Method ConvTranspose
ConvTranspose(TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, Span<int>, Span<int>, Span<int>, FusableActivation)
Applies a transpose convolution filter to an input tensor.
void ConvTranspose(TensorFloat X, TensorFloat W, TensorFloat B, TensorFloat O, Span<int> strides, Span<int> pads, Span<int> outputPadding, FusableActivation fusedActivation)
Type | Name | Description |
TensorFloat | X | The input tensor. |
TensorFloat | W | The filter tensor. |
TensorFloat | B | The optional bias tensor. |
TensorFloat | O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Span<int> | strides | The optional stride value for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Span<int> | pads | The optional lower and upper padding values for each spatial dimension of the filter. |
Span<int> | outputPadding | The output padding value for each spatial dimension in the filter. |
FusableActivation | fusedActivation | The fused activation type to apply after the convolution. |