Enum RayCountValues
The different ray count values that can be asked for.
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
[GenerateHLSL(PackingRules.Exact, true, false, false, 1, false, false, false, -1, "C:\\temp\\com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition@15.0\\Library\\PackageCache\\com.unity.render-pipelines.high-definition@15.0.7\\Runtime\\Debug\\RayCountManager.cs")]
public enum RayCountValues
Name | Description |
AmbientOcclusion | Ray count for the ray traced ambient occlusion effect. |
Count | Total number of ray count values that may be requested. |
DiffuseGI_Deferred | Ray count for the deferred ray traced indirect diffuse effect. |
DiffuseGI_Forward | Ray count for the forward ray traced indirect diffuse effect. |
Recursive | Ray count for the recursive rendering effect. |
ReflectionDeferred | Ray count for the deferred ray traced reflection effect. |
ReflectionForward | Ray count for the forward ray traced reflection effect. |
ShadowAreaLight | Ray count for the ray traced area shadow effect. |
ShadowDirectional | Ray count for the ray traced directional shadow effect. |
ShadowPointSpot | Ray count for the ray traced point shadow effect. |
Total | Total number of entries. |