Enum PurchaseFailureReason
The various reasons a purchase can fail.
Namespace: UnityEngine.Purchasing
public enum PurchaseFailureReason
Name | Description | Value |
PurchasingUnavailable | Purchasing may be disabled in security settings. |
0 |
ExistingPurchasePending | Another purchase is already in progress. |
1 |
ProductUnavailable | The product was reported unavailable by the purchasing system. |
2 |
SignatureInvalid | Signature validation of the purchase's receipt failed. |
3 |
UserCancelled | The user opted to cancel rather than proceed with the purchase. This is not specified on platforms that do not distinguish cancellation from other failure (Amazon, Microsoft). |
4 |
PaymentDeclined | There was a problem with the payment. This is unique to Apple platforms. |
5 |
DuplicateTransaction | The transaction has already been completed successfully. This error can occur on Apple platforms if the transaction is finished successfully while the user is logged out of the app store, using a receipt generated while the user was logged in. |
6 |
Unknown | A catch all for remaining purchase problems. Note: Use Enum.Parse to use this named constant if targeting Unity 5.3 or 5.4. Its value differs for 5.5+ which introduced DuplicateTransaction. |
7 |