Project Auditor reports several types of recommendations. Each of them is uniquely identified by a string ID containing 3 letters, followed by 4 digits.
The main types of recommendations are related to Code and Settings. Their IDs start with PAC and PAS respectively (Project Auditor Code/Setting).
Note that there are different ranges within both Code and Settings diagnostic IDs:
- Code:
: for Unity APIPAC1xxx
: for System.*PAC2xxx
: other IDs defined in code rather than in the json
- Settings:
: Unity settingsPAS1xxx
: other settings IDs defined in code rather than in the json
- Assets:
: texture related settingsPAA1xxx
: mesh related settingsPAA2xxx
: shader related settingsPAA3xxx
: file system related settings (Resources folders, StreamingAssets, Addressables, etc)
Settings Diagnostics
This is a full list of all builtin settings diagnostics:
ID | Title | Settings | Platforms |
PAS0000 | Metal API Validation | Player | iOS, StandaloneOSX, tvOS |
PAS0001 | Graphics Jobs (Experimental) | Player | Any |
PAS0002 | Accelerometer | Player | iOS |
PAS0003 | Building multiple architecture | Player | iOS |
PAS0004 | Building multiple architecture | Player | Android |
PAS0005 | Metal & OpenGLES APIs | Player | iOS |
PAS0006 | Metal API | Player | iOS |
PAS0007 | Prebake Collision Meshes | Player | Any |
PAS0008 | Optimize Mesh Data | Player | Any |
PAS0009 | Engine Code Stripping | Player | Android, iOS, WebGL |
PAS0010 | Data Caching | Player | WebGL |
PAS0011 | Linker Target | Player | WebGL |
PAS0012 | Auto Sync Transforms | Physics | Any |
PAS0013 | Layer Collision Matrix | Physics | Any |
PAS0014 | Auto Sync Transforms | Physics2D | Any |
PAS0015 | Layer Collision Matrix | Physics2D | Any |
PAS0016 | Fixed Timestep | Time | Any |
PAS0017 | Maximum Allowed Timestep | Time | Any |
PAS0018 | Quality Levels | Quality | Any |
PAS0019 | Texture Quality | Quality | Any |
PAS0020 | Async Upload Time Slice | Quality | Any |
PAS0021 | Async Upload Buffer Size | Quality | Any |
PAS0022 | Shader Quality | Graphics | Any |
PAS0023 | Forward Rendering | Graphics | Any |
PAS0024 | Deferred Rendering | Graphics | Any |
PAS0025 | Managed Code Stripping | Player | Android |
PAS0026 | Managed Code Stripping | Player | iOS |
PAS0027 | Mipmap Stripping | Player | Any |
PAS0028 | Reuse Collision Callbacks | Physics | Any |
PAS0029 | Splash Screen | Player | Any |
PAS1000 | Hybrid Rendering Static batching | Player | Any |
PAS1001 | Lit Shader Mode Forward and Deferred | HDRP | Any |
PAS1002 | Camera Lit Shader Mode Forward and Deferred | HDRP | Any |
PAS1003 | Fog Mode Stripping | Graphics | Any |
PAS1004 | IL2CPP Compiler Master | Player | Any |
PAS1005 | IL2CPP Compiler Debug | Player | Any |
PAS1006 | LightMap Streaming | Player | Any |
PAS1007 | Texture Streaming Enabled | Quality | Any |
PAS1008 | SRP Batcher Enabled | SRP Asset | Any |
PAS1009 | URP Asset | Graphics, Quality | Android, iOS, Switch |
PAS1010 | URP HDR | Graphics, Quality | Android, iOS, Switch |
PAS1011 | URP MSAA | Graphics, Quality | Android, iOS, Switch |
PAS1012 | URP Stop NaN | Graphics | Android, iOS, Switch |
Asset Diagnostics
Builtin asset-specific diagnostics:
ID | Title | Settings | Platforms |
PAA0000 | Texture: Mipmaps not enabled | Graphics | Any |
PAA0001 | Texture: Mipmaps enabled on Sprite/UI texture | Graphics | Any |
PAA0002 | Texture: Read/Write enabled | Graphics | Any |
PAA0003 | Texture: Streaming Mipmaps not enabled | Graphics | Any |
PAA0004 | Texture: Anisotropic level is more than 1 | Graphics | Android, iOS, Switch |
PAA0005 | Texture: Solid color texture bigger than 1x1 | Graphics | Any |
PAA0007 | Texture Atlas: Too much empty space | Graphics | Any |
PAA1000 | Mesh: Read/Write enabled | Graphics | Any |
PAA1001 | Mesh: Index Format is 32 bits | Graphics | Any |
PAA2000 | Shader: Not compatible with SRP batcher | Graphics | Any |
PAA3000 | Files: Resources folder asset & dependencies | BuildSize | Any |
PAA3001 | Files: StreamingAssets folder size | BuildSize | Any |