All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[2.0.4] - 2024-09-25
Add version 2.0.4 by name.Changed
- The
property ofVisionOSSortingGroup
has been changed from aList
to andObservableList
. Changes to the list are now detected automatically instead of requiring manual reassignment of the property. - Changed
to Pascal case (PolySpatialSettings.Instance
). - Updated properties and fields of
, andVisionOSVideoComponent
that were using camelCase to PascalCase, the standard for public properties under the Unity namespace. - The
events onVolumeCamera
have been renamed toWindowStateChanged
to align with Unity event naming. - Exclude Android from runtime asmdef's.
- Update minimum Editor version to 6000.0.22f1.
- Fix for running unit tests without URP installed.
- Fixed "Unsupported target type" warning for shader graph conversion for HDRP/when URP not installed.
- Added built-in targets to particle bake-to-texture shader graphs.
- Fixed error logged on import:
A new PolySpatialSettings asset was initialized when its asset already exists. Was PolySpatialSettings.instance used by an asset importer?
- Fixed behavior of SwiftUI sample to correctly handle closed window.
- Fixed "Assertion failed on expression: '!GetMainEditorWindow()'" that shows up in batchmode.
- Fixed BakeToTexture particles showing an unexpected mesh momentarily on play in editor play mode.
- Fixed condition in which BakeToTexture particles would be culled unintentionally in editor play mode.
- Fixed "Asset destroyed while still referenced" warning for bake-to-texture particles.
- Fixed error logged when connecting to Play to Device:
Stack traces not supported for logs triggered off the main thread.
- Fixed KeyNotFoundException caused by disabled LineRenderers in active GameObjects.
- Improved performance when using shader graphs that use PolySpatial Lighting/PolySpatial Volume to World nodes when volume camera is transformed (and fixed the nodes' behavior with multiple volumes).
- The Play to Device app's connection menu will update when the IP address of the device changes.
- The supporting backing camera for BakeToMesh particles will only be created if particles exist in the scene.
- The
event is now listed in the events tab of theVolumeCamera
[2.0.0-pre.11] - 2024-08-12
Add version 2.0.0-pre.11 by name.Added
- Added LineRenderer support.
- Persona feed on visionOS is now accessible via WebCamTexture after fixing a KeyNotFoundException (will require Unity 6000.0.13f1+).
- Updated the visuals of the Play to Device connection window.
- Changed hover behavior of UGUI Selectables (Button, Dropdown, TMP_Dropdown, InputField, TMP_InputField, Scrollbar, Slider, Toggle) to change colors as they do in Unity.
- Cleaned up some uses of "Resource" folders within the package, which will slightly decrease your build size.
- VisionOSBillboard no longer includes forward direction, up direction, and rotation axis properties, as these were removed in visionOS 2.0 beta 5.
- The Play To Device app will now disconnect itself from all connections if it has been backgrounded for at least 5 seconds.
- Improved performance of updates to raycastable UGUI meshes (Images/RawImages).
- Most of our test assemblies for this package have been moved out of the package. Only the isolation tests will remain that can run from a blank project.
- Improved shadow map resolution in samples.
- Wrap all MonoPInvokeCallback methods in try/catch to avoid potential crashes in player builds.
- Fixed MaterialSwapSet not being applied to materials that utilize material property blocks or particle systems.
- Fixed "Failed to upload NativeTexture" error when transferring RenderTextures over Play to Device.
- Fixed failure to transfer RenderTextures in their native formats (e.g., RGBAHalf) over Play to Device.
- Fixed text overflowing issue in the Play To Device editor window.
- Fixed world space LineRenderers incorrect positions.
- Fixed issue with RenderTexture mipmaps being auto-generated when autoGenerateMips was false.
- Fixed issue where VisionOSVideoComponents would stop playing after switching from a bounded to an unbounded window configuration (or app would crash if a video was playing when switching window configurations).
- Fixed conversion of shader graph derivative nodes to new MaterialX node names in visionOS 2.0 beta 5.
[2.0.0-pre.9] - 2024-07-24
Add version 2.0.0-pre.9 by name.Added
- Added public API to access ConnectToPlayToDevice in PolySpatialUserSettings, reports if Play To Device is enabled or not.
- Added support for the Gather Texture 2D, Baked GI, Reflection Probe, Parallax Occlusion Mapping, DDX, DDY, and DDXY shader graph nodes.
- Added support for
, andfwidth
HLSL functions to shader graph custom function node support. - Added PolySpatial Background Blur shader graph node.
