Enum SearchFlags
Various search options used to fetch items.
Namespace: UnityEditor.Search
public enum SearchFlags
Name | Description | Value |
None | No specific search options. |
0 |
Synchronous | Search items are fetch synchronously. |
1 |
Default | Default Search Flag |
2 |
Sorted | Fetch items will be sorted by the search service. |
2 |
FirstBatchAsync | Send the first items asynchronously |
4 |
WantsMore | Sets the search to search for all results. |
8 |
Debug | Adding debugging info while looking for results, |
16 |
NoIndexing | Prevent the search to use any indexing |
32 |
Expression | Evaluate the current search context as an expression. |
64 |
ShowErrorsWithResults | Always show query errors even when there are results available. |
16777216 |
SaveFilters | Search View Flags |
33554432 |
ReuseExistingWindow | Open QuickSearch reusing an existing window if any. |
67108864 |
Multiselect | Specify that a QuickSearch window list view supports multi-selection. |
134217728 |
Dockable | Specify that a QuickSearch window is dockable instead of being a modal popup window. |
268435456 |
OpenDefault | Default options when opening a QuickSearch window. |
436207616 |
OpenGlobal | Default options when opening a QuickSearch using the global shortcut. |
503316480 |
FocusContext | Focus the search query when opening QuickSearch. |
536870912 |
OpenContextual | Options when opening QuickSearch in contextual mode (with only a few selected providers enabled). |
939524096 |
HidePanels | Hide all QuickSearch side panels. |
1073741824 |
OpenPicker | Options when opening QuickSearch as an Object Picker. |
1610612744 |