Class RemoteConfigWebApiClient
This is a utility class for Remote Config to handle all Remote Config CRUD operations.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.RemoteConfig.Editor
public static class RemoteConfigWebApiClient
Name | Description |
webRequestsAreDone | Checks if there are any unfinished web requests. Returns true if all web requests are done. |
Name | Description |
DeleteConfig(String, String) | Sends a DELETE request to delete aconfig. |
FetchConfigs(String, String, Action<Exception>) | Fetches all configs for the given environment ID. |
FetchDefaultEnvironment(String, Action<Exception>) | Fetches default environment for the current project. |
FetchEnvironments(String, Action<Exception>) | Fetches all environments for the current project. |
PostConfig(String, String, JArray, Action<Exception>) | Pushes a new config to the server in the given environment. |
PutConfig(String, String, String, JArray) | Pushes updates to the given existing config to the server for the given environment. |
Name | Description |
fetchConfigsFinished | Action upon fetching config finishes. Passes config object. |
fetchDefaultEnvironmentFinished | Action upon fetching default environment. Passes default environment id. |
fetchEnvironmentsFinished | Action upon fetching of environments is finished. Passes an array of environments. |
postConfigRequestFinished | Action upon posting config (_PostConfig) request finishes. Passes configId. |
rcRequestFailed | Action upon request fails. Passes request.responseCode, request.error. |
settingsRequestFinished | Action upon updating config (_PutConfig) request finishes. |