- Added support for Texture 2D Arrays in shader graphs.
- Added new properties to VisionOS Hover Effect component: Type, Color, Intensity Multiplier, Fade In Duration, Fade Out Duration
- Added PolySpatial Hover State shader graph node.
- Added sample scene for Particle Systems.
- Added new BakeToTexture particle system mode.
- Added sample code for updating SwiftUI windows from Unity C#.
- Added
for controlling mode switching. Use aVolumeCameraWindowConfiguration
with its mode set to Metal just like you would use an Unbounded configuration. Metal and Unbounded volumes cannot be active at the same time. Metal volume cameras require the App Mode to be set to Hybrid. Refer to the PolySpatial Hybrid apps on visionOS section of the PolySpatial VisionOS documentation for more information. - Added
Preview Selection on Device
option to shader graph editor when Play to Device is in use. - Added VisionOSBillboard which maps to the new Billboard component in visionOS 2.0.
- Added support for the Render Face property of URP/Unlit materials and shader graph targets.
- Added support for the Depth Write property of shader graph targets.
- Added support for the Depth Test: Always setting for shader graph targets.
- Added support for Blending Mode: Additive in URP/Unlit and URP/Lit materials.
- Added support for blend shapes on SkinnedMeshRenderers.
- Added support for visionOS point/spot/directional lights, with spot/directional shadows (use
Default VisionOS Lighting
setting to enable). - Added ability to create multiple volume cameras. A scene may only have one unbounded volume camera, the rest of the volume cameras must be bounded. Volume cameras must be placed on separate game objects.
- Added a toggle to VolumeCamera component (ScaleWithWindow) that allows content to either scale with the volume camera window or to scale independently of the window.
- Added fields to
(Min/Max Output Range) that allow for setting minimum and maximum size range of the volume camera. Additionally, there is a setting (Window Resizing Limit) to either set a minimum volume size and no maximum size or set a minimum and a maximum volume size. - Added
event which is called when the user interacts with the crown dial to change the immersion amount of an Unbounded VolumeCamera when the RealityKit ImmersionStyle is set to Progressive. - Added fields to
to allow for controlling volume window alignment - can be set to either Adaptive (volume window tilts towards user) or GravityAligned (volume stays parallel to ground). - Added new event OnViewpointChanged to VolumeCamera. This event allows for listening to changes in user position with respect to the volume. Position granularity is limited to left, right, front, or back of the volume.
- Added VisionOSEnvironmentLightingConfiguration component that controls the amount by which objects are affected by environment lighting (that is, lighting derived from real-world environment) on visionOS.
- Temporarily removed auxiliary menu from PlayToDevice. A connection panel will appear instead and feature a button to open the DebugConsoleLog.
- VisionOS Sorting Group, VisionOS Image Based Light Receiver, and VisionOS Grounding Shadow components will now apply to particle systems.
- Switched to native support for cube maps and 3D textures.
- Changed TextSDFSmoothstep shader graph to use fragment derivative nodes to improve text rendering.
- Fixed multiple inconsistencies and quirks with SpatialPointer input.
- Removed com.unity.render-pipelines.universal as dependency for com.unity.polyspatial/com.unity.polyspatial.xr.
- Accept "Sprite Unlit" as a material type in URP targets for shader graph conversion.
- Fixed input coordinate offsets when using unbounded mode with non-identity volume camera.
- Fixed issue where size and position updates for Box, Sphere, and Capsule colliders were not being applied.
- Fixed cameras targeting RenderTextures being rendered to frame buffer in play mode.
- Fixed KeyNotFoundException when destroying a disabled particle system.
- Fixed usage of default reflection probe in shader graph PolySpatial Lighting node.
- Fixed failure to ignore input events on masked-out UGUI components/component regions.
- Fixed failure to transfer textures with zero dimensions.
- Fixed positions from shader graph Position node with Space: Tangent.
- Fixed issue where Play to Device would attempt to connect to a localhost connection even when not selected in the UI.
- Log a more descriptive error message when attempting to set the parent transform of a GameObject and the parent has not been synced. This error will only be logged when running in Editor Play Mode. The GameObject will be parented to the Volume instead.
- Fixed implementation of the shader graph Normal From Height node.
- Fixed P2D network connections timing out after 15 seconds of not receiving a message.
- Fixed issue where Mask component images wouldn't be used for masking.
- Fixed color space of image-based lighting source textures, conversion of cube maps to equirectangular images for image based lighting.
- Fixed issue with shader graph Multiply node with A being a vector and B being a matrix.
