Class IncludeAdditionalRPAssets
A graphics settings container for settings related to additional Render
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.Core.Runtime.dll
[SupportedOnRenderPipeline(new Type[] { })]
[CategoryInfo(Name = "H: RP Assets Inclusion", Order = 990)]
public class IncludeAdditionalRPAssets : IRenderPipelineGraphicsSettings
These settings are not editable through the editor's UI but can be changed through the API for advanced usage. Changing this through the API is only allowed in the Editor. In the Player, this raises an error.
By default, only RPAsset, in Quality Settings, is embedded in the build. This allows you to add assets. Add any render pipeline assets you use in your project either through this or directly in Quality Settings. They contain data listing what resources need to be embedded in the build. It is highly recommended not to change it unless you know what you are doing. Otherwise, this may lead to unexpected changes in your Player.
Here is an example of how to determine what label to use to embed additional assets.
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
public static class RPAssetIncludedHelper
public static string label
var gs = GraphicsSettings.GetRenderPipelineSettings<IncludeAdditionalRPAssets>();
if (gs == null) //not in SRP
return null;
if (!gs.includeAssetsByLabel)
return null;
return gs.labelToInclude;
Additionaly include RPAsset that have a specific label.
public bool includeAssetsByLabel { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
See Also
Additionaly include RPAsset referenced in Scene.
public bool includeReferencedInScenes { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
See Also
Label to use when including RPAsset by label.
public string labelToInclude { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |