GpuActive |
GPU Active Cycles |
Number of cycles GPU was active |
GpuNonFragmentActive |
GPU Vertex And Compute Active Cycles |
Number of cycles GPU was busy with vertex/compute workload |
GpuFragmentActive |
GPU Fragment Active Cycles |
Number of cycles GPU was busy with fragment workload |
GpuTilerActive |
GPU Tiler Active Cycles |
Number of cycles GPU tiler was active |
GpuVertexComputeJobs |
GPU Vertex And Compute Jobs |
Number of vertex/compute jobs |
GpuTiles |
GPU Tiles |
Number of physical tiles written |
GpuTransactionEliminations |
GPU Transaction Eliminations |
Number of transaction eliminations |
GpuFragmentJobs |
GPU Fragment Jobs |
Number of fragment jobs |
GpuPixels |
GPU Pixels |
Number of pixels shaded |
GpuEarlyZTests |
GPU Early Z Tests |
Early-Z tests performed |
GpuEarlyZKilled |
GPU Early Z Killed |
Early-Z tests resulting in a kill |
GpuLateZTests |
GPU Late Z Tests |
Late-Z tests performed |
GpuLateZKilled |
GPU Late Z Killed |
Late-Z tests resulting in a kill |
GpuInstructions |
GPU Instructions |
Number of shader instructions |
GpuDivergedInstructions |
GPU Diverged Instructions |
Number of diverged shader instructions |
GpuShaderCycles |
GPU Shader Cycles |
Shader total cycles |
GpuShaderArithmeticCycles |
GPU Shader Arithmetic Cycles |
Shader arithmetic cycles |
GpuShaderLoadStoreCycles |
GPU Shader Load Store Cycles |
Shader load/store cycles |
GpuShaderTextureCycles |
GPU Shader Texture Cycles |
Shader texture cycles |
GpuCacheReadLookups |
GPU Cache Read Lookups |
Cache read lookups |
GpuCacheWriteLookups |
GPU Cache Write Lookups |
Cache write lookups |
GpuExternalMemoryReadAccesses |
GPU External Memory Read Accesses |
Reads from external memory |
GpuExternalMemoryWriteAccesses |
GPU External Memory Write Accesses |
Writes to external memory |
GpuExternalMemoryReadStalls |
GPU External Memory Read Stalls |
Stalls when reading from external memory |
GpuExternalMemoryWriteStalls |
GPU External Memory Write Stalls |
Stalls when writing to external memory |
GpuExternalMemoryReadBytes |
GPU External Memory Read Bytes |
Bytes read to external memory |
GpuExternalMemoryWriteBytes |
GPU External Memory Write Bytes |
Bytes written to external memory |