[2.0.0-pre.3] - 2024-04-22
Add version 2.0.0-pre.3 by name.Added
- Added
PolySpatial Static Batch Element
component to support static batching relative to a root node or the scene root. - Added support for WebCamTexture to PSL.
- Added support for Simple Noise, Parallax Mapping, Fog, and View Vector shader graph nodes.
- Added
shader graph data extension andUnlit Tone Mapping
option to enable tone mapping on unlit shader graph targets. - Added
Minify ShaderGraph Node Names
option (enabled by default), which improves load performance on visionOS for large shader graphs. - Added
as an option to the license check dialog to allow users to exit the app. - Added limited support for File source to the Custom Function shader graph node. See "Source Types" in the PolySpatial documentation for details.
- Added a new auxiliary menu in Play To Device.
- Added support for MaterialPropertyBlocks (currently requires dirtying the renderer via Unity.PolySpatial.PolySpatialObjectUtils.MarkDirty).
- Added support for
blending modes for URP unlit/lit particle shaders with BakeToMesh. - Regular Unity Cameras (Camera component) are mirrored to cameras in the PolySpatial space. This only affects in-editor preview.
- Added support for image masking for UGUI components.
- Added ability to opt-out of PolySpatialRaycaster support if the user wishes to use a different raycaster.
- Added support for non-
shader graph properties (such as matrices, which cannot be exposed). - Added
Apply to Descendants
option to PolySpatial Static Batch Element. - Added SwiftUI ConsoleLog window to the Play To Device.
- Added SessionID value to the WindowState returned by
- Changed how the Play To Device window validates new device entries.
- Play to device Window is disabled when in incorrect build target or app mode configurations.
- Play to device UI will appear in a new bounded volume when exiting play mode from an unbounded scene.
- If an XROrigin exists "Auto-Create Volume Camera" will parent the VolumeCamera it creates to it.
- Play to device runtime app further clarifies how to get started on the Editor side of Play to device.
- Switched the
Reflection Probe
component validation to a message. - Removed the
button from the unsupported components validation. An unsupported component should not have any effect in the scene and can still be enabled. - Selectable UI elements (Buttons, Toggles, etc.) that are not Interactable will no longer show the visionOS hover effect when hovered.
Static Batching
player setting now controls whether GameObjects flagged as static will receive PolySpatialStaticBatchElement components.
- Fixed validation messages showing in the Inspector view when they are disabled.
- Fixed UGUI elements being visible when Canvas was disabled.
- Fixed sign of angles for Rotate About Axis shader graph node.
- Fixed failure to transfer HDR color properties on shader graph materials on simulator/device.
- Fixed console error message reporting
sysTypeDispatchData.klass == klass
. - Fixed Play to device UI sometimes having incorrect scale when exiting play mode.
- Fixed implementation of shader graph Object node.
- Fixed color space of TextMeshPro vertex colors.
- Fixed colors applied to UGUI images.
- Fixed crash that may occur when using a Box Collider on something that is also within a RectMask region.
- Fixed color space of RGB24 images.
- Fixed accidental application of tone mapping to built-in unlit materials.
- Fixed visionOS Sorting Group "Apply to Descendants" option not applying to descendants created after sorting group initialized.
- Fixed ArgumentNullException on MaterialPropertyBlock.SetTexture for UI elements.
- Fixed tangent space output of View Direction shader graph node.
- Fixed typo on PolySpatial settings on the Project Validation enum.
- Fixed failure to hide UI elements contained in disjoint nested RectMask2D elements.
- Fixed warnings for Custom Function shader graph nodes upstream of MaterialX "Off" keyword.
- Fixed inverted textures when using
Replicate Properties
particle system mode. - Fixed animated material properties (currently requires dirtying the renderer via Unity.PolySpatial.PolySpatialObjectUtils.MarkDirty).
- Fixed shader graph Voronoi node discontinuities and added support for Cells output.
- Fixed performance issue with animating certain properties (such as color) of Image/RawImage components.
- Fixed shader graph import error affecting Triplanar nodes with Normal inputs.
- Fixed assertion in debug builds with static batches above 256MB.
[1.1.4] - 2024-02-26
Add version 1.1.4 by name.Added
[1.1.3] - 2024-02-22
Add version 1.1.3 by name.Added
- Update min Unity version to 2022.3.19f1
[1.1.2] - 2024-02-21
Add version 1.1.2 by name.Added
[1.1.1] - 2024-02-15
Add version 1.1.1 by name.Added
- Added support for surface type with URP/BiRP particle shaders under BakeToMesh particle mode.
- Added progress bar when attempting to establish a connection with PlayToDevice host app.
- Added support for variable reassignment to shader graph Custom Function node support.
- Added ability to set texture offset/scale in shader graph materials.
- Added protocol hash to the PlayToDevice host app and editor window. PlayToDevice now checks against the protocol hash instead of the package version.
- CanvasRenderer components (TextMeshProUGUI, Image, RawImage, TMP_SubMeshUI) can now use custom materials/shader graphs.
- Sprites can now use custom materials/shader graphs.
- Scaled down play to device UI for easier workflow iteration
- For performance reasons, UI text components (Text/TextMeshProUGUI) are no longer raycastable by default. To enable raycasting on these components, add a Collider (such as a BoxCollider) to their GameObject.
- MaskingShader shader graph (used for sprites and UI images) now supports vertex colors.
- Play to device editor window status now shows connected / disconnected status instead of colored bullets.
- Changes to shader graphs while in play mode will be reflected in Play to Device.
- Native textures are no longer disabled when streaming to PlayToDevice.
- Types in the Unity.PolySpatial.Internals namespace are now actually internal, and are not accessible.
- Fixed VisionOS Grounding Shadow/VisionOS Image Based Light Receiver/VisionOS Sorting Group components for skinned mesh renderers.
- Documented usage of VisionOS Hover Effect component for skinned mesh renderers.
- Fixed Built-in Render Pipeline's unlit particle shader under BakeToMesh Particle System Mode.
- Fixed issue where switching a Material to a new shader graph shader would crash on visionOS.
- Fixed issue with shader graph MaterialX not being included in build when no scenes were in build list.
- Fixed use of material color when using particles in Replicate Properties mode.
- Fixed default texture when using particles in Replicate Properties mode.
- Fixed missing justification support in visionOSNativeText.
- Fixed unlit particle shaders' emissive property operating while disabled.
- Fixed particle shaders not emitting if emissive texture not assigned.
- Fixed performance issues with scene validation when compiling or updating several objects.
- Removed normal map processing that was affecting non-visionOS platforms.
- Fixed hit testing for UI in Editor.
- Improved performance for SpriteRenderers.
- Fixed failure to transfer texture scale/offset for URP materials.
- Fixed sign of texture offset v coordinate for URP/Lit and Standard materials.
- Fixed direction of Main Light Direction shader graph node.
- Fixed priority of light used for Main Light Direction node (uses first directional light with shadow, if present; otherwise, first directional light).
- Improved performance for raycastable UI elements.
- Fixed issue where Play to Device would sometimes incorrectly display "Connection Lost".
- Fixed setting particle system render mode to none and disabling renderer at runtime.
- Fixed KeyNotFound exception when using the default volume camera when the "Ignored Objects Layer Mask" is set to filter out "Default".
- Fixed "Trying to access unloaded resource!" error when scenes were loaded/Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets was called with sprites in the scene.
- Fixed "Couldn't find object" error message when objects were destroyed when
Extra Debug Information
was enabled. - Fixed incorrect clipping on rotated RectMask2D instances.
- Fixed another issue with pink materials temporarily appearing on BakeToMesh particle systems.
- Fixed mipmaps being generated for textures without
Generate Mipmaps
set on Play to Device. - Fixed rect mask 2d clip calculations.
- Fixed issue where lighting would not show up when using PolySpatial Lighting node and streaming to PlayToDevice.
- Fixed transfer of block-compressed 3D textures on Play to Device.
- Fixed incorrect project validation for UGUI components.
- Fixed unnecessary importing/conversion of PolySpatial shader graph test assets.
- Fixed issue with SpriteRenderers referencing the same Sprite using different properties for non-Simple draw modes.
- Fixed performance issue with TextMeshProUGUI components.
- In sample scenes LoadLevelButton.cs, disabled ARSession before switching scenes to work around an Image Tracking crash we are working to resolve.
- Fixed crash when exiting play mode before shader graphs finish loading on Play to Device.
[1.0.3] - 2024-01-20
Add version 1.0.3 by name.Added
- Added support for PolySpatial Time shader graph node.
- Added support for inline sprites in TextMeshPro strings.
- Added support for Built-in Render Pipeline's Unlit and Lit Particle shaders.
- Added support for Universal Render Pipeline's Lit Particle shader.
- Added support for Radians setting of Rotate shader graph node.
- Added links to PolySpatial API docs/changelog from PolySpatial visionOS docs.
- Added runtime validations option to PolySpatial project settings.
