Orbit |
Use the left icon to control the Orbit of the light. This tool becomes green when you move the icon. |
Elevation |
Use the middle icon to control the Elevation of the light. This tool becomes blue when you move the icon. |
Roll |
Use the right icon to control the Roll of the light. This tool becomes gray when you move the icon. This is useful if the light has an IES or a Cookie. |
Distance |
Controls the distance between the light and its anchor in world space. |
Up Direction |
Defines the space of the up direction of the anchor. When you set this value to Local, the Up Direction is relative to the Camera. |
Anchor Position Override |
Allows you to use a GameObject's Transform as anchor position instead of the LightAnchor's Transform. When the Transform of the GameObject you assigned to this property changes, the Light Anchor's Transform also changes. |
Common |
Assigns a preset to the light component based on the behavior of studio lights. |