Constructor Conv
Conv(string, string, string, string, int, int[], int[], int[], AutoPad, int[], FusableActivation)
Initializes and returns an instance of Conv
convolution layer.
public Conv(string name, string X, string W, string B, int group, int[] strides, int[] pads, int[] dilations, AutoPad autoPad = AutoPad.NotSet, int[] kernelShape = null, FusableActivation fusedActivation = FusableActivation.None)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name to use for the output tensor of the layer. |
string | X | The name to use for the input tensor of the layer. |
string | W | The name to use for the filter tensor of the layer. |
string | B | The name to use for the optional bias tensor of the layer. |
int | group | The number of groups that input channels and output channels are divided into. |
int[] | strides | The optional stride value for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
int[] | pads | The optional lower and upper padding values for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
int[] | dilations | The optional dilation value of each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Auto |
autoPad | The auto padding mode of the convolution as an |
int[] | kernelShape | The shape of the kernel as an integer array. |
Fusable |
fusedActivation | The fused activation type to apply after the convolution. The default value is |
Conv(string, string, string, int, int[], int[], int[], AutoPad, int[], FusableActivation)
Initializes and returns an instance of Conv
convolution layer.
public Conv(string name, string X, string W, int group, int[] strides, int[] pads, int[] dilations, AutoPad autoPad = AutoPad.NotSet, int[] kernelShape = null, FusableActivation fusedActivation = FusableActivation.None)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name to use for the output tensor of the layer. |
string | X | The name to use for the input tensor of the layer. |
string | W | The name to use for the filter tensor of the layer. |
int | group | The number of groups that input channels and output channels are divided into. |
int[] | strides | The optional stride value for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
int[] | pads | The optional lower and upper padding values for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
int[] | dilations | The optional dilation value of each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Auto |
autoPad | The auto padding mode of the convolution as an |
int[] | kernelShape | The shape of the kernel as an integer array. |
Fusable |
fusedActivation | The fused activation type to apply after the convolution. The default value is |