Struct RenderPipelineSettings
HDRP Render Pipeline Settings.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
public struct RenderPipelineSettings
Name | Description |
colorBufferFormat | Color buffer format. |
computeThicknessLayerMask | LayerMask used to render thickness. |
computeThicknessResolution | Scale for compute thickness texture array. |
cubeReflectionResolution | |
customBufferFormat | Custom passes buffer format. |
decalNormalBufferHP | High precision normal buffer. |
decalSettings | Global decal settings |
deformationAtlasSize | Defines the resolution of the deformer atlas. |
dynamicResolutionSettings | Global dynamic resolution settings. |
foamAtlasSize | Defines the resolution of the foam system atlas. |
hdShadowInitParams | Global shadows settings. |
highQualityLineRenderingMemoryBudget | High Quality Line Rendering Memory Budget. |
lightLoopSettings | Global light loop settings. |
lightProbeSystem | Determines what system to use. |
lightSettings | Light Settings. |
lightingQualitySettings | Global lighting quality settings. |
lodBias | LoD bias. |
lowresTransparentSettings | Global low resolution transparency settings. |
maximumDeformerCount | Maximum amount of water deformers supported. |
maximumLODLevel | Maximum LoD Level. |
msaaSampleCount | Default Number of samples when using MSAA. |
planarReflectionResolution | |
postProcessQualitySettings | Global post processing quality settings. |
postProcessSettings | Global post process settings. |
probeVolumeBlendingMemoryBudget | Probe Volume Memory Budget for scenario blending. |
probeVolumeMemoryBudget | Probe Volume Memory Budget. |
probeVolumeSHBands | Probe Volumes SH Bands. |
renderingLayerMaskBuffer | Enable rendering layer mask buffer. |
sssDownsampleSteps | Downsample input texture for the Subsurface Scattering algorithm. |
sssSampleBudget | Sample budget for the Subsurface Scattering algorithm. |
supportComputeThickness | Sample Compute Thickness algorithm. |
supportCustomPass | Support custom passes. |
supportDataDrivenLensFlare | Support Data Driven Lens Flare. |
supportDecalLayers | Support decal Layers. |
supportDecals | Support decals. |
supportDistortion | Support distortion. |
supportDitheringCrossFade | Support dithered cross-fade. |
supportHighQualityLineRendering | Support High Quality Line Rendering. |
supportLightLayers | Support light layers. |
supportMotionVectors | Support motion vectors. |
supportProbeVolumeScenarioBlending | Support Scenarios for Probe Volumes. |
supportProbeVolumeScenarios | Support Scenarios for Probe Volumes. |
supportProbeVolumeStreaming | Support Streaming for Probe Volumes. |
supportRayTracing | Support ray tracing. |
supportRuntimeAOVAPI | Support runtime AOV API. |
supportSSAO | Support screen space ambient occlusion. |
supportSSGI | Support screen space global illumination. |
supportSSR | Support screen space reflections. |
supportSSRTransparent | Support transparent screen space reflections. |
supportScreenSpaceLensFlare | Support Screen Space Lens Flare. |
supportShadowMask | Support shadow masks. |
supportSubsurfaceScattering | Support subsurface scattering. |
supportSurfaceGradient | Support surface gradient for decal normal blending. |
supportTerrainHole | Support terrain holes. |
supportTransparentBackface | Support transparent backface pass. |
supportTransparentDepthPostpass | Support transparent depth post-pass. |
supportTransparentDepthPrepass | Support transparent depth pre-pass. |
supportVFXRayTracing | Support ray tracing of VFXs. |
supportVolumetricClouds | Support volumetric clouds. |
supportVolumetrics | Support volumetric lighting. |
supportWater | Support Water Surfaces. |
supportWaterDeformation | Support Water Surfaces deformation. |
supportWaterExclusion | Support Water Surfaces exclusion. |
supportWaterFoam | Support Water Surfaces foam. |
supportedLitShaderMode | Supported Lit shader modes. |
supportedRayTracingMode | Support ray tracing mode. |
waterCPUSimulation | Enable water CPU simulation. |
waterSimulationResolution | Water simulation resolution |
xrSettings | Global XR settings. |
Name | Description |
renderingLayerNames | Names for rendering layers. |
supportMSAA | Support MSAA. |
supportRuntimeDebugDisplay | Support runtime debug display. |