High Definition Render Pipeline Wizard
The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) includes the HD Render Pipeline Wizard to help you configure your Unity Project so that it is compatible with HDRP.
To open the Render Pipeline Wizard, go to Window > Render Pipeline and select HD Render Pipeline Wizard.
At the top of the window, there is an information text that shows you the currently installed version of HDRP. The Check Update button provides a shortcut to the HDRP package in the Package Manager window.
You also have a button allow you to creates a local instance of the High Definition Render Pipeline Config package in the LocalPackage folder of your HDRP Project. If already installed, some information about its location are displayed below.
Default Path Settings
Property | Description |
Default Resources Folder | Set the folder name that the Render Pipeline Wizard uses when it loads or creates resources. Click the Populate / Reset button to populate the Default Resources Folder with the resources that HDRP needs to render a Scene (for details, see Populating the default resources folder). If a default Asset already exists in the folder then clicking the Populate/Reset button resets the existing Asset. |
Populating the default resources folder
When you click Populate/Reset, HDRP generates the following Assets:
- DefautRenderingSettings: The default Volume Profile that the template Scene uses to render visual elements like shadows, fog, and the sky.
- DefautPostprocessingSettings: The default Volume Profile that the template Scene uses for post-processing effects.
- HDRenderPipellineAsset: The HDRP Asset that Unity uses to configure HDRP settings for the Unity Project.
- Foliage Diffusion Profile: A Diffusion Profile that simulates sub-surface light interaction with foliage.
- Skin Diffusion Profile: A Diffusion Profile that simulates sub-surface light interaction with skin.
Configuration Checking
Your Unity Project must adhere to all the configuration tests in this section for HDRP to work correctly. If a test fails, a message explains the issue and you can click a button to fix it. This helps you quickly fix any major issues with your HDRP Project. The Render Pipeline Wizard can load or create any resources that are missing by placing new resources in the Default Resources Folder.
There are three tabs that you can use to set up your HDRP Project for different use cases.
- HDRP: Use this tab to set up a default HDRP Project.
- HDRP + VR: Use this tab to set up your HDRP Project and enable support for virtual reality.
- HDRP + DXR: Use this tab to set up your HDRP Project and enable support for ray tracing.
This tab provides you with configuration options to help you make your Unity Project use HDRP.
Configuration Option | Description |
Color Space | Checks to make sure Color Space is set to Linear. HDRP only supports Linear Color Space because it gives more physically accurate results than Gamma. Press the Fix button to set the Color Space to Linear. |
Lightmap Encoding | Checks to make sure Lightmap Encoding is set to High Quality, which is the only mode that HDRP supports. Press the Fix button to make Unity encode lightmaps in High Quality mode. This fixes lightmaps for all platforms. |
Shadows | Checks to make sure Shadow Quality is set to All. Unity hides this option when you install HDRP, and automatically sets it to All. Press the Fix button to set Shadow Quality to All. |
Shadowmask Mode | Checks to make sure Shadowmask Mode is set to Distance Shadowmask at the Project level. This allows you to change the Shadowmask Mode on a per-Light level. Press the Fix button to set the Shadowmask Mode to Distance Shadowmask. |
Asset Configuration | Checks every configuration in this section. Press the Fix All button to fix every configuration in this section. |
- Assigned | Checks to make sure you have assigned an HDRP Asset to the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings field (menu: Edit > Project Settings > Graphics). Press the Fix button to open a pop-up that allows you to either assign an HDRP Asset or create and assign a new one. |
- Runtime Resources | Checks to make sure that your HDRP Asset references a Render Pipeline Resources Asset. Press the Fix button to reload the runtime resources for the HDRP Asset. |
- Editor Resources | Checks to make sure that your HDRP Asset references a Render Pipeline Editor Resources Asset. Press the Fix button to reload the runtime resources for the HDRP Asset. |
- SRP Batcher | Checks to make sure that SRP Batcher is enabled. Press the Fix button to enable it in the used HDRP Asset. |
- Diffusion Profile | Checks to make sure that your HDRP Asset references a Diffusion Profile Asset. Press the Fix button to reload the runtime resources for the HDRP Asset. |
Default Volume Profile | Checks to make sure you have assigned a Default Volume Profile Asset in Edit > Project Settings > HDRP Default Settings . Press the Fix button to open a pop-up that allows you to either assign a Profile or create and assign a new one. |
This tab provides all of the configuration options from the HDRP tab as well as extra configuration options to help you set your HDRP Project up to support virtual reality. If you can not find an option in this section of the documentation, check the HDRP tab above. This is only supported on Windows OS.