- Added instructions panel to MixedReality and Image Tracking sample scenes as an example of an object that always faces the camera, and to provide an affordance for returning to the ProjectLauncher scene.
- Added device rotation and distinct device position (was a copy of interaction position) to events sent by UnityPlayModeInput script.
- Added a list of
s toPolySpatialSettings
s must now be explicitly added to this list in order to be used. - Added StackTrace and Categories logging options to the PolySpatial settings
Project Settings > PolySpatial > Logging
. - Added validation for the Video Player component.
- PolySpatial Sorting Group components can now override sprite/UI sorting.
- Manipulation sample now supports grabbing two cubes.
- Sample panel in ProjectLauncher scene now blocks gaze interactions so you don't accidentally click the bubble behind the panel.
- Changed the layer of the Default AR Plane in samples so that it no longer blocks input.
- We changed the names of a few classes and provided automatic API updaters for them to help with the transition.
is nowVisionOSHoverEffect
is nowVisionOSGroundingShadow
is nowVisionOSImageBasedLight
is nowVisionOSImageBasedLightReceiver
is nowVisionOSSortingGroup
is nowVisionOSVideoComponent
is nowVisionOSNativeText
is nowPolySpatialUIRaycaster
- PolySpatial-specific logging settings will be respected in player builds.
- Changed shader graph test input data folder to Data, rather than Resources.
- Renamed
input controls toinputDevicePosition
- Removed a call to
which caused all assets in Resources to be loaded into memory. - Removed deprecated PolySpatialTouchspace input device.
- Fixed invalid MaterialX generation for Vertex ID shader graph node.
- Fixed issue with sprite flipping (x flips and y flips were swapped).
- Fixed issue with TextMeshPro vertex colors in UI components.
- Fixed warnings from shader graph imports in URP samples.
- Fixed issue with toggle visuals not reflecting state.
- Improved text rendering at distance/in peripheral vision.
- Fixed frequency/amplitude of shader graph Gradient Noise node.
- Fixed issue with pink materials temporarily appearing on BakeToMesh particle systems.
- Fixed crash when using PolySpatial Image Based Light Receiver on Play to Device.
- Fixed error logged on first import:
A new PolySpatialSettings asset was initialized when its asset already exists. Was PolySpatialSettings.instance used by an asset importer?
- Fixed crash caused by meshes with tangents but no normals.
- Fixed colliders to update when mesh updates occur in Unity host environment.
- Fixed baked mesh particles not scaling relative to volume camera transform in unity backend.
- Fixed issue with transparent textures on unlit materials rendering as opaque.
- Fixed issue with meshes set to
rendering as spheres. - Fixed issue with Renderers set to
Shadows Only
being visible. - Fixed two minor NativeArray leaks.
- Fixed scale of platform text.
- Fixed handling of device rotation in manipulation sample.
- Fixed pink UI/text in Unity play mode when using built-in render pipeline.
- Fixed issue with lowered frame rate when using an Animator on UI element.
- Fixed issue with URP unlit particle material not incorporating base color.
- Fixed
script in samples to properly hide visuals for hand skeleton joints when they lose tracking. - Fixed an issue where the virtual keyboard would not show when selecting UI text fields.
- Fixed issue where setting empty text on TextMeshProUGUI component would still render previous text.
- Fixed issue with hit tests and Built-In Render Pipeline
- Fixed issue with validation processing scene objects with HideAndDontSave hideFlags.
- Fixed issue with using RenderTextures in RawImage components.
- Fixed potential failure caused by font manager asset remaining after a failed build.
[0.7.1] - 2023-12-13
Add version 0.7.1 by name.Added
- Added PolySpatial Environment Radiance shader graph node.
- Added support for more shader graph nodes: Blackbody, Dielectric Specular, Checkerboard, Rounded Polygon, Rounded Rectangle, and Ambient.
- Added "Unseparated" option for PolySpatial Sorting Group depth pass property.
- Explicitly present the dimensions of output volume configurations as meters.
- Added support for bold text in Text Mesh Pro components.
- Added a list of available devices in your network to the Play To Device window (menu Window > PolySpatial > Play To Device). You can select the desired device to connect or add direct connections.
- Added PolySpatial Image Based Light/Image Based Light Receiver components.
- Added support for blended tilesheet animations for BakeToMesh Particle Systems.
- Added support for custom user assigned font for PolySpatialTextComponent.
- Added backup implementation for Text Component to support macOS and iOS.
- Added support for Emission map and color for unlit URP particle shader.
- Added additional documentation for RenderTexture usage.
