int>)
Calculates an output tensor by slicing the input tensor along given axes with given starts, ends, and steps.
void Slice(Tensor X, Tensor O, ReadOnlySpan<int> starts, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, ReadOnlySpan<int> steps)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
starts | The start index along each axis. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to slice. If this is |
Read |
steps | The step values for slicing. If this is |
SliceSet(Tensor, Tensor, Tensor, ReadOnlySpan<int>, ReadOnlySpan<int>, ReadOnlySpan<int>)
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the slices defined by axes, starts, ends, and steps.
void SliceSet(Tensor X, Tensor values, Tensor O, ReadOnlySpan<int> starts, ReadOnlySpan<int> axes, ReadOnlySpan<int> steps)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | values | The values tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
starts | The start index along each axis. |
Read |
axes | The axes along which to slice. If this is |
Read |
steps | The step values for slicing. If this is |
Softmax(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int)
Computes an output tensor by applying the Softmax
activation function along an axis: f(x, axis) = exp(X) / ReduceSum(exp(X), axis).
void Softmax(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int axis)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to apply the |
Softplus(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Softplus
activation function: f(x) = ln(e^x + 1).
void Softplus(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Softsign(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Softsign
activation function: f(x) = x/(|x| + 1).
void Softsign(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
SpaceToDepth(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, int)
Computes the output tensor by permuting data from blocks of spatial data into depth.
void SpaceToDepth(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, int blocksize)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | blocksize | The size of the blocks to move the depth data into. |
Split(Tensor, Tensor, int, int)
Calculates an output tensor by splitting the input tensor along a given axis between start and end.
void Split(Tensor X, Tensor O, int axis, int start)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | axis | The axis along which to split the input tensor. |
int | start | The inclusive start value for the split. |
Sqrt(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Sqrt
math function: f(x) = sqrt(x).
void Sqrt(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Square(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Square
math function: f(x) = x * x.
void Square(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Square(TensorInt, TensorInt)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Square
math function: f(x) = x * x.
void Square(TensorInt X, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sub(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Sub
math operation: f(a, b) = a - b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Sub(TensorFloat A, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sub(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Sub
math operation: f(a, b) = a - b.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Sub(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor |
B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Sum(TensorFloat[], TensorFloat)
Performs an element-wise Sum
math operation: f(x1, x2 ... xn) = x1 + x2 ... xn.
This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors.
void Sum(TensorFloat[] inputs, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
inputs | The input tensors. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Swish(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Swish
activation function: f(x) = sigmoid(x) * x = x / (1 + e^{-x}).
void Swish(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Tan(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Tan
trigonometric function: f(x) = tan(x).
void Tan(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Tanh(TensorFloat, TensorFloat)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise Tanh
activation function: f(x) = tanh(x).
void Tanh(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
ThresholdedRelu(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, float)
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise ThresholdedRelu
activation function: f(x) = x if x > alpha, otherwise f(x) = 0.
void ThresholdedRelu(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat O, float alpha)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
float | alpha | The alpha value to use for the |
Tile(Tensor, Tensor, ReadOnlySpan<int>)
Calculates an output tensor by repeating the input layer a given number of times along each axis.
void Tile(Tensor X, Tensor O, ReadOnlySpan<int> repeats)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
repeats | The number of times to tile the input tensor along each axis. |
TopK(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt, int, int, bool)
Calculates the top-K largest or smallest elements of an input tensor along a given axis.
void TopK(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat values, TensorInt indices, int k, int axis, bool largest)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
values | The output tensor to be computed and filled with the top K values from the input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The output tensor to be computed and filled with the corresponding input tensor indices for the top K values from the input tensor. |
int | k | The number of elements to calculate. |
int | axis | The axis along which to perform the top-K operation. |
bool | largest | Whether to calculate the top-K largest elements. If this is |
TopP(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorInt)
Computes the index of the element which cumulative sum until said element is >= than a random value
void TopP(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat random, TensorInt O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
random | The probability values used for the exit criteria. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Transpose(Tensor, Tensor)
Calculates an output tensor by reversing the dimensions of the input tensor.
void Transpose(Tensor X, Tensor O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Transpose(Tensor, Tensor, ReadOnlySpan<int>)
Calculates an output tensor by permuting the axes and data of the input tensor according to the given permutations.
void Transpose(Tensor X, Tensor O, ReadOnlySpan<int> permutations)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Read |
permutations | The axes to sample the output tensor from in the input tensor. |
Tril(Tensor, Tensor, int)
Computes the output tensor by retaining the lower triangular values from an input matrix or matrix batch and setting the other values to zero.
void Tril(Tensor X, Tensor O, int k)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | k | The offset from the diagonal to keep. |
Triu(Tensor, Tensor, int)
Computes the output tensor by retaining the upper triangular values from an input matrix or matrix batch and setting the other values to zero.
void Triu(Tensor X, Tensor O, int k)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor | X | The input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
int | k | The offset from the diagonal to exclude. |
Where(TensorInt, Tensor, Tensor, Tensor)
Performs an element-wise Where
logical operation: f(condition, a, b) = a if condition
is true
, otherwise f(condition, a, b) = b.
void Where(TensorInt C, Tensor A, Tensor B, Tensor O)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
C | The condition tensor. |
Tensor | A | The first input tensor. |
Tensor | B | The second input tensor. |
Tensor | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Xor(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt)
Performs an element-wise Xor
logical operation: f(a) = a ^ b.
void Xor(TensorInt A, TensorInt B, TensorInt O)