Enum FrameSettingsField
Collection of settings used for rendering the frame.
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
public enum FrameSettingsField
Name | Description | Value |
LitShaderMode | Specifies the Lit Shader Mode for Cameras using these Frame Settings use to render the Scene. |
0 |
DepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering | When enabled, HDRP processes a depth prepass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. Set Lit Shader Mode to Deferred to access this option. |
1 |
None | No Frame Settings. |
OpaqueObjects | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render opaque GameObjects. |
2 |
TransparentObjects | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render Transparent GameObjects. |
3 |
ClearGBuffers | When enabled, HDRP clear GBuffers for Cameras using these Frame Settings. Set Lit Shader Mode to Deferred to access this option. |
5 |
CustomPass | When enabled, HDRP renders custom passes contained in CustomPassVolume components. |
6 |
TransparentPrepass | When enabled, HDRP processes a transparent prepass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
8 |
TransparentPostpass | When enabled, HDRP processes a transparent postpass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
9 |
MotionVectors | When enabled, HDRP processes a motion vector pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
10 |
ObjectMotionVectors | When enabled, HDRP processes an object motion vector pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
11 |
Decals | When enabled, HDRP processes a decal render pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
12 |
RoughRefraction | When enabled, HDRP processes a refraction render pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. This add a resolve of ColorBuffer after the drawing of opaque materials to be use for Refraction effect during transparent pass. |
13 |
Refraction | When enabled, HDRP processes a refraction render pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. This add a resolve of ColorBuffer after the drawing of opaque materials to be use for Refraction effect during transparent pass. |
13 |
Distortion | When enabled, HDRP processes a distortion render pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
14 |
Postprocess | When enabled, HDRP processes a post-processing render pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
15 |
TransparentsWriteMotionVector | When enabled, transparent GameObjects use Motion Vectors. You must also enable TransparentWritesVelocity for Materials that you want to use motion vectors with. |
16 |
AfterPostprocess | When enabled, HDRP processes a post-processing render pass for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
17 |
LowResTransparent | When enabled, HDRP processes a transparent pass in a lower resolution for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
18 |
ZTestAfterPostProcessTAA | When enabled, Cameras that don't use TAA process a depth test for Materials in the AfterPostProcess rendering pass. |
19 |
ShadowMaps | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render shadows. |
20 |
ContactShadows | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render Contact Shadows. |
21 |
Shadowmask | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render shadows from Shadow Masks. |
22 |
SSR | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Reflections. |
23 |
SSAO | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. |
24 |
Transmission | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render subsurface scattering (SSS) Materials with an added transmission effect (only if you enable Transmission on the SSS Material in the Material's Inspector). |
26 |
AtmosphericScattering | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render fog effects. |
27 |
Volumetrics | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render volumetric effects such as volumetric fog and lighting. |
28 |
ReprojectionForVolumetrics | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings use several previous frames to calculate volumetric effects which increases their overall quality at run time. |
29 |
LightLayers | When enabled, Cameras that use these Frame Settings make use of LightLayers. |
30 |
MSAA | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate MSAA when they render the Scene. Set Lit Shader Mode to Forward to access this option. |
31 |
ExposureControl | When enabled, Cameras that use these Frame Settings use exposure values defined in relevant components. |
32 |
ReflectionProbe | When enabled, Cameras that use these Frame Settings calculate reflection from Reflection Probes. |
33 |
ScreenSpaceShadows | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render Screen Space Shadows. |
34 |
PlanarProbe | When enabled, Cameras that use these Frame Settings calculate reflection from Planar Reflection Probes. |
35 |
ReplaceDiffuseForIndirect | When enabled, Cameras that use these Frame Settings render Materials with base color as diffuse. This is a useful Frame Setting to use for real-time Reflection Probes because it renders metals as diffuse Materials to stop them appearing black when Unity can't calculate several bounces of specular lighting. |
36 |