- Added documentation for shader graph properties and targets.
- Added 10 volume camera configurations to PlayToDevice project. If a connecting app requests a camera configuration that is not available, it will be rerouted based on cubic volume and aspect ratio.
- Volume Cameras now have opened/closed/resized/focused events that code can respond to.
- Volume Cameras can have their volumetric windows explicitly opened and closed.
- Renamed VolumeCameraConfiguration to VolumeCameraWindowConfiguration
- All packages now require 2022.3.15f1 and later (rather than 2022.3.11f1 and later) to pick up fixes for various memory leaks made in 15f1.
- Support for Unity versions earlier than 2022.3.11f1.
- Fixed issue with opaque shader graphs not being rendered before transparent ones.
- Fixed issue with shader graph view space positions/normals/tangents/bitangents being read in vertex stage.
- Fixed issue with shader graphs sampling vertex colors in meshes that lack explicit ones.
- Fixed issue with clipped UI elements (such as scroll view contents) with non-identity rotations.
- Fixed issue with Lit shaders being generated when material type set to Unlit.
- Fixed ArgumentNullException when using non-directional lightmaps.
- Fix for visual discontinuities when updating meshes/textures.
- Fixed issue with "Fix This Object" button in the Inspector view throwing errors.
- Fixed issue with
scene handles being drawn in the wrong position when not in the origin. - Fixed issue with input and UI objects when outside the viewable area of the main camera.
- Fixed performance regression related to light and reflection probe tracking.
- Fixed issue with persisting Particle Systems GameObject post-deletion.
- Fixed issue with wrapping on 3D textures sampled in clamp mode in shader graphs.
- Fixed issue with VolumeToWorld transform being overwritten when keywords/globals were changed.
- Fixed warnings from shader graph imports in URP package.
- Fixed issue with standard shaders (e.g. URP/Lit, URP/Unlit) using alpha-to-coverage when semi-transparent.
- Fixed Recording & Playback framerate limiting using built-in framerate controls
- Fixed issue with PolySpatialSortingGroup items not being sorted correctly if their activation state changes.
- Fixed crash on disabling GameObjects containing particle systems.
- Fixed color space issue with HDR shader graph properties.
[0.6.3] - 2023-11-28
Add version 0.6.3 by name.Added
- Fixed typo on project settings on the "Hide PolySpatial Preview Objects In Scene" field.
- Fix one frame pink textures on scene transition.
- Cleanup BakeToMesh Particle and Trail meshes when Gameobject set inactive.
- Fixed issue with shader graph dependencies of prefabs in Resources not being included in the build.
- Fixed KeyNotFoundException when using multiple instances of the same input property in a shader subgraph.
- Fixed MaterialX generation for shader graph Swizzle nodes that input and output floats.
- Fixed default values for shader graph custom interpolators.
- Fixed failure to display warnings for unsupported nodes in shader subgraphs.
- Fix for shader graph input properties connected directly to outputs.
- Fixed issue with using Transform/Transformation Matrix nodes in subgraphs outputting to vertex stage.
- Fixed offset for bounded volumes using PolySpatial Volume to World/PolySpatial Lighting nodes.
- Fixed offset z coordinates for box/sphere/capsule colliders.
- Fixed crash related to overlapping colliders.
- Fixed issue where textures were not being unregistered after material unregistration due to a scene unload.
[0.6.2] - 2023-11-13
Add version 0.6.2 by name.Added
- Fixed issue where simulation app may crash when connecting to PlayToDevice.
- Fixed pink materials in Play Mode for AR Foundation simulation environments.
- Fixed color spaces for shader graph color properties and PolySpatialPlatformText.
[0.6.1] - 2023-11-09
Add version 0.6.1 by name.Added
- Baked Particles are now rendered with respect to AR head pose (when available, such as with an unbounded volume camera), and otherwise falls back to the main camera (if available)
[0.6.0] - 2023-11-08
Add version 0.6.0 by name.Added
- Added partial support for Particle System's custom vertex streams.
- Added PolySpatialGroundingShadow component.
- Added support for Normal From Texture shader graph node.
- Fixed Volume Camera Configuration Handles for rotated Volume Cameras
- Fix over-release of shader assets.
- Fixed failure to use native texture/render texture path on visionOS.
- Fix initial UGUI display issue when properties don't change at start.
- Fixed an issue with editor input not releasing a touch when mouse is out of bound.
- Samples: Fixed issue with keeping the target position from going outside the platform in Character Navigation sample.
