Forward+ Rendering Path
The Forward+ Rendering Path lets you avoid the per object limit of the Forward Rendering Path.
The Forward+ Rendering Path has the following advantages compared with the Forward Rendering Path:
There is no per-object limit for the number of Lights that affect GameObjects, the per-Camera limit still applies.
This implementation lets you avoid splitting big meshes when more than 8 lights affect them.Blending of more than 2 reflection probes.
Support for multiple Lights when using Unity Entity Component System (ECS).
More flexibility with procedural draws.
For more information, also check: Rendering Path comparison.
How to select the Forward+ Rendering Path
To select the Forward+ Rendering Path, use the property Rendering > Rendering Path in the URP Universal Renderer asset.
When you set the Rendering Path to Forward+, Unity ignores the values in the following properties in URP Asset, Lighting section:
Main Light. With Forward+ the value of this property is Per Pixel regardless of the value you select.
Additional Lights. With Forward+ the value of this property is Per Pixel regardless of the value you select.
Additional Lights > Per Object Limit. Unity ignores this property.
Reflection Probes > Probe Blending. Reflection probe blending is always on.
The Forward+ Rendering Path has no limitations compared with the Forward Rendering Path.