Run Python script files from C#
Support for the Python Scripting package is scheduled to end as of Unity 6.1.
Use the PythonRunner.RunFile
method to execute a Python script file from C#.
Example: ensure GameObject names in the Scene
Python script
The following Python script loops over all the GameObjects in a Scene and makes sure all their names end up with an underscore.
import UnityEngine
all_objects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(UnityEngine.GameObject)
for go in all_objects:
if[-1] != '_': = + '_'
Save this code as Assets/
C# code
The following C# code creates a new menu item that calls the Python script file you just created.
using UnityEditor.Scripting.Python;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnsureNaming
[MenuItem("MyPythonScripts/Ensure Naming")]
static void RunEnsureNaming()
From the main menu of the Editor, select MyPythonScripts > Ensure Naming.
All the GameObjects in the Hierarchy should now be suffixed with an underscore.