- Fixed "Unparseable GUID" error when loading assets from still-loaded asset bundles.
- Fixed "Non shader graph shader" errors for standard materials (URP/Lit, etc.) loaded from asset bundles.
- Fixed issue with PolySpatial Lighting Node normals for rotated volume cameras.
- Fixed issue with Transform node in Tangent space.
- Fixed an issue with particle system renderer module not change-tracking correctly.
- Fixed application of Vector2 shader graph properties in visionOS.
- Fixed BakeToMesh Particle System depth sorting
- Fixed shader compilation error with PolySpatial Lighting Node with reflection probes enabled and baked lighting disabled.
- Fixed NullReferenceException when building asset bundles containing scenes.
- Fixed an issue where touch screen input would report more active touches than expected if a user initiates a pinch/gaze and the hand that initiated the interaction is no longer tracked.
- Fixed issue where input in Game View would not work if the EventSystem was switched to use the new Input system UI module.
- Fixed KeyNotFoundException when using multiple instances of the same input property in a shader subgraph.
- Fixed MaterialX generation for shader graph Swizzle nodes that input and output floats.
- Fixed color spaces for shader graph color properties and PolySpatialPlatformText.
- Fixed default values for shader graph custom interpolators.
- Fixed issue with using Transform/Transformation Matrix nodes in subgraphs outputting to vertex stage.
- Fix for shader graph input properties connected directly to outputs.
- Fixed failure to display warnings for unsupported nodes in shader subgraphs.
[0.5.0] - 2023-10-26
Add version 0.5.0 by name.Added
- "Disable Tracking Mask" in PolySpatial settings allows omitting objects from tracking based on their layer at creation.
- Added support for new shader graph nodes: Channel Mixer, Replace Color, White Balance, Fade Transition, Channel Mask, Color Mask, Flip
- Added support for platform base text rendering through the new UnityPolySpatialPlatformText component.
- Added Trail support for BakeToMesh Particle Systems.
- Added support for RGB/linear conversions to shader graph Colorspace Conversion node.
- Enhanced Volume camera scene view interaction by adding several handles that let you visualize the position and volume of a volume camera when not selected in the hierarchy.
- Added support for the Refract shader graph node.
- Fixed a typo in PolySpatialPointerKind:
- Fixed an issue accessing UV1 in shader graphs.
- Changed the access modifier of the serialized fields in the PolySpatial settings (class
) from public to private and renamed these members to include them_
prefix. - Renamed the PolySpatial settings
Enable Default Volume Camera
toAuto-Create Volume Camera
. - Updated XRTouchSpaceInteractor to use SpatialPointerDevice. Fixed XRIDebug sample scene.
- Uses of PolySpatialTouchspace upgraded from warning to error.
- Removed obsolete UI and hand tracking building blocks.
- Fixed an issue where deleting a canvas renderer instance at runtime could cause an OOB exception in the tracker.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect mesh index buffer sizes.
- Fixed shader graph world position node outputs for output volumes with heights greater than 2.
- Fixed inconsistent RGB/HSV conversion in shader graph Colorspace Conversion node.
- Fixed an issue with updating texture contents.
- Fixed invalid transforms for shader graph Transform and Transformation Matrix nodes used in vertex stage.
- Fixed issue with sprite textures wrapping at edges.
- Fixed an issue where
events reported the Began phase for more than one frame in a row. - Fixed KeyNotFoundException when using CustomRenderTextures.
- Fixed an issue with shader graphs failing to load if their filenames contained hyphens.
- Fixed output of Normal Vector/Tangent Vector/Bitangent Vector nodes in Tangent space.
- Fixed crash in visionOS when there were more submeshes in a Mesh than materials in the MeshRenderer.
- Fixed shader graph Dither node.
- Fixed an issue where
would override the currentUIInputModule
's action asset to null, breaking UI input in play mode. - Fixed failure to transfer float shader graph properties in "Slider" mode.
- Fixed issue with invalid properties when materials/shader graphs had duplicate names.
- Fixed an issue with the SDF Text Shader that was causing brightening in text coloration.
- Fixed issue with global texture properties in shader graphs.
[0.4.3] - 2023-10-13
Add version 0.4.3 by name.[0.4.2] - 2023-10-12
Add version 0.4.2 by name.Added
- Documentation for Volume Camera around configuration assets.
- Build error if trying to build for Simulator SDK in Unity prior to 2022.3.11f1.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect negative scales.
- Sprite performance improvements.
- Improved CanvasRenderer/UI performance. Best performance metrices will only be attained with Unity 2022.3.12f1 or later.
