Enum FullScreenDebugMode
Full Screen Debug Mode.
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
public enum FullScreenDebugMode
Name | Description | Value |
None | No Full Screen debug mode. |
0 |
MinLightingFullScreenDebug | Minimum Full Screen Lighting debug mode value (used internally). |
1 |
SSAO | Display Screen Space Ambient Occlusion buffer. |
2 |
ScreenSpaceReflections | Display Screen Space Reflections buffer. |
3 |
TransparentScreenSpaceReflections | Display the Transparent Screen Space Reflections buffer. |
4 |
ContactShadows | Display Contact Shadows buffer. |
5 |
ContactShadowsFade | Display Contact Shadows fade. |
6 |
ScreenSpaceShadows | Display Screen Space Shadows. |
7 |
PreRefractionColorPyramid | Displays the color pyramid before the refraction pass. |
8 |
DepthPyramid | Display the Depth Pyramid. |
9 |
FinalColorPyramid | Display the final color pyramid for the frame. |
10 |
LightCluster | Display ray tracing light cluster. |
11 |
ScreenSpaceGlobalIllumination | Display screen space global illumination. |
12 |
RecursiveRayTracing | Display recursive ray tracing. |
13 |
RayTracedSubSurface | Display ray-traced sub-surface scattering. |
14 |
MaxLightingFullScreenDebug | Maximum Full Screen Lighting debug mode value (used internally). |
15 |
MinRenderingFullScreenDebug | Minimum Full Screen Rendering debug mode value (used internally). |
16 |
MotionVectors | Display Motion Vectors. |
17 |
NanTracker | Display NaNs. |
18 |
ColorLog | Display Log of the color buffer. |
19 |
DepthOfFieldCoc | Display Depth of Field circle of confusion. |
20 |
TransparencyOverdraw | Display Transparency Overdraw. |
21 |
MaxRenderingFullScreenDebug | Maximum Full Screen Rendering debug mode value (used internally). |
22 |
MinMaterialFullScreenDebug | Minimum Full Screen Material debug mode value (used internally). |
23 |
ValidateDiffuseColor | Display Diffuse Color validation mode. |
24 |
ValidateSpecularColor | Display specular Color validation mode. |
25 |
MaxMaterialFullScreenDebug | Maximum Full Screen Material debug mode value (used internally). |
26 |