Shaders View
The Shaders View shows all shader assets in the project's Assets folder.
Note that built-in shaders are reported only after building the project for the target platform.
Note: The Packages folder is excluded from this scan; only the Assets folder is reviewed.
The table columns are as follows:
Column Name | Column Description |
Shader Name | The shader name, as declared inside the .shader file itself. For the actual asset file name, see the Path column. |
Size | The file size of the shader, as reported in the most recent build report. Shaders that were not included in the build are reported as being 0 bytes in size. |
Num Variants | Number of potential shader variants for a single stage (for example: fragment), per rendering platform API (for example: Vulkan). This is the raw number of variants from considering keyword combinations, and contributes to build times and sizes. The build process may strip these variants down to a smaller number of variants that are actually included in the build. |
Built Fragment Variants | Number of fragment shader variants per rendering platform API (for example: Vulkan) that were actually included in the build. |
Num Passes | The number of passes included in this shader. |
Num Keywords | The number of keywords referenced in this shader, including both globally keywords and local keywords declared in #pragma statements in this shader. |
Num Properties | The number of properties in this shader. |
Num Tex Properties | The number of properties in this shader which can hold a texture object. |
Render Queue | The shader's render queue, which determines the order in which objects are renderered. |
Instancing | Shows a tick if any of this shader's passes enable GPU Instancing. See Creating shaders that support GPU instancing for more information. |
SRP Batcher | Shows a tick if this shader is compatible with the Scriptable Render Pipeline Batcher. |
Always Included | Shows a tick if this shader is on the list of Always Included Shaders in the Graphics settings. Shaders on this list do not have any variants stripped during the build process, so you should be very careful when using this list. |
Path | The full path and filename of the source shader asset. |