[0.4.1] - 2023-10-06
Add version 0.4.1 by name.[0.4.0] - 2023-10-04
Add version 0.4.0 by name.Added
- PolySpatial now supports Xcode 15.1 beta 1 and visionOS 1.0 beta 4
- PolySpatial now supports transferring 3D textures and sampling them in shader graphs.
- PolySpatial Lighting Node now supports reflection probes.
- Updated dependency on
to version 2.1.4 to resolve conflicts withcom.unity.entities
- Native texture pointers for RenderTextures no longer cached, which may fix issues with RenderTextures that are released and recreated.
- Sprite performance improvements.
[0.3.2] - 2023-09-18
Add version 0.3.2 by name.[0.3.1] - 2023-09-15
Add version 0.3.1 by name.[0.3.0] - 2023-09-13
Add version 0.3.0 by name.[0.2.2] - 2023-08-28
Add version 0.2.2 by name.[0.2.1] - 2023-08-25
Add version 0.2.1 by name.[0.2.0] - 2023-08-21
Add version 0.2.0 by name.Added
PolySpatial now supports Xcode 15 beta 5 & 6
- Adds PolySpatial Lighting node, which allows developers to opt into using Unity's internal lighting in addition to the IBL lighting model provided by RealityKit
- Lighting parameter shader globals (dynamic lights, light probe volumes, and baked lightmaps) are now accessible via Unity ShaderGraph & MaterialX
- Adds limited support for the custom funtion node in Unity ShaderGraph (see documentation for details)
- Additional materialX nodes are now supported (see documentation for details)
- Unity PBR materials now map to the RealityKitPBR shader node rather than the UsdPreviewSurface shader node, as the RealityKitPBR supports additional useful features
- Input
- XRI now works with QuantumTouchSpace
- Other assorted input fixes
- UI
- Other Bug fixes
- Native Texture & UI texture fixes
- Fixes for sprite UVs
- ARKit meshes now appear in MR mode
- Fixes null object error related to particle systems
- Fixes bad reference caused by inactive skinned mesh renderers
- Fixes crash if mesh collider was disabled at scene load.
- Other sssorted bug fixes
[0.1.2] - 2023-08-16
Add version 0.1.2 by name.Added
, which provides the GameObject targeted by input.
- Crash when loading a scene containing a disabled mesh collider.
- In-use skinned meshes were removed from scenes when calling
. - Project Validation entries not displaying when targeting visionOS. These validation entries no longer appear when targeting Standalone, iOS, or Android.
- Samples: Input now uses
to identify the hit object, fixing issues where input would occasionally miss the targeted object. - Samples: Objects reset position after being manipulated.
- Samples: Missing script warnings resolved.
- Samples: Settings assets removed from samples, fixing settings-related issues.
- Samples: Samples now import to the Assets/Samples/ folder rather than Assets/ directly.
- Documentation: Fixed broken links.
- Documentation: Component reference images displaying.
- Documentation: Various typo fixes and clarity improvements.
[0.1.2] - 2023-08-16
Add version 0.1.2 by name.Added
, which provides the GameObject targeted by input.
- Crash when loading a scene containing a disabled mesh collider.
- In-use skinned meshes were removed from scenes when calling
. - Project Validation entries not displaying when targeting visionOS. These validation entries no longer appear when targeting Standalone, iOS, or Android.
- Samples: Input now uses
to identify the hit object, fixing issues where input would occasionally miss the targeted object. - Samples: Objects reset position after being manipulated.
- Samples: Missing script warnings resolved.
- Samples: Settings assets removed from samples, fixing settings-related issues.
- Samples: Samples now import to the Assets/Samples/ folder rather than Assets/ directly.
- Documentation: Fixed broken links.
- Documentation: Component reference images displaying.
- Documentation: Various typo fixes and clarity improvements.
[0.1.0] - 2023-07-19
Add version 0.1.0 by name.[0.0.4] - 2023-07-18
Add version 0.0.4 by name.[0.0.3] - 2023-07-18
Add version 0.0.3 by name.[0.0.2] - 2023-07-17
Add version 0.0.2 by name.Added
- Initial PolySpatial package.
Changed (from most recent pre-release)
The codename
has been changed to its release namePolySpatial
with corresponding name changes throughout the package.The volume camera, previously called
is now just calledVolumeCamera
and existing instances will need to be fixed. Other changed class names include:QuantumHoverEffect
is nowPolySpatialHoverEffect
The settings asset has been renamed, so you will need to recreate your
project settings.