Struct GlobalLightLoopSettings
Global Light Loop Settings.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.HighDefinition.Runtime.dll
public struct GlobalLightLoopSettings
Name | Description |
cookieAtlasLastValidMip | Last valid mip for cookie atlas. |
cookieAtlasSize | Cookie atlas resolution. |
cookieFormat | Cookie atlas graphics format. |
maxAreaLightsOnScreen | Maximum number of area lights at the same time on screen. |
maxCubeReflectionOnScreen | Maximum number of environment lights at the same time on screen. |
maxDecalsOnScreen | Maximum number of decals at the same time on screen. |
maxDirectionalLightsOnScreen | Maximum number of directional lights at the same time on screen. |
maxLightsPerClusterCell | Maximum number of lights per ray tracing light cluster cell. |
maxLocalVolumetricFogOnScreen | Maximum number of Local Volumetric Fog at the same time on screen. |
maxLocalVolumetricFogSize | Maximum size of one Local Volumetric Fog texture. |
maxPlanarReflectionOnScreen | Maximum number of planar lights at the same time on screen. |
maxPunctualLightsOnScreen | Maximum number of punctual lights at the same time on screen. |
planarReflectionAtlasSize | Obsolete: Use planar reflection atlas. |
reflectionCacheCompressed | Enable reflection probe cache compression. |
reflectionProbeDecreaseResToFit | Downsize the reflection probe resolution if the probe doesn't fit in the reflection probe's texture cache. |
reflectionProbeFormat | Reflection probes format. |
reflectionProbeTexCacheSize | Reflection probes texture cache size. |
reflectionProbeTexLastValidCubeMip | Last valid mip for cube reflection probes in the reflection probe's texture cache. |
reflectionProbeTexLastValidPlanarMip | Last valid mip for planar reflection probes in the reflection probe's texture cache. |
skyLightingOverrideLayerMask | LayerMask used for sky lighting override. |
skyReflectionSize | Resolution of the sky reflection cubemap. |
supportFabricConvolution | Enable fabric specific convolution for probes and sky lighting. |