Class CameraBuilder
This class is responsible to set up a unity camera corresponding to a sensor description. This is the way to sample the scene for sensor array.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Mechatronics.SensorSDK
Assembly: solution.dll
public static class CameraBuilder
Name | Description |
CreateCubeCamera(GameObject, CameraDesc, uint) | Creates up to 6 cameras based on the cameraConfig mask, used for rendering into a cube map while preserving temporal effects. |
CreateUnityCameraDeferred(GameObject, CameraDesc) | Create a physical camera that use deferred rendering to sample the scene. |
CreateUnityCameraDeferred(GameObject, int, int, RenderTextureFormat, float) | Create a non-physical (fov-based) camera that use deferred rendering to sample the scene. |
CreateUnityCameraPathtracing(GameObject, CameraDesc) | Create a physical camera that use path tracing rendering to sample the scene. |
CreateUnityCameraRaytracing(GameObject, CameraDesc) | Create a physical camera that use deferred rendering and path tracing to sample the scene. |
DestroyUnityCamera(Camera) | Destroy the camera's gameobject to delete all possible other component that the camera might have created and depend on the camera. It's the case for HDRP that create a HDCameraData. One should know that the CameraBuilder put the camera component on its own gameobject when we build it. (see AddCamera() implementation for more details) |