Configuration Option | Description |
Legacy VR System | Checks to make sure Virtual Reality Supported is disabled. This was the legacy system that is being deprecated. Press the Fix button to disable Virtual Reality Supported. |
XR Management Package | Check to make sure the XR Management Package is installed. Press the Fix button to install it. |
- Oculus Plugin | This cannot be checked directly by the wizard. So it is basically info on procedure to check it. You should install the plugin manually in Edit > Project Settings > XR Plugin Manager |
- Single-Pass Instancing | This cannot be checked directly by the wizard. So it is basically info on procedure to check it. You should check in Edit > Project Settings > XR Plugin Manager > Oculus that Stereo Rendering Mode use Single-Pass Instancing |
XR Legacy Helpers Package | Check to make sure the XR Legacy Helpers Package is installed. It is require to handle inputs with the TrackedPoseDriver component. Press the Fix button to install it. |
This tab provides all of the configuration options from the HDRP tab as well as extra configuration options to help you set your HDRP Project up to support ray tracing. If you can not find an option in this section of the documentation, check the HDRP tab above. This is only supported on Windows OS.
Note that every Fix will be deactivated if your Hardware or OS do not support DXR.
Configuration Option | Description |
Hardware and OS | Check that your hardware and OS are compatible with using DXR. |
Auto Graphics API | Checks to make sure Auto Graphics API is disabled in your Player Settings for the current platform. DXR needs to use Direct3D 12. Press the Fix button to disable Auto Graphics API. |
Direct3D 12 | Checks to make sure Direct3D 12 is the first Graphic API set in Player Settings for the current plateform. Press the Fix button to make Unity use Direct3D 12. |
Static Batching | Static Batching is not supported while using DXR. Press the Fix button to deactivate it. |
Screen Space Shadow | Checks to make sure Screen Space Shadow is enabled in the current HDRP Asset. Press the Fix button to enable Screen Space Shadow. |
Reflections | Checks to make sure Screen Space Reflection is enabled in the current HDRP Asset. Press the Fix button to enable Screen Space Reflection. |
DXR Activated | Checks to make sure DXR Activated is enabled in the current HDRP Asset. Press the Fix button to enable DXR Activated. |
DXR Resources | Checks to make sure that your HDRP Asset references an HD Render Pipeline RayTracing Resources Asset. Press the Fix button to reload the raytracing resources for the HDRP Asset. |
DXR Shader Config | Checks to make sure that the ShaderConfig.cs.hlsl, in the High Definition RP Config package referenced in your Project, has SHADEROPTIONS_RAYTRACING set to 1. Press the Fix button to create a local copy of the High Definition RP Config package and, in the ShaderConfig.cs.hlsl, set SHADEROPTIONS_RAYTRACING to 1. |
Project Migration Quick-links
When upgrading a project from the built-in render pipeline to HDRP, you need to do upgrade your Materials. Use the following utility functions to help with the upgrade process:
- Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials: Upgrades every Material in your Unity Project to HDRP Materials.
- Upgrade Selected Materials to High Definition Materials: Upgrades every Material currently selected to HDRP Materials.
- Upgrade HDRP Materials to Latest Version: Upgrades every Material in your Unity Project to the latest version.
The lighting will not match as HDRP use a different attenuation function than built-in and use correct math to handle lighting model. There is no function that can convert the look. Thus the lighting will require to be redone.