Extending Project Auditor
Project Auditor has been designed to be modular and this guide provides a brief overview on how to extend Project Auditor.
A module is a self-contained domain-specific analyzer which reports a list of issues.
This is a list of steps to create a module:
- Create a new module class that inherits from ProjectAuditorModule.
- Override the name property, which returns a user-fiendly module name.
- Override the supportedLayouts property to return a collection of supported layouts. Note that a layout is used to define name, type and format of the properties of an issue produced by the analysis.
- If applicable, override the supportedDescriptors property to return a collection of supported descriptors. This can be skipped for the module does not report diagnostics.
- Register any module-specific categories via ProjectAuditor.GetOrRegisterCategory. Note that a category is a unique name used to classify the same kind of issues.
- Override the Audit method. This is where you will implement your analysis.
- Create ProjectIssue objects, if any
- Use the onIncomingIssues to report a batch of issues, if any. This can be used multiple times inside a module.
- Use the onModuleCompleted to notify that the module has finished its analysis.
- Register a ViewDescriptor for the module. This is used to display the module issues in the UI.
Here is an example of a custom module:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.ProjectAuditor.Editor;
using Unity.ProjectAuditor.Editor.Core;
using Unity.ProjectAuditor.Editor.UI.Framework;
using UnityEditor;
namespace MyNamespace
class MyModule : ProjectAuditorModule
private static readonly ProblemDescriptor k_Descriptor = new ProblemDescriptor
"Test Descriptor",
"Explanation of the problem.",
"Explanation of potential solution."
static readonly IssueLayout k_IssueLayout = new IssueLayout
category = ProjectAuditor.GetOrRegisterCategory("New Category"),
properties = new[]
new PropertyDefinition { type = PropertyType.Description, name = "Issue", longName = "Issue description"},
new PropertyDefinition { type = PropertyType.Filename, name = "File"}
public override string name => "My Module";
public override IReadOnlyCollection<ProblemDescriptor> supportedDescriptors => new ProblemDescriptor[]
public override IReadOnlyCollection<IssueLayout> supportedLayouts => new IssueLayout[]
public override void Audit(ProjectAuditorParams projectAuditorParams, IProgress progress = null)
// Implement your analysis here and issue reporting
var issues = new List<ProjectIssue>();
// Create a diagnostic issue
var diagnostic = ProjectIssue.Create(k_IssueLayout.category, k_Descriptor)
.WithLocation("MyFile.cs", 0);
if (issues.Count > 0)
// Notify that the analysis of this module is completed
static void RegisterView()
ViewDescriptor.Register(new ViewDescriptor
category = k_IssueLayout.category,
name = "New Category",
menuLabel = "MyModule/New Category",
showFilters = true