Decals and masking in the Water System
You can use a Water Mask to affect the influence the simulation has on specific areas of the water surface.
Masks take into account the Wrap Mode of the texture on the importer. For Ocean, Sea, or Lake water surface types, choose Clamp rather the default, Repeat.
In this example, the Red channel attenuates the First and Second bands with a gradient. The noise on the Green channel attenuates ripples. See the Water Mask property description for more information. |
Masks do not affect CPU simulations. As a result, buoyancy scripts produce incorrect results for masked water surfaces.
You can use a decal with a water surface in the form of a Decal Layer Mask. You might use this to imitate debris floating on the water, for example. Global Opacity determines the amount of influence the decal has on the appearance of the water surface.
Certain Decal Shader Surface Options do not work with water surfaces:
- Affect Metal
- Affect Ambient Occlusion
- Affect Emission
- Affect Base Color only produces monochromatic output.