SkyReflection | When enabled, the Sky affects specular lighting for Cameras that use these Frame Settings. |
37 |
DirectSpecularLighting | When enabled, Cameras that use these Frame Settings render Direct Specular lighting. This is a useful Frame Setting to use for baked Reflection Probes to remove view dependent lighting. |
38 |
CustomPostProcess | When enabled, HDRP render user written post processes. |
39 |
AsyncCompute | When enabled, HDRP executes certain Compute Shader commands in parallel. This only has an effect if the target platform supports async compute. |
40 |
LightListAsync | When enabled, HDRP builds the Light List asynchronously. |
41 |
SSRAsync | When enabled, HDRP calculates screen space reflection asynchronously. |
42 |
SSAOAsync | When enabled, HDRP calculates screen space ambient occlusion asynchronously. |
43 |
ContactShadowsAsync | When enabled, HDRP calculates Contact Shadows asynchronously. |
44 |
VolumeVoxelizationsAsync | When enabled, HDRP calculates volumetric voxelization asynchronously. |
45 |
SubsurfaceScattering | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings render subsurface scattering (SSS) effects for GameObjects that use a SSS Material. |
46 |
SssQualityMode | Configures the sample budget of the Subsurface Scattering algorithm using Quality Levels. You can either pick from one of the existing values in the Quality Settings, or request a custom number of samples. |
47 |
SssQualityLevel | Sets the Quality Level of the Subsurface Scattering algorithm. |
48 |
SssCustomSampleBudget | Sets the custom sample budget of the Subsurface Scattering algorithm. |
49 |
AlphaToMask | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings use Alpha To Mask. Activate MSAA to access this option. |
56 |
LODBiasMode | Specifies the Level Of Detail Mode for Cameras using these Frame Settings use to render the Scene. Scale will allow to add a scale factor while Override will allow to set a specific value. |
60 |
LODBias | Set the LOD Bias with the value in lodBias. |
61 |
MaximumLODLevelMode | Specifies the Maximum Level Of Detail Mode for Cameras using these Frame Settings to use to render the Scene. Offset allows you to add an offset factor while Override allows you to set a specific value. |
62 |
MaximumLODLevel | Set the LOD Bias with the value in maximumLODLevel. |
63 |
LODBiasQualityLevel | The quality level to use when fetching the value from the quality settings. |
64 |
MaximumLODLevelQualityLevel | The quality level to use when fetching the value from the quality settings. |
65 |
MaterialQualityLevel | The quality level to use when fetching the value from the quality settings. |
66 |
StopNaN | When enabled, HDRP replace NaN values with black pixels for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
80 |
DepthOfField | When enabled, HDRP adds depth of field to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Depth Of Field override. |
81 |
MotionBlur | When enabled, HDRP adds motion blur to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Blur override. |
82 |
PaniniProjection | When enabled, HDRP adds panini projection to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Panini Projection override. |
83 |
Bloom | When enabled, HDRP adds bloom to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Bloom override. |
84 |
LensDistortion | When enabled, HDRP adds lens distortion to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Lens Distortion override. |
85 |
ChromaticAberration | When enabled, HDRP adds chromatic aberration to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Chromatic Aberration override. |
86 |
Vignette | When enabled, HDRP adds vignette to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Vignette override. |
87 |
ColorGrading | When enabled, HDRP processes color grading for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
88 |
FilmGrain | When enabled, HDRP adds film grain to Cameras affected by a Volume containing the Film Grain override. |
89 |
Dithering | When enabled, HDRP processes dithering for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
90 |
Antialiasing | When enabled, HDRP processes anti-aliasing for camera using these Frame Settings. |
91 |
RayTracing | When enabled, HDRP updates ray tracing for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
92 |
Tonemapping | When enabled, HDRP processes tonemapping for Cameras using these Frame Settings. |
93 |
TransparentSSR | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Transparent Screen Space Reflections. |
94 |
SSGI | When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Transparent Screen Space Global Illumination. |
95 |
FPTLForForwardOpaque | When enabled, HDRP uses FPTL for forward opaque. |
120 |
BigTilePrepass | When enabled, HDRP uses a big tile prepass for light visibility. |
121 |
DeferredTile | When enabled, HDRP uses tiles to compute deferred lighting. |
122 |
ComputeLightEvaluation | When enabled, HDRP uses a compute shader to compute deferred lighting. |
123 |
ComputeLightVariants | When enabled, HDRP uses light variant classification to compute lighting. |
124 |
ComputeMaterialVariants | When enabled, HDRP uses material variant classification to compute lighting. |
125 |
ProbeVolume | When enabled, HDRP uses probe volumes for baked lighting. |
127 |