Class MaterialDebugSettings
Material Debug Settings.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
public class MaterialDebugSettings
Name | Description |
debugViewMaterialCommonValue | Current material shared properties debug view. |
debugViewMaterialGBufferStrings | List of material debug view names. |
debugViewMaterialGBufferValues | List of material debug views values. |
materialValidateHighColor | Color for displaying materials using an albedo value that is too high. |
materialValidateLowColor | Color for displaying materials using an albedo value that is too low. |
materialValidateTrueMetal | Enable display of materials using a true metallic value. |
materialValidateTrueMetalColor | Color for displaying materials using a true metallic color. |
Name | Description |
debugViewEngine | Current Engine Debug View. |
debugViewGBuffer | Current GBuffer Debug View. |
debugViewMaterial | Current Debug View Material. |
debugViewProperties | Current Properties Debug View. |
debugViewVarying | Current Varying Debug View. |
Name | Description |
DisableMaterialDebug() | Disable all current material debug views. |
IsDebugDisplayEnabled() | Returns true if any material debug display is enabled. |
IsDebugGBufferEnabled() | Returns true if GBuffer debug is enabled. |
IsDebugViewMaterialEnabled() | Returns true if Material debug is enabled. |
SetDebugViewCommonMaterialProperty(MaterialSharedProperty) | Set the current shared material properties debug view. |
SetDebugViewEngine(int) | Set the current engine debug view. |
SetDebugViewGBuffer(int) | Set the current GBuffer debug view. |
SetDebugViewMaterial(int) | Set the current material debug view. |
SetDebugViewProperties(DebugViewProperties) | Set the current Material Property debug view. |
SetDebugViewVarying(DebugViewVarying) | Set current varying debug view. |